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Author's Chapter Notes:
Colleen's back in this one.

Colleen went to a dance in the community hall in the village, on a Friday night. She saw a familiar face from years earlier, and walked over to the drinks table to talk to him.

“You won’t really know me, may not even remember me, but we were at the same university together. I was studying to be a teacher and a scientist. I’m Colleen Balfour.”

“Sure I remember you. We never actually got a chance to speak to eachother, but I saw you at the cafeteria during most lunch hours for my entire first year. Then you were gone. I’m Kenneth Sington.”

“I’d been doing my study part time, so that I could work on my science projects at home part time too. So it took several years, especially to finish a double science and teaching degree. I’m an English and science teacher at a high school in this village. Your first year was my last one. Then I started teaching, and largely stuck with it, except for a sabbatical recently.”

“Would you like to dance?”

“Yes,” she said.

They walked out onto the floor, and he put his arm around her waist, and held her hand with his other hand.

“So I guess that science was your main interest, and you just added the English to your degree to give you another subject for a teaching job,” said Kenneth.

“I have spent more time on science out of school, but I’ve also been working on a short story, which may even develop into a novel. It’s over 60 pages long now. It’s a bit of a mixture of science fiction and fantasy. Knowing science fact may help a bit in the writing of it. I haven’t shown it to anyone yet, but I’d like to know your thoughts.”

“I’d be happy to read it right through and tell you,” he said, “It’s so nice to see you again. I always wished I hadn’t been so shy of approaching you in that year at university.”

“How would you like to come over for lunch tomorrow? I’ll make us a hearty meal, and then let you read the manuscript of what I’ve done so far, while I’m working on the next few chapters?... That’s if you’re free tomorrow afternoon.”

Kenneth decided that he had suddenly become extremely free that coming Saturday afternoon. She gave him directions to her house, and they danced some more.


He got to her place at noon the next day, and enjoyed sliced ham, an assortment of salads, and some fruit. Then she gave him the manuscript. Only she knew that it was an account of all of her leprechaun and shrunken gobbling conquests. She had changed the names, and changed the vocation of the character based on herself, and set the location in another country, but everything else was word for word.

It took him until around four o’clock to finish reading it right through on the couch, while she sat at a table in another part of the room writing away, until she had another 2 pages done. When he was done, she came and sat beside him on the couch.

“Do you think it has potential?” she asked.

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