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Kent told Margaret all the details about he and his fellow soldiers’ contact with the shrinking gun and the superhuman Nazi woman. He chose to ignore the fact she seemed to be more excited by the story than frightened. Meanwhile, Frank lustfully stared at the giant pussy he was now pressed against, then without thinking, pressed his arm into it and began stimulating Margaret’s clit. Luckily for both Kent and Frank, Margaret’s mind was sooner to think the idea of being the first to bring this fantastic new story to the public was literally turning her on before thinking a second shrunken soldier was in her panties.

“As for where you might find the weapon, I guess you could ask Paul if we ever find the others alive. He’s a real nerd for Nazi lore.” Kent continued. “...I still don’t understand how you could ever steal a secret Nazi weapon though…”

“I know, why don’t I put you back where you first shrunk? Then you can tell me which direction looks best from your tiny perspective.” Margaret suggested.

Thinking about where the other soldiers went only made it harder for Kent to not stare at Margaret’s private regions and cringe, but he forced himself to keep his head up and nodded.


As Margaret made her way to the ruined town where Kent’s fellow men mostly died fighting, Frank continued rubbing her clit, and Margaret was finding it harder and harder to hide her sexual arousal.

“I-I’ll be right back.” She stated with a smile, suddenly setting Kent down and running to hide behind a brick wall.

“Oh no, she felt Frank, didn’t she?!” Kent thought in horror.

Margaret sought privacy with the intent of masturbating the horny feeling away. Not that she thought this was an appropriate time to masturbate, but she wouldn’t be able to focus if this pleasure wasn’t properly indulged. She pulled down her panties, leaving Frank exposed, then began fingering herself and moaning with pleasure, failing to notice him.

Kent could hear her even from what was a great distance on his scale and his mouth fell agape.

“You know what? Good! I hope she actually does get that weapon, but only leaves you small, Frank! Then you and your perverted ways will never return home and you can spend the rest of your life as some British girl’s dildo and regretting getting what you wished for when the thrill wears off!” He spat.

But just then, Kent heard a familiar voice screaming not far away even on his scale.

“Is that...Roger?!” He thought.


Sure enough, Roger and Paul had a hiding spot nearby, but now Roger was screaming in horror as a (comparatively) giant mouse was attacking them and Paul was desperately trying to fight it off by using his tiny, empty rifle as a blunt melee weapon.

“ROGER, I ASKED YOU IF YOU STILL HAD AMMO?! I DON’T KNOW HOW MUCH LONGER I CAN FEND OFF THIS THING!” Paul yelled, swinging the rifle around wildly to intimidate the aggressive rodent.

Unfortunately, Roger had wasted all the ammo in his gun on the Nazi woman. Fortunately, he knew he had more in his backpack...but was paralyzed with fear and couldn’t move.


“ARE YOU INSANE?! YOU DO IT, I HAVE MY HANDS FULL OVER HERE!” Paul yelled back as the mouse bit his gun and twisted the tiny metal.

Thankfully, just before the mouse did them in, Kent arrived, took Roger’s rifle and ammo, then shot the mouse up just seconds before it sank its teeth into Paul after throwing aside his gun.

There was silence, then after the fear wore off, Paul looked at Kent, but his eyes quickly switched to Roger.

“Why you little...MY BABY NIECE HAS MORE COURAGE THAN YOU FUCKING-” Paul began, charging at Roger with a closed fist.

But Kent put himself between them, making sure to throw aside Roger’s gun to show he meant no harm.

“Paul, stop it! You’d be smart enough to know we’ll never get out of this alive if we fight with each other if this situation hadn’t made us all crazy!” He shouted.

Paul continued seething, but backed off.

“I-I’m sorry…” He eventually said, sitting down. “I guess I shouldn’t care anyway. It’s not like we’ll ever be able to return to a life worth living even if we do escape.”

Kent wanted to tell them about how Margaret was going to help return them to their normal sizes, but quickly remembered he didn’t believe she actually could.

“Hey, you never know...maybe it wears off.” Kent suggested. “I at least found someone normal sized who can protect us better than ourselves in the meantime.”

He then told Paul and Roger about Margaret, including the part about Frank. Paul facepalmed.

“If anything, she’ll put us in more danger. What’s a female journalist going to do against Nazi soldiers?! She’ll get us killed at best or sexually enslave us all at worst after what that pervert Frank got her hooked on!” He barked.

However, Paul realized in that moment that he’d better just comply, fearing that if he put up more resistance, Kent and Roger would analyze that comment about being Margaret’s sex slaves being a fate worse than death enough to deduce a secret the then-bigoted society demanded you kept locked away in Paul’s time: He was gay.

“Regardless…” Kent sighed. “She’s all we’ve got, so we’ll have to try. Come on, I’ll introduce you.”


Back with Margaret and Frank, Margaret had just finished orgasming and Frank was drenched in her cum, which he was greedily licking up with a creepy expression. Margaret hyperventilated for a moment, then she looked down to pull her clothes back up...only to spot Frank, who managed to stop licking only just in time and change his expression to one of fear and disgust.

Margaret paused, then blushed bright red and picked him up, clasping her hand over her mouth with her other hand.

“Oh no, I had no idea...I’m so sorry!” She squeaked, but her expression changed to disgust and sternness after she had a moment to process the situation. “Wait, you must have been in my panties when I was bathing. May I ask what you were doing?”

Frank’s fear became genuine and he swallowed hard, then Margaret tightened her grip and her stomach rumbled.

“Oh, it has been rather long since I’ve eaten, hasn’t it?” She thought aloud, then glanced in the direction where she left Kent.

Frank then made eye-contact with Margaret’s hungry eyes and a horrible realization set in.

“N-no, you can’t possibly mean-” He bumbled.

Margaret suddenly felt her arousal returning; she clearly enjoyed having this kind of power.

“No one will ever know what really happened to you.” She whispered coldly before bringing him to her mouth.

Frank was about to start screaming when Kent’s voice came.

“Umm, Margaret? ...Are you done?” He asked, trying not to cringe.

Margaret jolted out of her power fantasy and back to reality.

“If it happens again, I won’t care if Kent knows.” She seethed, dropping Frank for his fall to be broken by a mud puddle, then swiftly stepped into view of the others when she realized they might otherwise think that splash came from her taking a dump.

Both Paul and Roger recoiled in fear.

“Hello, Kent. I found one of your shrunken fellow men as well.” Margaret stated. “He was hiding in an...unpleasant region of my clothes.”

Frank then came stumbling into view, covered in mud.

“I am willing to help all of you, but I am making a rule: If I catch any of you violating me again, that man will be left to die. Understand?” Margaret asked sternly.

Roger swallowed hard even though he wasn’t planning to do anything, but Paul and Frank sighed in relief. Kent folded his arms.

“Every other woman I’ve met so far would have smashed you for that, Frank. I don’t know why, but God clearly wants you to survive this, so you’d better not blow it.” He thought.

“Now then-” Margaret began, taking a step forward and kicking Frank down face-first in the process, where he was now about to get crushed by her boot.

She then stopped just a second before squishing him.

“Oops, sorry!” She apologized before lifting her foot and stepping around him even though it couldn’t be more obvious she did it on purpose. “Which one of you is Paul? Kent said you might know where the Nazis could have developed this shrinking weapon.”


Paul told Margaret where the most likely location was based on what he heard from US intelligence. While I cannot give specifics or else risk the government starting to worry I may give out too much information pointing in the direction of secret Nazi weapons instead of safely leading people to believe this is simply a work of fiction, Margaret was able to follow Paul’s guidance and they were now on their way to what everyone except apparently her believed was only the second most guaranteed death next to being left to fend for yourself in a war zone at 1-inch tall.

That night, they thankfully hadn’t run into any more Nazis yet, and they even found an abandoned, unassembled army tent to sleep in. It was a little frustrating to pitch a tent when the only person big enough to do any work was the only one who didn’t know how to pitch one, but after what felt like hours and Margaret insisting she keep trying, they finally had shelter.

“Goodnight.” Margaret yawned before falling asleep the moment she laid on her stomach, shaking the earth so much from a tiny perspective that all four tiny soldiers were knocked off their feet.

But the shock wore off shortly, and Paul and Roger were soon asleep too. Kent felt extra restless as he wondered if there was any chance his brother was still alive, but even he eventually gave to the exhaustion...or rather, he was seconds away from it, when he noticed someone walking in front of him.

“Frank, what the hell are you doing?!” He hissed in a whisper.

“I still haven’t had a go in her ass.” He chuckled, quietly approaching Margaret’s rear.

“Did you hear what she said she’ll do if she finds you violating her again?!” Kent hissed.

“Yup, and I’m still not convinced we have any chance of surviving anyway. Like I said, I intend to just have as much fun as possible with my meager remaining time.” Frank replied lustfully, marveling at Margaret’s butt. “Wake her up and I’ll die trying to convince her you were in on it too, but chickened out at the last second.”

Kent was not frightened by this threat at all.

“Help yourself, Frank. I don’t care anymore.” He simply said before forcing himself to lay down again.

Frank smiled, then turned back to Margaret’s behind and licked his lips.

“This is where I’ll spend the rest of my life.” He thought, climbing up and slipping between her cheeks.

Margaret stirred just slightly, but stayed asleep. Frank squeezed his way to her asshole, then smiled and pulled down his pants and underwear.

“If the Nazis are smart, they’ll use this invention to open up a special brothel.” He whispered.

But just before Frank could begin, Margaret stirred again. Her dirty clothes were making her itch in her sleep, and she started tossing and turning as her sleeping brain tried clumsily to relieve the itch. Unfortunately for Frank, this meant he was getting roughly rubbed around by her butt cheeks. Which would have been enjoyable, had his whole body not been actively getting pushed deeper and deeper into Margaret’s asshole against his will.

“W-wait, what’s going on?!” He shouted, futilely struggling against his fate. “H-HELP!”

However, Frank’s voice was muffled by Margaret’s cheeks and (literally) no one could hear him scream.

“WAKE UP! I’LL SUFFOCATE IF I GO ANY DEEP-” He yelled out before his head was finally consumed by her asshole.

Frank died a few minutes later from suffocation, and went on to be buried under Margaret’s morning dump after he was finally pushed out without her even noticing. Everyone just assumed he ran away, and the journey continued.

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