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after a long time of wriggling and struggling you got one saliva soaked leg free from the rubber band, loosening it enough to slip the other one out. you stood up, able to walk for the first time since before Jackie bought you. now you had to figure out your next obstacle, the fridge itself. first you had to decide what direction the door was, when Jackie tossed you back in you didn't get a chance to see what direction you were facing before she shut the door. your legs started to get colder and colder as her hot saliva cooled, leaving them just wet in the cold air of the fridge. you walked, still unable to free your arms from the tight rubber around them. finally you reached a wall, pushing against it you soon discovered it was the door. the sound of Jackie stomping around the room louder now than when you were still tied up.

You tried pushing the door, but it was sealed tight, too heavy for you to move at all. Suddenly the door did move, fast, Jackie had come over and opened the fridge. As she pulled the door you were sucked out, falling before she could see inside. Luck wasn't on your side however as you fell directly onto her sock-less foot, bouncing once before becoming stuck within the thin layer of sweat from her mornings walk through London. she closed the fridge high above, not having actually taken anything, it was then you finally noticed what you were looking at. Above you were two long, lightly tanned legs leading up towards her exposed vagina and ass, covered with a towel she had wrapped around her body, clearly not expecting anyone to be directly below her. before you could admire your incredible view of the American goddess above you, Jackie took a step.

This was a sensation you didn't want to feel as soon as it started, like riding a rollercoaster that was falling apart. as her foot soared through the air, you were battered with hurricane like winds, to her just a normal step, to you a threat to your life. Her foot then landed, the impact crashing through you, your organs thrown about inside your body. You looked up, watching her impossibly massive thighs slide against each other as she took her next step with the other leg. 10 terrifying steps later she entered the bathroom, un-looping the towel from around herself before hanging it from the now closed door. You could now see your "owner" in full, the floor to ceiling mirror in-front of her as she tied her hair up into a messy bun on-top of her head. From your foot based vantage she still looked incredible, if you weren't currently under constant threat of death by her you would be extremely attracted to her, but as Jackie finished tying her hair up, you were reminded of the danger she could put you in with ease.

She stepped towards the giant glass door of the shower, leaning forwards and spinning the lever, releasing a torrent of water into the room. You watched as her other titanic foot flew into the waterfall, spraying car sized droplets everywhere as she let out a small breath, "ooh, too cold". The now glistening foot slammed back down next to you, before rising up and slapping against her shin far above you, she was scratching an itch as she waited. Water dripped down her foot, you watched in horror as it reached the end of her big toe and then...*drip*.

As the droplet fell you didn't have time to make a plan, Jackie's simple action had put you in the path of disaster. As it landed on you water forced its way into your nose and mouth, you were forced to swallow it as fast as it could get inside of you, the crushing weight blowing all the air from your lungs in an instant. Now in extreme discomfort you took time to recover. As you could finally breathe normally again the monolith of a foot below you began moving, Jackie was getting into the shower. As she stepped in you noticed an immediate problem, the droplet had freed you from Jackie's sweat, meaning as she put her foot down inside the shower you slid towards her toes, unable to stop yourself with bound arms you fell between her big and second toe with a splash.

As Jackie closed the door you were slammed with water, the torrents flowing off of her perfect body flooding towards the drain, dragging you with the current. panic set in as the drain grew closer, and Jackie's feet uncaringly slammed down all around you. Looking up you saw her ass and thighs jiggle slightly as she stepped back and forth, then you watched as her foot swung over you towards the drain, your destination. your attention went back to her impressive ass high above, the water dripping down across it. then you saw her thigh tense, before you could turn to see you were slammed in the side by her big toe, knocking the wind out of you. You went soaring across the shower from her accidental kick, just the action of moving her foot forwards was enough to make you slam into the glass side wall. As you slumped down onto your knees you threw up, only the water you were forced to swallow coming out.

After recovering from the impact you looked up, shocked by the vision in-front of you. The fully nude American tourist, her body now glistening in the light, surrounded by steam and water droplets, and she was touching herself. Jackie's hand rubbing sensually across her labia as the other worked itself from her toned belly upwards, bumping her breasts, sending a spray of water with each cycle. Her eyes closed and her mouth hanging open as she breathed heavily. when you woke up this morning you didn't expect anything like this show of womanly grace and pleasure, but here you were, in Jackie the tourist's hotel shower, mistaken for food by her and now being distracted. you realised that this display of her body's beauty was stopping you from escaping, you tried to snap yourself out of it, trying to remember that the orgasming goddess above you was possibly only hours away from eating you. but as you went to start running, she grabbed a breast and moaned. you turned and saw her fingers disappear inside of herself, standing at the lip of the door as she got more vigorous. She was a woman on a mission, the excitement of her first trip to England clearly getting her into this state, you could tell from the moment she brought you into her hotel room she was exploding with anticipation of her time in London. in your daze of watching her hand pleasure her pussy you didn't see her other hand leave her breast and lean on the door handle, gripping it, with a twitch of ecstasy she bumped the door open for half a second, but the pressure from inside the hot shower was enough to blow you through the gap, tossing you out onto the towel mat down below.

Looking up you saw her silhouette through the foggy glass of the shower. her moans resonating with the thunder of the water flowing off her body. The fall snapped you out of your Jackie based trance and brought into perspective how little she had to do to threaten you. You started towards the closed bathroom door, slipping under the crack as her massive footsteps began to get louder and the shower sound died out. She was out of the shower and was a danger again. As you popped out of the other side of the door she swung it open inwards, the rush of air sucking you back into the bathroom, you flew between her damp legs and under her towel before landing on the now wet towel mat you had walked from before. You watched as her massive form casually stomped out of view. Feeling relatively safe, lying in a particularly damp patch on the towel, clearly in the massive foot print she had left, you decided to rest as Jackie thundered around in the main room. After a short break in her footsteps you saw her stop in the bathroom doorway, now fully dressed, wearing tight dark blue jeans, high heel black open toe shoes, a white top and the same jacket she had on when she first dragged you into this nightmare. after a beat, she clicked off the light and headed for her hotel room's door, heading out for the afternoon. with her departure you had freedom to try and escape, you had 2 tasks now you were free from the fridge, get out of her room, and get your arms free of the rubber band.

Chapter End Notes:

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