“Evelyn! Eyes on the blackboard,” snapped the teacher.
The girl in the second row, whose head had been resting in her palm as she stared past the teacher, nearly jumped out of her seat.
“Sorry Ma’am!” squeaked Evelyn as she returned her focus to the teacher, a stern faced woman who seemed morally compelled to wring out the happiness of her students. The teacher nodded an acknowledgement, then swivelled back around to write on the blackboard.
Evelyn’s gaze immediately jumped back to the animal enclosures in the corner of the classroom. There were two glass tanks, one full of murky water and drifting seaweed, and the other with a thick sprinkling of sawdust, a running wheel, and a small wooden cabin.
At first glance, Evelyn would appear a model student. Her long chestnut hair cascaded down either side of her cute oval face and button nose, neatly brushed with a playful curl at the tips. She avoided enough makeup to avoid the ire of her teachers, while still giving a touch of colourful definition to her pink lips. She kept her white blouse and ruffled collar spotless, making it seem so effortless it showed up the other girls in class. She also resisted hiking her black pleated skirt above her knees, as some of her peers did with their school uniforms.
Some might have called Evelyn boringly conformist, but that placid composure hid a fiery heart that raged at the infractions of others. Those that spent enough time around her learned to fear the occasional withering glances she shot their way, knowing that she’d be plotting something malicious. Not that the adults could be convinced of this, with a sweet smile and demure nod Evelyn came across as perfect as a Victorian doll.
Evelyn’s ire was currently fixated on the class pets, a pair of goldfish named Percy and Angie, and Nibbles the gerbil. Their existence in class was an insult to the hard work she was expected to do studying. Her nose wrinkled into a vengeful glare as she saw the gerbil poke its little furry head out of its cabin. It was like they were taunting her with their freedom to spend their time idle. No more. She had a plan, they were going to suffer for their impertinence and know what it was like to be stuck in a place they didn’t want to be.
The overhead bell buzzed and in an instant the calm classroom turned to bedlam as every student started chatting and packing up their things.
“We’ll resume this after lunch!” called the teacher loudly over the shrill voices. The students paid her no heed as they began filing out in ones and twos.
“Are you coming to the cafeteria Evelyn?” asked a petite brunette girl, whose thick glasses seemed to be perpetually at risk of falling off her nose.
“Not today,” replied Evelyn with a sweet smile. “I’m dieting.” She laid her palm across her flat belly.
“Oh… ok. I’ll see you later then?” said the girl.
Evelyn maintained her smile until the last student left, leaving her all alone in the classroom. Her innocent smile curled up at the sides to form a malicious grin as her gaze swept towards the animal enclosures.
She pushed her chair back from her desk with a loud squeal and got to her feet. She kept her hands clasped together behind her back, looking like she was going for an idle summer stroll as she sauntered towards the twin tanks, then leaned forwards towards the glass. The gerbil took one look at her leer and dashed back into its home.
“That won’t save you,” murmured Evelyn softly. She shot the door a nervous glance, making sure nobody was around before she turned her attention to the fish tank. The class had been told not to tap on the glass so as not to startle the fish. She tapped on the glass. The two goldfish shot out from behind the seaweed.
“There you are, my lunchies,” teased Evelyn as she stared hungrily at the pair of fish. Percy was the small one, being the size of Evelyn’s pinkie finger, whereas Angie was near the size of her palm. She’d dreamt of this moment for weeks, a period alone with the pets just before the weekend when they’d be taken to classmate Bethany’s house. Bethany hated looking after the class pets and wouldn’t bother to check on them before taking them home. She also had two pet cats, which made for the perfect scapegoat as to why the tanks were empty. It gave Evelyn the freedom to do anything she wanted with these poor creatures.
“Which one of you is going into my belly first?” asked Evelyn as she continued to lightly tap her fingernail on the glass. She was fairly confident this would work, she’d been practising with swallowing whole grapes. Still, it’d be wise to be cautious, so she decided to start small first. She reached up and nudged aside the tank cover. Both fish tilted towards her hand and swam upwards, assuming they were about to be fed. But they weren’t the ones about to be fed.
Evelyn took a deep breath, trying to calm her pounding heart. It was one thing to fantasise about doing this, it was quite another actually doing it. She should be apprehensive, but she’d never felt more alive than right now, indulging her predatory instincts. She delved her hand into the water. Both fish scattered, trying to retreat to the safety of the seaweed, but Evelyn was faster. Even in the cold of the water, she felt her slender fingers closing around Percy, whose slippery scales tickled her in his attempts to swim free. She yanked her hand out, splashing the front of her blouse. She tried to keep her grip loose as she swiftly brought her closed hand to her chest, she was worried he’d pop out between her fingers if she squeezed too tight. She opened her fist slowly, like a flower unfurling to the sun, with her eyes growing wide in excitement as she saw the fish flapping its fins on the palm of her hand.
“Got you!” she gasped with glee. Percy’s beady black eye looked up at her, seemingly less pleased than she was at this development. She used her other hand to pinch his tail and lift him up so she could look at him close up, eye to eye.
“Do you know where you’re going Percy? You’re going into my belly, where you’re going to painfully dissolve alive!” Evelyn’s words came at a rapid pace as adrenaline surged through her body. Her lips trembled as she lifted Percy up further and opened her mouth wide. She hung him above her bright pink lips for a few moments, with each drip of water onto her tongue making her shiver in delight. She could already taste a touch of saltiness in that water, and knew soon she’d get to taste all of him.
She lowered the fish down as he continued to struggle. His scaly body slapped against first her upper then lower lips as he entered the darkness of her mouth. She closed her lips around his tail, released her pinched fingers, then slurped him fully into her mouth.
Evelyn let out a muffled squeal as she felt the fish jump around on her tongue. She clasped her hands over her mouth, as if he might somehow manage to slip out. She was determined he’d never escape, he was on a one way trip. She hopped between her feet for a few seconds, making her long hair bounce, before she grew used to the struggling and realised she had him under control. She flicked her tongue up, flattening the fish against the roof of her mouth, then rolled him around from cheek to cheek, enjoying the absolute power she had over this living animal.
She glanced at the clock on the wall and reminded herself she didn’t have forever to toy with her prey. She still had two more to deal with. She tilted her head back, causing her chestnut curls to drape down her back, then swallowed. She felt the flick of the fish’s tail as it slipped down the back of her tongue and into her throat. A small bulge ran down her thin neck to disappear under her ruffled collar. She held her pose for a few seconds more, focusing inward as she felt the cool mass push down her chest and into her belly.
“Oh my god, I did it!” she squealed with a leap into the air, causing both her hair and skirt to flip up and show off her thighs. She’d eaten him. He was trapped in her belly, never to see the light of the sun again. She only stopped her jumping to see if she could still feel him, and after a few seconds grinned at the flutter in her stomach. He was still alive! She ran back to her desk, unzipped her small backpack, and pulled out a bottle of water. She spun off the lid and started taking large gulps of water. Twin rivulets dribbled down her cheeks and onto her chest in her haste. She filled her belly midway, or what she assumed was midway, before stopping. She hoped that’d dilute the acid enough to keep Percy alive for a long time, she wanted to feel him struggling all afternoon.
Evelyn strutted back towards the fish tank while swaying her hips, making the contents of her stomach slosh around. He grinned as she leaned close to the glass and tapped it. This time Angie, the larger fish, stayed hiding in the seaweed.
“I know you’re there…” teased Evelyn. She again reached into the tank, stretching her fingers towards the bottom. She had to stand on her tiptoes to reach all the way in, with her white stocks popping out of her ballerina flats as her fingers brushed the gravel. Her fingertips scurried across the surface like a crab towards the hiding fish. Angie seemed unsure what to do, waiting until the last moment before trying to dash forward, but she was too fat to go faster than Evelyn. Evelyn’s fingers closed around the bulbous body of the fish and yanked upwards, pulling the fish free of the tank with a large splash that further soaked Evelyn’s blouse, leaving her bra straps showing through the damp spots. Angie’s fins peeked through Evelyn’s closed fingers, twitching in the air as the girl brought her hand to her chest. Evelyn unfurled her fingers and revelled in her moment in victory.
“You’re all mine now,” she said to the fish. Using her free hand, she poked the gasping gills of the fat fish, forcing them closed as the fish struggled to breathe. “Don’t worry, you’ll be going back in the water soon, but it’ll be inside my belly.”
Evelyn was worried Angie’s rear fin might tear if she held the fish there, so she instead gripped the slim rear end of the fish’s body as she lifted it up and hovered it above her head. “Are you ready to be eaten?” she teased, then giggled as she imagined the fish’s swings from side to side denoting a loud “no!”
“I don’t care what you think,” said Evelyn before opening her mouth wide again. She stretched her tongue out to slap the fish’s face, pushing it from side to side before lowering it into her mouth. This fish was noticeably larger in her mouth, and Evelyn’s eyes went wide as she realised how much she was attempting to eat whole. She could have bit down and chewed the fish, but she wanted to stretch out Angie’s torment in her stomach. She closed her lips around the rear of the fish, leaving its tail drooping from her pursed lips. The fish stretched the full length of her tongue, with its head peeking down the back of her throat while Evelyn kept its rear pinched between her lips. She wasn’t ready to swallow it yet.
Evelyn rushed back to her desk, then fished her phone out from her purse. She inwardly cursed herself for forgetting to do this earlier with Percy. She switched to camera mode and saw her face reflected on the screen with a fish tail poking out her pink lips. She tentatively opened her mouth just enough to show the shiny scales inside before snapping a picture. The reflected shine of the scales made it look like she had a collection of jewels in her mouth, and Evelyn relished the idea that she was destroying something beautiful.
Pleased that she had a memento she could use to remember this moment, Evelyn closed her lips, tilted her head back, and swallowed. The large lump of the fish’s body pushed down the back of her throat, filling it up and making Evelyn gag. Her eyes bulged as she feared she’d puke Percy back up, but she swallowed hard again, forcing the struggling fish down her throat. Her neck noticeably bulged as the large fish inched down her throat, slipping a few inches further with each swallow.
A few moments later, Evelyn took a long ragged breath in as she felt the fish deposited into her stomach and she could breathe again. The fluttering inside her stomach dramatically increased as the two fish were reunited and tried to make room for each other in a space that was smaller than a soda can.
“How do you like it in there?” mocked Evelyn as she poked her belly. “Is it small enough for you? Don’t worry, you’ll get smaller as you break down.” She finished her statement with a giggle. But she wasn’t done yet, her lunch had one part leftover.
“You didn’t think I forgot you?” said Evelyn to the gerbil enclosure as she approached. The gerbil wisely didn’t show its face, but she heard a rustling in the cabin it tended to sleep in. “The big bad wolf has come to gobble you all up,” promised Evelyn as she knocked aside the tank lid and reached her hand in.
“Come on out you little furry fucker,” murmurred Evelyn as she tapped on the wooden house, hoping to scare the gerbil out. A pair of whiskers and twitching nose briefly appeared in the doorway, then disappeared back inside. “Shit, you’re smarter than you look.” Evelyn rarely swore as it got her in trouble with her parents, but the power she felt having eaten two whole living creatures left such concerns seeming unimportant.
After nearly a minute of trying to coax the gerbil out, Evelyn grew frustrated and grabbed the whole wooden house and lifted it out. She brought it to her chest and tilted it on its side, then shook it until a rather disoriented looking gerbil fell out onto her other palm. Evelyn immediately closed her fingers around her furry prey before it could scurry away, then tossed the house back into the enclosure.
Unlike the cold and slippery fish, the gerbil felt warm and scratchy with its short bristly fur as Evelyn raised her closed hand to her face. She only opened her forefinger, showing off the orange and white furry face of the gerbil peeking out.
“Hello there,” said Evelyn with a curling grin that showed off her perfect teeth. The gerbil seemed to instinctively understand it was in danger and tried to burrow its way out her hand, but Evelyn tightened her grip until the gerbil squeaked its submission.
“What am I going to do with you? You won’t last very long with the fish in my belly unless you can swim, and I want you to last a verrrrrrrrrrrrry long time.” Evelyn walked back to her desk while holding the gerbil close to her face. “But there is somewhere else you can go… somewhere suitable for a piece of SHIT like you. You’re just getting there quicker than the fish will.”
Evelyn’s cheeks turned a rosy pink as she thought about what she was about to do. She shot a furtive glance back at the door again, paranoid someone might find her and interrupt the fun. She had no idea how she’d explain this. Fortunately she didn’t see anyone, so she turned her rear back towards her desk, then tilted forward, hovering her butt over the desk edge. With her free hand she reached down to her knees. Her fingers dipped under her skirt hem, then came back up her inner thighs, bunching her skirt up beneath her. Her fingers brushed her panties, making her gasp in arousal at how inflamed and sensitive she was down there after swallowing both fish. Her fingers slipped up to the frilly panty band, then tugged them down. Her panties stuck to her damp labia lips as they were peeled down to her thighs, making Evelyn gasp in unexpected pleasure. This was meant to be revenge, not sexual gratification. She hadn’t even realised how turned on she was until now.
Once her panties were down by her knees, she flipped the back of her skirt up and onto her back, showing off her creamy white ass to the classroom. She brought the gerbil close enough to her lips to give it a kiss.
“Enjoy your new home,” she said with a malicious smirk to the trembling figure of the gerbil before swinging her arm around behind her. She slipped the fingers of her other hand between her ass cheeks before spreading them wide to reveal the tiny puckered pink starfish in the middle, her virgin asshole. She brought the gerbil up to her ass, giggling as she felt its whiskers tickle both ass cheeks. She pushed forward and the gerbil’s nose made contact with her asshole. She pushed harder and the gerbil’s face began to stretch her tight hole open. The gerbil tried to burrow back into her hand, but she gripped it tight, making forward the only way for it to go. Her anus expanded, then snapped tight around the gerbil’s neck.
Evelyn let out a groan as the gerbil tried to crawl forward, mistakenly treating her slightly more spacious rectum as a refuge from her clenched up hand. She loosened her grip just enough to allow the gerbil to burrow deeper, while keeping her palm pressed up against its butt, ensuring its burrowing only ever went one way.
Evelyn was panting by the time her palm was flattening up against her ass, with the gerbil now almost entirely inside her rectum. Only a small tuft of white fur and a long tail poked out her asshole. She laid her forefinger on the gerbil’s butt and pushed. Her asshole greedily sucked up both the fur and her finger. Evelyn took a few moments to bite her lower lip as her legs trembled and she wanted nothing more than to rub her dripping pussy lips.
She pulled back her finger, which exited her puckered asshole with a soft pop before closing shut on its furry occupant, leaving just the tuft of its tail peeking out like a miniature feather duster. She swiftly tugged her panties back up her thighs, slapping her ass cheeks together to seal the gerbil inside her rectum, then returned upright. She nearly screamed for joy as her innards shifted around the gerbil, she could feel it exploring her inside. She flipped her skirt back over her ass just before the classroom door burst open, and in came her classmates.
Evelyn shot them a forced smile as she shuffled around to her seat, then sat down. She let out a muffled gasp as her butt came down on the chair and compressed the gerbil inside her. There was a faint muffled squeak which she hoped only she could hear. She anxiously looked towards her classmates, but they didn’t react as they returned to their seats.
The teacher walked back in, then paused as she passed the animal enclosures. She saw the open lids and frowned. She nudged them back into place, then turned towards the class.
“Remember to close the lid when you feed the pets!” she yelled sternly.
“Yes ma’am,” replied the students in a monotone, with Evelyn’s voice a mere whisper.
Evelyn’s cheeks had turned a ruby red by the time class resumed. She flapped her face with her hands to give the appearance she was merely hot and not aroused. She continued to feel fluttering in both her stomach and rectum as the class pets struggled for freedom, but were confined to the limits of Evelyn’s body. Her thoughts were entirely inward as she focused on the sensations.
“Evelyn!” yelled the teacher sharply. Evelyn’s eyes shot open. “Stop fidgeting!”
“Sorry ma’am,” replied Evelyn as she tilted her head down, using her cascading hair to cover her embarrassed face. She’d been rocking her hips back and forth on the chair, forcing the gerbil to squeeze itself from one end of her rectum to the other, trying to find a more comfortable position. Evelyn restrained herself to slower, more subtle rocking of her hips as she spent the afternoon on the tantalising edge of an orgasm.
She wished she was alone. She wished she could finger herself. She wished she had something bigger in her ass and stomach. Just how big were Bethany’s cats anyway? Could she really…?
Evelyn started plotting…