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Story Notes:

Some of you may remember my shrunken Batman story, A Bird in the Hand. I had a lot of fun writing that and wanted to do another DC Comics-inspired tale. This time the focus is on Wonder Woman -- or rather an old forgotten enemy of hers, Mouse Man. He appeared a few times in the 60s before fading into (probably deserved) obscurity. For this story, I have brought him back, altered him a bit, and given him a real name. I hope you enjoy.

All characters are trademarked by DC Comics and I derive no monetary gain from their use.

The Mouse Man’s Revenge

Part 1

The young psychiatrist pushed her glasses up her nose and turned to the next page in her notepad. “Tell me about her again, Milton,” she said to the somewhat agitated man on the couch. “Tell me about Wonder Woman.”

Her patient, Dr. Milton Raton, shifted nervously in his seat. He was an unusual subject, though no more so than the other prisoners of Haven Correctional Village. Like the others, he was a so-called “mad scientist,” a genius who’d used his unique gifts in pursuit of a life of crime. Dr. Raton had been an expert on chemical compounds until his experiments resulted in personal disfigurement and granted him telepathic control of rodents. Following this, he had jumped on the mad science bandwagon by strapping on a gaudy costume, calling himself the Mouse Man, and doing battle with superheroes. In Milton’s case, his most frequent foe was the Amazon Princess known as Wonder Woman.

“She humiliated me!” Milton declared. “Belittled me! Thwarted my every scheme and aspiration! I had not a moment’s peace from that costumed harpy!”

The psychiatrist made a note on her pad. “And how did that make you feel, Milton?”

“How do you think it made me feel?” the patient raged.

There was one other attribute that made Milton’s case particularly notable. A detail that his psychiatrist found secretly amusing, though she would never admit it to her colleagues.

Milton Raton had a height of approximately two inches.

“It made me feel…small.”

After his initial chemical mutation, Milton had been reduced to about six inches tall. As the years passed and his condition worsened, he had gradually been shrinking further. In recent weeks he had seemingly leveled out at the size and mass of an actual mouse. He swore that he could reverse this deterioration if he could just be granted access to a chemical lab. Given the history of his crimes, this was a request that Haven’s warden repeatedly denied.

“Is it not conceivable,” the psychiatrist said, “that your inferiority complex was causing you to project your anger onto an external target? That your crimes were simply a cry for attention to a world that was slipping farther away from you with every lost inch?”

“She bloody picked me up by my costume’s tail and dangled me like a fish!” Milton shrieked.

The psychiatrist sighed. This was getting them nowhere. “I think we’re done for today. I’ll escort you back to your cage. Er, cell. I mean cell.”

The towering brown-haired woman bent down and offered Milton her hand palm upward. Still fuming, the tiny man climbed aboard and sat down in a huff. He did not like these doctors who routinely analyzed him and asked him inane questions about his “feelings.” Psychotherapy was the last bastion of the inept and sentimental. Milton Raton was a student of the true sciences! Chemical reactions, laboratory experimentation, the tried and true application of the scientific method—this was his domain. The med school intellectual infant who now carried him could never truly understand his genius.

Still, she did offer one advantage. Like everyone at Haven, she underestimated him.

“No, I don’t think I’ll be returning to my cell today, ‘doctor’,” Milton chuckled. As the woman stood back up, he darted across her hand and up the length of her arm. Before she realized what was happening, he had leapt from her shoulder and disappeared down her blouse.

“Milton! What are you doing?!”

Bored by her prattling psychoanalyses over the past month, Milton had devoted time instead to studying her figure. At first this was purely recreational (he was only human after all) but soon idle fantasies had turned into strategy. He knew every inch of this woman and was certain he could navigate those curves at his present height. This had the added advantage of taking her completely by surprise and reducing her to the mental state of a schoolgirl who’d had a small animal dropped down her dress.

The psychiatrist flailed about as she felt the maddeningly ticklish sensation of Milton’s descent. He slid along the curve of her breasts, narrowly avoiding the gap of her cleavage, and jumped over the edge of her brassiere. Milton plummeted past her abdomen, tickling the skin with a light touch. To break his fall, he caught hold of a silky pair of underthings and slid onto the smooth surface of her thigh. From there, he rappelled down her nylon-covered leg, out the bottom of her skirt, and made a short jump to the floor.

“Security!” she shouted but her tiny patient was already scurrying away. In moments, the pint-sized criminal had crawled under the door of the office and was gone.


Since that daring escape, it had been child’s play for Milton to hide himself in the nooks and crevices of Haven. The staff was of course combing the facility for him but with more dangerous inmates like Dr. Sivana, the Ultra-Humanite, and Professor Radium to worry about, the disappearance of the Mouse Man was of limited concern. His present height had rendered him completely harmless (or so they thought) and surely hunger or fear would drive him back into the open eventually.

Milton Raton had no such plans. As soon as he spotted a soon to be off-duty security guard, he stowed away in his jacket and hitched a ride to freedom. Ditching his unknowing host as quickly as possible, Milton focused on his new goal—revenge on Wonder Woman! Soon the Amazon would again face the wrath of the magnificent Mouse Man!

It took him several days to cobble together a makeshift mouse-suit out of discarded gray felt, some thread, and a length of pink string (no self-respecting super-villain would be without his uniform when planning his ultimate revenge). He also constructed a tiny laser cannon from scrap metal, spare parts, and a shard of a broken mirror (mad geniuses are nothing if not resourceful). It took another day to scurry unnoticed aboard a passenger train and arrive in Washington, DC, Wonder Woman’s current base of operations. By then, he was practically giddy with anticipation.

At last his patience paid off. He was about to pull a jewelry heist with some trained rats when he heard a nearby scuffle. A group of crooks was trying to mug a defenseless young woman. And sure enough, the Amazing Amazon descended from the heavens and made short work of them. She was restraining them with her golden lasso when the Mouse Man made his move.

“We meet again, Wonder Woman! For the last time!” the diminutive villain cackled. He casually approached her red and white striped boot and hoisted the laser cannon.

The Mouse Man peered up at his foe through the gun-sights. At his newly reduced height she seemed more colossal than ever. Shapely bare legs ascended like pillars to a pair of star-spangled trunks and hips seemingly as wide as a house. A red tunic topped by an enormous golden bustier followed. A mountainous bosom obscured his view but he could see her raven black locks flowing in the wind high above. She stood easily a head taller than his psychiatrist and had a far sturdier Amazonian build. Diana, Princess of Themyscira, was an imposing goddess indeed.

Failing to even notice the tiny criminal at her feet, Wonder Woman took a step forward and approached the frightened victim of the mugging. As a giant red boot loomed over him, Milton realized that he may have miscalculated slightly.

“Holy crap!” he squeaked, scurrying backward frantically. The huge boot slammed into the pavement mere inches from him, knocking him over with the resulting tremor. The Mouse Man continued to scramble away but the gigantic woman’s strides were simply too wide. Her foot crashed to earth once more, narrowly missing him and pinning his tail to the spot. As he tried to pull it free, the boot swung forward with terrifying swiftness and the toe section collided with his body. This inadvertent kick sent the Mouse Man flying.

“Are you all right, my sister?” Wonder Woman asked the young girl.

“Y-yes,” she stammered. “Thank you, Wonder Woman!”

“These men will be unconscious for a while,” said the heroine. “Call the police and everything will be all right.” Retrieving her lasso, she bent a metal pipe around their bodies to prevent their escape and took off once more into the sky.

Milton stared hazily at the trash can he had smacked into. A partially eaten blueberry muffin fell over the edge and landed on his head. Clearly, this battle would require a new strategy.

“Well played, my Amazonian nemesis,” Milton muttered. “Round One to you. But the Mouse Man has not yet begun to fight!”

To be continued...
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