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Story Notes:

Have fun reading this!!!

Tom/You woke up in the morning, rubbing your sleep covered eyes. You saw Charlotte stirring her bed, waking up. Then, you heard an ear-piercing ring, and hid your head under the pillow. That was the 8:00 bell, signaling the first class in 30 minutes. Then you heard the rumbling of the ground and turned to see Charlotte walking toward you. She stopped at his bed and then squatted down to see you properly. 


"Good morning", she said and picked you up.

This routine was normal because you needed her help to travel everywhere. Charlotte started walking to the cafeteria and was making conversation with you. You also contributed to it, and after a few minutes, you guys reached the cafetorium. Charlotte was down at a single seat table, wishing to be alone with you. She got food for both of you and you guys started eating. 

"What class do we have first today?" you asked.

Charlotte thought for a moment before giving her answer. 

"We have math." she replied.

You groaned, causing Charlotte to laugh. You got some looks from other males from other tables that might have been envy, but you didn't realize why they were doing it. All your classes for the day finished by (last class ended at 4:00), and you and Charlotte went back to your dormitory. Once you guys entered the dormitory, you guys finished your homework quickly because Charlotte had volleyball practice at 7 pm. You guys finished homework at 6:30 and while Charlotte went to get her clothes, you decided you were going to have a walk outside the dormitory. You left a note on the bed telling her about it, and was just about to leave when a gust of wind blew from the open window. You screamed with fear as you blew into Charlotte's gym bad which had all her clothes inside it. She happened to look at your note while you were flying and didn't see you land in her bag.

After reading the note, Charlotte huffed in disapproval.

"Why couldn't he just tell me himself? I could have helped him to the dorm's door, which would take him ten minutes to walk to... Well, it's too bad. I'll tell him about this when I return from practice." She threw the note in the recycling bin and closed her bag, unaware that you were in it. Then, she left the room and started heading toward the changing room and gym.

You were in a state of shock. You thought you would hit the floor painfully (remember you can feel pain, but not break anything in your body or die because of pain). So living through the pain would be harsh torture. You surveyed your surroundings and tried to see where you were. Then, you snapped out of shock and focused. You vaguely remembered flying into some sort of bag. You started to think, and after a few seconds, you realized where you were: Charlotte's gym bag that she was taking to volleyball practice. You didn't like being trapped in a dark space. You screamed for help, but unfortunately your screams weren't loud, and even if they were, your voice would be muffled by the clothes and closed gym bag. You fumbled around, looking for something that would help you escape, but it was dark, and you could only feel your way. You touched different articles of clothing, but couldn't guess what each thing was because they were gigantic in comparison to your one inch body. Dejected, you decided to wait until Charlotte opened her bag in the changing room.

To be continued...

Chapter End Notes:

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