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The first thing that stuck out to the small man stuck to the couch was the absence of the suffocating weight of his wife’s ass on top of him, as Joshua Greene groggily took notice of his now barren surroundings. The tiny man’s vision was heavily blurred as he began regaining consciousness. “I-I’m alive?” the Lilliputian spoke in surprise. His head was killing him, as well as his body. Honestly, his ribcage felt like it had been ground into a fine powder, making the simple act of taking a breath feel like an arduous task. ‘Thank god I convinced Kendra to get these cloud cushions.’ He thought in relief as he shifted his sore body, attempting whatever movement he could from his taped prison. With each struggle to move his aching limbs, he made small progresses towards peeling away the adhesive strip.


Suddenly, Joshua’s heart skipped a beat, as he heard the sound of inelegant footsteps, trudging their way into the bedroom’s doorway. Working quickly, He hastily put the tape over his body, plying dead to avoid the mystery person’s gaze. Joshua screwed his eyes shut, as well as gulping a large reserve of air to old onto. Joshua felt beads of sweat form on his forehead, as he silently prayed to remain undetected, as the figure sauntered towards his position, the powerful footsteps creaking the bedroom’s floorboards. Joshua peeked his eye open, to get a good look at this intruder. It was a woman, resembling Kendra, albeit a very much warped version of her. Apparently, she had changed outfits, opting for a pearl white nightdress, which given her shapely physique, would usually look good on her. Still, at the moment, the garment was fighting to hold itself together, stretched to it’s limits from the sloshing mass of her distended belly, which sloshed at every step she took. She also must’ve eaten something heavy, as she had gained quite a bloated gut. ‘Christ Kendra, what have you been eating?’ the small man thought, inquisitively.


It seemed that her frizzy black hair was now a disheveled mess. To top it off, her swollen eyes were beet red. Whether this was out of sleep deprivation, or from crying was difficult to discern. However, if one thing was certain; His wife looked awful. Curiously, a chugging sound filled his tiny ears, as the human sized person seemed to be drinking something. His suspicions were confirmed as a loud wet belch, escaped Kendra’s lips. “Oooh, I’m so gross; Ice cream and Merlo, ugh, bad combo.” The woman groaned, patting her Noisy stomach gingerly, as she tossed the now empty bottle into a nearby garbage can. Joshua’s stinging lungs were starting to burn, from struggling to hold his breath for so long. Trying to make as little noise as possible, he sparingly began exhaling his stored breath, before the sound of his wife’s voice spooked him into sputtering the rest out.


“For god’s sake, cut the possum shit out, Josh; I know you’re not dead. I saw you start breathing about an hour ago. Guess my ass isn’t as deadly as I’d like it to be.” Kendra’s voice spoke, giving her large rear a loud smack. Letting out another wet belch, she roughly peeled her wheezing husband from out of the couch. As the small man in her hand managed to catch his breath, he could feel the giantess’ rage radiating up from the palm holding him. It was like being on the grate  of their downstairs stove. One of the first things the little man took stock of, as the giantess carelessly tossed him onto the carpeted floor, was that the beloved elevator box, his trusted means of safe travel through the house, had been disconnected from the dresser.  Well actually, the more fitting term seemed to be “violently ripped off its hinges”, judging by the Crackling sparks from its severed cables, along with the gaping hole where part of its pulley system used to be. “Hey Kendra, what happened to my-?” He began, before quickly losing his train of thought at the petrifying sight of Kendra’s large barefoot hovering threateningly over him, her expression a piercing glare. 


For a second there was dead silence between the pair. The only thing breaking up the monotony being the horrid sounds coming from giantess’ swollen stomach sloshing its contents as she spoke. “Shhhhuuudddup, that’s not important right now. I actually want to talk about us, specifically why I shouldn’t make myself a damn widow!” She said, as she grabbed Joshua into her hands, bringing the doll-sized man up to her face. “why?’ she asked, her glassy eyes shining with tears. “why’d you do it?” Joshua was beside himself, at the sight of his wife crying. It almost made it hard to speak. “I… I don’t know, I just thought she was cute, I-.” He started. “Bullshit!” Kendra screeched, digging her nails into the couch cushion. Joshua’s eyes bulged out of his skull as he saw his wife’s French-tipped toes wiggling up above, making a dangerous statement of what an unsatisfactory answer would get him.


” Ok, ok. It just- it felt good, being with someone my size for once.”, he cried out. Kendra’s teeth grit, as she pried further. “Oh, so with me it felt bad, is that it?! Were you just here to leech off of me, to live in my house, like a little-?” She began to ask, as her anger rose, to the point she couldn’t even finish her question. Infuriated, she gave in to her carnal urges, as her large sole came crashing down onto Joshua’s small body. Joshua cried out for her attention, as his hands pawed fearfully at his wife’s foot, in a fruitless bid to stop its descent. “No, Kendra! I meant…being with Keisha was…. Kinda refreshing, if I can be honest. My whole life, from my foster parents, to my high school friends, to…you.” He grunted, struggling beneath the large woman’s sole. “It can get overwhelming, sometimes; Always being powerless, like that. I just couldn’t take it anymore, y’know? That’s why I wanted to get to that Lilliputian town, to be with my own kind, to… fit in.”  He sighed, as his efforts subsided, in exhaustion. A long pause hung in the air as Kendra considered her husband’s explanation. As Joshua stared up at his wife to gauge the reaction, he felt disappointment upon seeing her eyes rolling.


“Oh lord, wish I had brought my tiny violin!” She said dismissively. “Joshua looked down in shame. “I guess it was long shot I could just get forgiven like that.” He stated, in defeat. He half expected Kendra’s sole to resume crushing him into the carpet. Instead, he was shocked as the large foot moved from his field of vision, allowing him to see Kendra’s stern gaze, bearing down on him. “Let’s be clear on something.” The giantess’s voice boomed. “I’m not interested in your little sob story. You’re my husband, mine.” She spoke darkly. “You’re not going anywhere, not to another town, and damn sure not into the arms of another woman. In fact, I think I want you closer to me.” She said, as she reached down to grab the diminutive man, ignoring his fearful shrieks. Within moments, he found himself scooped into her hands. He felt like he was on a living elevator as he was lifted above his human wife’s knees, before being dumped unceremoniously into her lap. As Joshua looked around, he noticed Kendra’s roaring stomach looming in front of him.  The gurgling organ shook violently, to the point that Joshua noticed small lumps forming beneath her dress. ‘What the hell?” he wondered, in confusion. He figured she was maybe experiencing some bad indigestion. Little did he know, there was a young woman, similar to himself in height, experiencing a hellish fate in the human’s awful bowels. 


            “Help, help! For the love of god, please!” Kiesha screamed clawing at the slimy, rubbery walls that surrounded her. Unfortunately, she noticed that her cries were becoming fainter as the stale, toxic “air” she was breathing caused her to begin coughing, and gagging. That combined with the gastric organ’s intense heat left her lightheaded, and exhausted. She had been fruitlessly punching and kicking at the human’s stomach for at least 10 minutes, since she had been swallowed. It probably could’ve been even longer but everything was so dark in the small woman’s surroundings, she could barely see her hands in front of her face. As she heard the rhythmic thumping of her giant captor’s heart, Kiesha hung her head low. It seemed her struggles were for naught.


‘Oh, what’s the point.’ The Lilliputian thought, as her tired body collapsed into the ribbed wall behind her. As much as she wished to simply sit idly in the pool of chime, the stinging acids would prove too bothersome to her skin for her to remain seated for too long ‘Fuck this bitch!” Kiesha thought bitterly, as she slapped the wall behind her, in frustration. “I never even wanted your worthless ass husband!” The small woman yelled out, barely able to hear her own voice over the noisy gut surrounding her. ‘No!’ she thought, ‘It can’t end like this.’ She thought, as she once again pounded the bloated gut, her strength renewed. As long as there was breath in her body, she’d be damned before she let that oversized spinster win.





“Babe, look at me.” Joshua heard Kendra speak, snapping him from his trance. “I don’t tolerate disrespect, not from anyone.” Joshua quickly nodded in agreement, anxious to capitalize on whatever good will he still held in his marriage, as he wrapped himself around his wife’s noisy abdomen. “No, baby, I know that, and you don’t deserve that. I’m sorry for what I did to you boo. Look we can make this better. I-I know we can’t do anything about James, or Pete. However, we can let Kendra go, I work with her I can get her not to talk. I’m sure of it” Joshua spoke. “Oh, don’t worry about that little homewrecker. I got that handled. For now, I want us to focus on each other. Speaking of that little job, I don’t think you need to worry about going in tomorrow. In fact, maybe you don’t need that little job of yours, right now. No, I need you to be with me always, so we can work on this fragile marriage of ours you know. Besides, it gives you a head start on earning some of those privileges back, like that car, or your little elevator “, Kendra said. “But wait, Kendra that’s crazy, I have to go to work. Besides with the elevator, I paid for that stuff, you can’t tell me when I can-.” He was quickly silenced by the human woman pressing her husband into her doughy gut. “SShhh, let’s not get into another argument tonight babe. I’m starting to feel glad I let you live. Don’t make me regret it.” She cooed, as she squeezed her husband into herself. Without warning, Joshua was completely immobilized by her girth, surrounding him from all sides. As His wife reveled in her hostile takeover of their marriage, a thousand-yard stare, formed on the diminutive man’s face as he considered his new role, as well as his wife’s new attitude. Amidst the gurgling, and groans of Kendra’s busy digestive tract; Joshua was caught off guard as he heard a different sound coming from inside Kendra’s body. It sounded like a human voice, a familiar human voice. 



(Help me! Someone please!)



‘K-Ki-Keisha?!” Joshua whispered in horror, as fresh tears began to well up into his eyes. Unbeknownst to him, he had alerted Kendra with his whisper. “You say something down there, babe?” Kendra asked, peeking over her large bust to get a better look at her husband. Joshua was beyond bewildered at his wife’s reaction, but at the same time, he had just gotten back into her good graces, he was not trying to end up dead like the others, especially not like Kiesha. “Oh, um, I said I-I love you, Kendra.” He faltered fearfully, as he resigned himself to relaxing into his wife’s possessive embrace, doing his very best to ignore the poor woman’s echoing screams, from inside Kendra’s glorping belly. With a contented sigh, Kendra reclined back into the sofa, shivering in delight at her husband’s declaration. “Ah, good, that’s what I thought you said. I love you too honey” She said, bring the shivering man up to her face, and smothering him in kisses. “I-love you-so much.” She said, between kisses.


“I'm never letting you go, baby.”

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