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It isn't easy being a psychotherapist. You have to put aside all the baggage in your own life to help others deal with theirs. Some clients are an absolute delight to work with and occasionally it reaches a point where you feel sad about not being able to cross the client-practitioner boundary and become friends. Especially after a client has expressed all their deepest thoughts to you and you've aided them in their path to happiness. Other clients on the other hand are immensely difficult. They're resistant to their therapy, don't follow up on the homework you set for them and are sometimes outright aggressive and place the blame on you.


Although she loved her job, Cindy's last client of the afternoon was one of the latter types and made her feel like running in front of a moving train. Cindy had only been in the field for a few years, but was so successful that she had opened her own practice before her 30th birthday. Having a near-obsessive work ethic and being in the top 5% of most of her college classes has that effect. At 29 years old she'd passed the big question mark of her twenties and was set on what she was going to do for the rest of her career. She was set.


Ben had spent the last 45 minutes attempting to justify reasons why Cindy's advice wasn't working for him. He was suffering from a gambling addiction that had for the last few years placed immense financial hardship on his family. They were weeks behind on the mortgage repayments and facing the real possibility of the bank taking their home from them. Ben's wife was threatening him with a divorce if he didn't get his compulsions under control. Cindy could tell he wasn't sitting on the lounge in front of her by his choice alone.


"It's just... my wife. She doesn't understand why I do this. It's not just a choice. This is my drive. Playing poker online is the only time I feel I have any real power in my life. Overbearing boss that belittles and demeans me left and right, then I come home to her nagging at me and a pile of bills waiting to be paid. And where's the thanks?! You know what, I think my wife is the problem here. If she stopped being such a bitch I wouldn't need to gamble."


Without passing judgement on his frustration, Cindy took a few notes down before replying. She gave a look that implied sympathy as best she could.

"Ben, we've so far had three sessions together and I haven't seen any progress so far. I'm beginning to doubt you're taking this seriously."


"Well," Ben said "my wife is the one not taking things seriously. If she wants these money problems to go away, she has to stop giving me reasons to blow it away!" He was almost shouting at this point.


"Ben, it's okay to be angry. But we need to get the root of these problems. You're displacing your own problems on your wife." said Cindy "and you know what? I couldn't blame her for her frustrations."

Even the best therapists have slips now and then. This was one of those moments for her.

Ben chuckled. "You're siding with her now? Huh, well I have a real reason for her to be angry. I'm fucking another woman. Her best friend."


Cindy was flabbergasted. Although dealing with people having affairs wasn't new to her, she didn't expect this session to take such a turn. Nor was she prepared to hear Ben say it so pridefully.


"And you know what, Cindy?" Ben said "I wouldn't mind adding another affair on top of it. Just to get back at the whining bitch. You're not a bad piece of ass. Why don't we end this session early and get a hotel room somewhere?"


This on the other hand was a first for her. A client propositioning her right in the middle of a session? After he confessed to having an affair? That wasn't about to fly. Ben's moral bankruptcy and displacement of responsibility and etiquette were truly something.


Cindy let out a sigh. "Okay, Ben, that's really not appropriate. And we are ending this session early."


"Why not have some fun, Cindy? I'm not trying to attach any strings here. You deserve to end a hard day's work with some cock in your mouth. We could make it a regular thing." Ben said with a creepy leer.


"Ben, we're done." Cindy said sternly, opening the door for him.


"Fine. Why would you need me? You've probably fucked half your male clients already and popped out their babies. Just leave the middle-aged gambler in his own misery."



An outburst like this was out of character for Cindy. She normally went out of her way to be patient, accommodating and nurturing for her clients.


Ben stormed out of the practice, making an effort to scream back at her on his way out. "SLUT!"

Cindy wasn't sure if the man's problem was gambling or cocaine abuse given his lack of emotional stability. Cindy slammed the door.


She collapsed into her chair and started to cry. She could barely hold back the tears.


"You're a good therapist. He's the one with the problem." she kept telling herself in her head. Over and over and over again. As much of an asshole he was, not being able to help Ben made her feel insecure in her work. She loved being in control in her profession and falling short in helping clients felt threatening. "Even the best psychologists can't help some people."

10 minutes passed. Cindy collected herself and went into the foyer to see her administrative assistant. "Annie, cancel all of that last client's appointments. And take the rest of the day off after. Your pay won't be affected."

Annie dutifully completed the request, knowing not to pry too closely. She had overheard the crying. Cindy left for her car... carrying Ben's file.




It was dusk. Cindy sat studying Ben's personal details in the growing darkness. She took note of his address. A powerful desire had arisen; Revenge for the horrible things he had just said to her and justice for the poor family stuck with that jerk full time.


20 minutes later she found the house. She peered in through the windows. A trio of teenagers were on the upstairs floor laughing and making a ruckus. It looked like they were smoking marijuana and watching TV. Nothing unusual. Downstairs she could see a middle-aged woman crying. That had to be Ben's wife, no doubt upset about all the money problems the bastard was causing and the impending end of her marriage. Then through another window a few doors down she could see Ben on the computer. Playing online poker and drinking beer. Just as expected. She parked her car a few doors down and walked towards the house.


Cindy tapped on the window of the room Ben was in. He looked, and seeing that it was Cindy he smiled at her, with an equal degree of excitement and smugness. As far as he was concerned, Cindy had changed her mind on his offer. Ben opened the window.


"So the sexy therapist decided to take me up on my offer after all? Come on in."


Cindy climbed through the window. "Yeah, I had some wishes I needed to fulfill." she replied, playing the role of the horny practitioner trying to fuck her client. "Close your eyes and unzip your fly, I'm gonna do something nice for you."


Ben giggled and started breathing heavily in anticipation. Cindy could smell the booze all over his breath. Gross. As if the idea of giving him any pleasure at all wasn't gross enough. Ben obeyed and closed his eyes, expecting to get a fantastic blowjob from a woman almost 20 years his junior.


Cindy was grinning in excitement, and it had nothing to do with performing fellatio. She waved her hands in front of him in the air. A bright violet strobe of light followed Cindy's hands like a trail before fading away again into the dark.


Several seconds had passed and Ben was feeling nothing. Cindy was silent. He wondered what the hell was she doing. Reaching a stage of awkwardness, he decided to speak up.


"Come on, Cindy, you gonna suck me off or not?"


Then Ben opened his eyes and saw BIG changes. Everything was HUGE. His chair was enormous. His desk was enormous. Even the empty beer bottles he was stacking on the ground beside his desk towered over him. And that's saying nothing of how enormous Cindy was to him, and he came to a horrifying realization when he looked up and saw her staring over him with a menacing look in her eyes.


The arrogance that normally made Ben the jerk that he was had all but vanished. "Wha-wha-wha-wha-whaaat the fu-fuck is this!" he yelled, barely able to make a sound louder than a small bird's chirp. He shook in intense fear.


Cindy continued to look down and had her excitement contained. "Ben, what you said to me was awful. What you're doing to your family is awful. Cheating on your wife and not making an effort with your gambling problem and blaming others? You, Ben, are simply awful."



Cindy stomped on the floor close to him. Ben didn't utter a word. All he could bring himself to do was quiver and croak terrified sounds. Sounds somewhere between shouts and cries. Seeing she wasn't about to get any coherence from him, Cindy continued. Not that he could have influenced her anyway.


"And I'm a big fan of justice. I love it when awful people like you get their comeuppance."


Still barely able to contain his terror, Ben started begging. "Cin-Cin-Cindy, puh-puh-lease don't do anything to me. Just ch-change me back and-and-and I won't say anything to anybody! I swear my life on it!"

Cindy looked down. Her expression did not change.

"An-an-and I'll stop gambling right this second!"

Still, Cindy was not moved by this promise. She tilted her head and raised her eyebrows as if to tease him.

"And I'm gonna tell my wife the truth about her friend and me! I'm-I'm gonna pledge to be a better husband! I'm gonna make everything right again!"

Cindy laughed at Ben devilishly. He knew he was doomed.

"Please don't hurt me, Cindy. Please! Marie and Brody, they need me so much!"

Finally, Cindy responded to his pleas. "Marie and Brody need you gone."


And like that, Ben's fate was sealed by the gigantic woman standing over him. Cindy reached down and picked him up. Ben had forgotten everything of his bullshit promises already. All he could think about was the horror awaiting him as he screamed and flailed his limbs about.


Cindy tilted her head back and dangled the half-inch tall Ben above. She opened her mouth. Ben looked down to the terrifying sight of Cindy's open maw. Her pearly white teeth and long pink tongue. Strands of saliva sticking between the roof and floor of her mouth and pools of spit in the corners of her mouth. The uvula at the entry of her throat. He couldn't process any of it clearly. The sight of it all simply filled him with overwhelming fear. His body was confused between a fight, flight and freeze response. And none of them would have helped him. At this point all Ben could do was look down into the open hole that was Cindy's hungry mouth or choose to close his eyes and hope the end would be quick. He did the latter, pulling his eyelids in tight and wrapping himself in a ball.


Cindy laughed at the tiny helpless man. "Any last words, asshole?" Her laughs were like thunder to him. But Ben remained silent, locked in a fetal position and eyes shut tight. And like that Cindy dropped him. Ben landed on the giantess' tongue and slid back towards the back of her throat.




She swallowed him. Alive. Ben was destined for several hours of extreme pain as digestive acids tore away at his helpless body. His screams would not be heard through the thick walls of Cindy's flesh. And Cindy loved feeling him swim around in the fluids, pounding on the inner walls of her stomach begging to be let out. They both knew his fate by this point however. His body would be broken down, his nutrients would be absorbed and Cindy's body would dispose of the remains.


Having freed Ben's family from a selfish and dishonest husband and father, Cindy took a moment to use her powers for another few good deeds. She placed all the money that Ben had paid for his prior sessions on the desk. Several hundred dollars in a paperclip. She then climbed back out the window and made her way across the street. Looking through the windows into the other rooms again again she could see that Ben's wife Marie was still crying, and that Brody was still upstairs fooling around with his two friends. They had not heard the events in Ben's office. They suspected nothing. She aimed her hand at the house and a bright purple light sat on her palm, illuminating the dark street. The family's rent problems were wiped away. Although she rarely used her powers to interfere in the everyday lives of others, she felt driven to take action this time. They'd wonder where Ben disappeared to, but Cindy hoped they'd see that they were better off without him.


Cindy returned to her car and drove home, planning to spend the rest of her evening drinking mocktails and watching sitcoms on Netflix. She looked forward to a better day at work tomorrow.

Chapter End Notes:

Please consider becoming a patron to access the rest of the story (that was written) now. Additional chapters of this story will be re-released to the public over time, but if you wanted to access it all it's available on Patreon. Hope you have enjoyed it. One day I want to write a new version of the story and make it even better.


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