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Author's Chapter Notes:

Light Feet and some action at the end but overall pretty tame to start out the story. 

Ryuji Takasu sighed deeply, rubbing his temples with his fingertips in a futile attempt to alleviate the persistent headache that had been plaguing him all day. He leaned against the cool wall of Ohashi High School, feeling the contrast between the chilly surface and his feverish forehead. The escalating flu-like symptoms were taking a toll on his routine, making it increasingly difficult for him to focus on his classes.

His best friend, Yusaku Kitamura, approached him with concern etched across his face. "Hey, Ryuji, are you alright? You don't look so good, man." Ryuji mustered a weak smile and waved off Yusaku's concern. "I'm fine. Just a little under the weather, I guess. It's probably just the flu. Don't worry about it." Yusaku frowned but didn't push further.  "Okay, but if you need anything, please let me know. Take care of yourself, okay?"

Ryuji gave Yusaku a grateful nod as Yusaku walked away. As the day drew on, his condition only got worse. His body was tired and achy, and he began to feel more and more lightheaded. Almost being late for a class, Ryuji took a short cut that ran past the women's locker room on his route to his next lesson.

As Ryuji stumbled down the dimly lit corridor, he suddenly felt an intense pain in his chest, followed by an inexplicable sensation of weightlessness. His vision blurred, and the world around him appeared to expand at an alarming rate. His heart pounded in his chest as he realized, to his horror, that he was shrinking in size.

In mere seconds, Ryuji shrank to a meager four inches tall, his clothes pooling around him like a discarded pile of fabric. Panic surged through his veins as he tried to call out for help, but his voice was barely a whisper in his diminished state. Ryuji quickly lost consciousness, passing out near the entrance to the women's locker room, utterly unaware of the precarious and life-altering situation he now found himself in.

Ryuji's lifeless body lay exposed and unnoticed close to the women's locker room entrance. As Taiga Aisaka, the feisty and small girl renowned as the "Palm-top Tiger," turned the corner, the sound of approaching footsteps echoed through the hallway and grew louder. As soon as she saw the tiny figure lying on the ground surrounded by a mountain of baggy clothing, she came to a complete stop.

Taiga cautiously walked up to the diminutive Ryuji out of curiosity. "Ryuji stirred and groggily opened his eyes, disoriented by his new perspective. As Taiga knelt down and gently poked him with her finger, her face loomed above him like a giant, making his heart race with fear. Her eyes narrowed with suspicion, and Ryuji struggled to find the words to explain his situation."

"Hey, you little pervert!" Taiga snapped,  "Did you really think that by shrinking yourself you could enter the women's locker room unnoticed? What kind of sick trick is this?"

Ryuji was trying to piece together what had happened as his mind raced. He stumbled "I-I don't know how this happened! I swear I wasn't trying to spy on anyone! I was just feeling sick and trying to get to class."

Taiga snorted, clearly unconvinced by his explanation. "Yeah, right. And I'm supposed to believe that you just happened to shrink and pass out right here, of all places? You're pathetic." Ryuji desperately tried to plead his case, his voice growing more urgent. "Please, you've got to believe me! I wouldn't do something like that. I just need help. I don't know how to fix this."

Taiga's expression remained unyielding, her distrust evident. Her sharp gaze flicked between the shrunken boy and the nearby locker room entrance, clearly weighing her options. Finally, she made up her mind. "Fine," she said with a huff, her eyes softening just slightly, "I'll deal with you myself, you little mongrel. But if I find out you're lying, you’ll have to face my wrath."

Ryuji couldn't help but let out a gasp of  panic as Taiga's hand closed around him. Her fingers encircled him. His diminutive body shook as he became aware of the immense size of the surroundings, the towering walls and ceiling seeming impossibly high. His mind raced with questions about what had happened to him and how he could possibly return to his normal size. The idea of being so small and defenseless in a world of giants was terrifying.

Taiga's enormous face, with its angry and excited features, caught Ryuji's attention as his heart raced in his chest. He found it difficult to find the right words to reassure her that he had no malicious intentions as her voice had turned into an ear-shattering roar. He was aware that she now held his future, both literally and metaphorically.

As Taiga began to walk, each of her footsteps sent tremors through Ryuji's fragile body, a stark reminder of the power and danger of his new position. Panic welled up inside him. Ryuji took a deep, shaky breath and tried to steady himself, both physically and emotionally.

As Taiga carried Ryuji through the hallways of Ohashi High School, his fear grew more intense. He couldn't help but notice how she held him tightly in her hand, how everything around him seemed to tower menacingly above him. His eardrums rang with the laughter and chatter of his classmates, who seemed to him to be enormous beings. Ryuji felt the power of each student's step as they walked past Taiga, which made him even more anxious. In a way, he thought Taiga finding him was a blessing in disguise because he would have had to survive that.

As they continued their journey, Taiga entered an empty classroom to avoid anyone that may annoy her while having her meeting with Ryuji. Setting Ryuji down on a desk, she crossed her arms and glared down at him, her eyes narrowing with suspicion. "Well, here we are. Now, start talking," she demanded, her voice echoing like thunder in Ryuji's ears. "Tell me everything, and maybe, just maybe, I'll consider helping you." Ryuji swallowed hard, his throat dry and tight with fear. He knew that this was his best, and perhaps only, chance to convince Taiga of his innocence.

 "I swear, I didn't intend to be anywhere near the girls' locker room." "I just wanted to get to class quicker because I wasn't feeling well. Before I was late to class, then I started shrinking without even being aware of it. Please, you have to believe me."  Ryuji spoke tremblingly. Taiga's expressionless gaze remained fixed on Ryuji the entire time. She appeared to be contemplating his words, weighing their veracity against her own premonitions and instincts. Every second of the prolonged silence was filled with anxiety for Ryuji.

Taiga's eyes grew skeptical, and she finally sighed and uncrossed her arms. "Fine. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt... for now,"  She said in a disgruntled tone." I'll make you regret it if you're lying to me."

Ryuji was then once more picked up by her and placed inside her backpack. He found himself suddenly falling among the books and pencils. Taiga's stride suddenly jostled and moved, and Ryuji struggled to get his bearings. He kept toppling over and rolling around in her backpack as Taiga purposefully swayed her pack. He could hear her snickering as she imagined the torture she subjected the presumed peeping tom outside the backpack. Ryuji yelled to Taiga because he thought she was being careless with him. "Hey! Be more careful! I could have been seriously hurt!"

Taiga snickered, seemingly enjoying the power she held over him. Though he clenched his fists in anger, Ryuji was aware that he couldn't afford to antagonize her further. Instead, he concentrated on making it through a day inside Taiga's backpack. During Taiga's last block of the day, she decided to kill time by playing with Ryuji. As the other students were engrossed in their work, she casually pulled Ryuji from her backpack and placed him on her desk, hidden behind her open notebook.

Ryuji, his heart pounding with a mix of fear and determination, sensed a brief opportunity to escape. He knew it was risky, but the thought of living under Taiga's control was unbearable. He began to make his way toward the edge of the desk, hoping to slip away unnoticed.Taiga quickly cut him off, her giant hand moving with surprising speed to block his path. She did her best to stifle her laughter, not wanting to draw any unwanted attention.

"Come on, Ryuji, you really thought you could escape that easily?" she whispered, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "You're not going anywhere." Ryuji stared in awe at Taiga and thought about how easily the so-called palm top tiger could control him. While Taiga was still feeling herself, Ryuji took the chance to leap off her desk.

Ryuji's heart raced as he plummeted toward the floor. Just as he braced himself for impact, he felt a sudden jolt as he landed inside Taiga's open backpack, which she had placed beneath the desk earlier.

Taiga glanced down at her backpack, her eyes narrowing with a mix of annoyance and amusement. "Well, looks like you're back where you started, Ryuji," she whispered before closing the backpack, once again imprisoning him in the dark, cluttered world of her school supplies.

As the school day finally came to an end, Taiga headed home. When they arrived at Taiga's home, she unceremoniously dumped the contents of her backpack, including Ryuji, onto the living room floor. He found himself amidst a chaotic scene, with dirty clothes, discarded food containers, and various items scattered everywhere. It was clear that Taiga's living environment was a reflection of her tumultuous emotions and disorganized life.

"Welcome to your new home, peeping Ryuji," Taiga sneered as she looked down at Ryuji. "Since you're so interested in invading people's privacy, you can live here as my pet. It's only fair, don't you think?" Ryuji's heart sank at her words. The prospect of being held captive by someone who still doubted his innocence was daunting.

Taiga gently pushed Ryuji with her foot toward the living room as he stood up from the floor after crawling out from under a binder that had fallen on top of him. Her footsteps were audible through the floorboards, serving as a reminder of the power she had over him. Ryuji being so near her foot couldn't help but notice a smell coming from her toes and a change in humidity around them as she pushed him forward. What kind of self-care routine might a girl with such a messy home have? Ryuji couldn't help but wonder. Unaware that she was getting her way, Taiga drove Ryuji to pick up the pace in an effort to get away from the environment around her feet.

Upon reaching the living room, Taiga gestured towards the table cluttered with various items. "You're going to clean off this table, dog," she ordered, her tone firm but not unkind. "I'm going to make us some food. Don't mess this up." With that, she picked him up and carefully placed him on the table.

He didn't even think to question her as he could only imagine the alternative. Ryuji nodded and turned his attention to the daunting task before him. Even the smallest objects now seemed immense and unwieldy due to his diminutive size. He approached the edge of the table and began the arduous process of pushing trash and other debris towards one corner, the effort leaving him panting and sweating.

As he worked, Ryuji accidentally knocked an item off the table, the crash echoing through the room as it hit the floor. Taiga, who was busy in the adjacent kitchen, shot him a warning glare. Ryuji swallowed nervously and quickly resumed his task, his heart pounding in his chest.

The sheer scale of everything around him made even the simplest tasks feel monumental. Ryuji found himself grappling with objects that were once trivial in size but now loomed large and unwieldy. He pushed a small stack of papers with both hands, straining against their weight as he managed to move them inch by inch. He leaped over discarded wrappers and navigated around half-empty cans.

Taiga, in the meantime, had finished preparing their instant ramen and brought a steaming bowls to the table. She watched Ryuji struggle with an amused smirk, obviously taking pleasure in his submission. Placing a bowl on the table, she reached down and scooped him up, placing him next to the bowl. "Not bad for a little mongrel," she commented, her tone mocking.

Ryuji, way exhausted, picked up a single noodle with trembling hands, struggling to lift it to his mouth. Taiga laughed at the sight, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "You really are a pathetic little dog, aren't you?" she teased. Taiga used her chopsticks to separate the noodles into pieces. After that, she began gorging on her noodles like a pig. Ryuji continued to eat as he watched her and observed the immense power in her movements.

As Ryuji finished his meal, Taiga suddenly pushed him off the table with a mischievous grin. He fell to the ground with a soft thud, the wind knocked out of him. He looked up at her in shock, his tiny heart pounding. "What was that for?!" he demanded, trying to regain his composure.

Taiga feigned innocence, a playful smile dancing on her lips. "Oh, did I do that? My bad," she said sarcastically. Ryuji glared at her, but she simply ignored his protests. As he continued to argue, she "accidentally" knocked him over with her foot, sending him tumbling to the floor once again.

Ryuji struggled to stand up, fear mingling inside of him. He looked up in terror and saw Taigas foot hovering above, Taiga quickly stomped down, purposefully missing him. He was terrified by her display of power as the ground beneath him was jolted by the force of her step.

Panicked, Ryuji took off running, desperately trying to escape Taiga's taunts and stomps. She chased after him, her laughter echoing in his ears. He could feel the tremors of her footsteps, the vibrations traveling through his small body with each thunderous step.

As Taiga continued to stomp after him, one particularly forceful step caused the ground to shake violently, knocking Ryuji off his feet. He tumbled to the floor, momentarily disoriented by the sudden fall. Seizing the opportunity, Taiga swiftly moved her foot over him, stopping just before it made contact with his body.

The pressure of her presence was nearly suffocating. Trapped beneath her foot, he could only gaze up at its colossal size, his heart pounding in his chest. The air carried a pungent vinegar-like scent, and beads of sweat from her foot splashed onto him, intensifying his feelings of humiliation and helplessness.

With her foot poised above him, Taiga chastised Ryuji in a stern, authoritative tone. "You should know better than to run from me, you little mongrel. Remember who's in charge here." Ryuji, his body quivering beneath her foot, could only muster a submissive nod.

Taiga scooped up Ryuji, bringing him level with her face, her features softening. "I'm sorry, I got a little carried away. I was just bored and wanted to tease you a bit," she admitted, a tinge of remorse in her voice. Ryuji had picked up Taiga's foot odor, which she recognized, and she couldn't help but smirk at her pet's misfortune.

Taiga's eyes narrowed as she held Ryuji close to her face. "You know, I saw the judgment in your eyes when you saw the state of my house," she said, her voice tinged with a mix of annoyance and vulnerability. "I don't need anyone criticizing the way I live my life."

"I'm sorry, Taiga. I didn't mean to come across as judgmental," he said softly. "If you want, I can help you clean your house, even while small I think I could manage." Taiga's expression softened slightly as she considered Ryuji's offer. "You really would do that? Even though I've been treating you like a pet?" she asked, her voice low.

Ryuji bit his lip. "Of course. I am your dog after all, aren't I?" said Ryuji attempting to gain her trust. Taiga stared at him for a moment before her lips curled into a small, genuine smile. "Alright, you little mongrel," she said, her tone more playful than before. "We'll give it a try. But don't think this means I trust you completely."

Feeling his tension dissipate, Ryuji couldn't help but think that maybe Taiga wasn't as malicious as she initially seemed. Yes, she could be irritating and overly playful, but she also had a tender side that was difficult to ignore.

Catching the change in Ryuji's expression, Taiga's eyes narrowed slightly. "Don't go thinking I've gone all soft on you," she warned, giving him a gentle, but firm squeeze to emphasize her point.

"Just because we're having a moment doesn't mean I won't still make you pay for your peeping." Ryuji gulped

Taiga took Ryuji to her bedroom, casually dropping him onto her bed without care. Ryuji found himself staring at the towering walls of blankets and pillows surrounding him, feeling overwhelmed by his new reality and his dependence on Taiga, who still hadn't fully accepted his innocence.

After getting dressed for bed, Taiga returned and leaped onto the mattress, causing Ryuji to bounce away and then sink in near her butt. She was in her pajamas.

With a playful smirk, Taiga teased Ryuji, "You know, dogs always want to be close to their owners. Isn't that right, little mongrel?" Exhausted from the day's events, Ryuji could only groan in defeat, too tired to muster any witty retort.

Taiga's smirk faded and she huffed in annoyance at Ryuji's lack of response. She turned to face him, curling around his tiny body and holding him close like a teddy bear. Ryuji felt the warmth of her body enveloping him, and though he struggled at first, trying to free himself from her grasp, he soon found that he couldn't move an inch. The combination of being controlled by such a crazy girl and being so intimately close to her made Ryuji more excited than he would admit. Ryuji wept as he tried to move his hands below but was unable to do so because he was pressing up against Taiga's ample breast.

Finally giving up, Ryuji allowed himself to relax, feeling the steady rise and fall of Taiga's chest as she breathed. Despite his initial reluctance, he couldn't deny that being held like this by Taiga felt comforting and secure. The softness of her body and the gentle pressure of her embrace lulled him into a sense of peace he hadn't expected. 

He just hoped that she didn’t notice him poking her; he didn't want to face the wrath of that predicament. 

As the day came to an end, the room grew quiet and the soft sounds of Taiga's breathing filled the air. She gradually drifted off to sleep, her arms wrapped protectively around her small companion. In that moment, as they lay together on the bed, an unexpected sense of peace and security enveloped Ryuji, and he found himself falling into a deep, dreamless sleep.

Chapter End Notes:
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