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Story Notes:

This story was written and posted in 2016.

Find more of my work here: https://maramore.carrd.co/

Growing in the Jungle

Copyright © 2016 Phen
All rights reserved.


Everybody knows about what the cannibals do to intrepid explorers when they catch them in the deeps of the jungle. Nobody, on the other hand, seem to know what terrible cooks they are.

Cathy spat out a lungful of broth and sat upright in the oversized kettle. She looked decidedly out of place in the middle of the village, and the foul-smelling stew that she sloshed around her waist had gotten into her golden blonde ponytail and soaked into her shorts.

"Let me go already!" She demanded, and cast her best authoritative gaze upon the two tribals that had thrown her into their cuisine in the first place, a pair of dark, muscled men that could have made brilliant careers in basketball if only they had been born outside of the jungle. One adhered to the old ways, wearing only a loincloth, while the other brandished a t-shirt with a faded Pepsi Cola logo and a pair of shorts.

Pepsi met her command with a shrug. "N'gtu?"

"Uh. That's... Bird? Boss? " Cathy screwed up her face. "Gimme a minute here."

Pepsi and Loincloth took a few steps forward and lifted the kettle off the ground while Cathy was lost in thought.

She managed a brief "Hey, stop!" before another splash of stew caught her in the face and silenced her complaints in favor of gasping for breath. She started to climb out, but a palm the size of a teacup pushed her back in.

The tribals carried her into the largest of the nearby huts. Thick drapes covered the entrance, but a ring of torches lit the inside with an otherworldly glow. A man clad in feathers and paint stood at the other side of a circle drawn on the dirt floor. He smiled at her with big, white teeth and flicked his wrist at the guards. As they set down the kettle in the middle of the circle, he fixed Cathy with forest-green eyes. "Welcome, traveller."

Cathy emerged from the kettle, sputtering half with indignant anger, half with broth. "This is no way to treat a visitor! Why, I oughta... Wait. You speak english?" Her shoulders relaxed. "Thank god. I thought I was a goner!"

"Oh yes, of course. My name is Muma. I'm the spiritual leader of my people. But fear not, civilization has not forsaken you, dear...?" The witchdoctor plunged his hand into a sack of bright red powder and withdrew a handful, though his eyes - and more importantly, his face-spanning smile - never left the lady in the kettle.

"Cathy. I didn't mean to intrude on your territory. Actually, I didn't know that anybody was here - I was just following an old trail." She paused. "Can you tell your men to keep my backpack safe? There's some very important samples inside!"

Muma nodded. "I shall." He dumped the red powder into the kettle and barked a command at Pepsi, who left the hut. "We shall be very careful. Only the best for our visitor." He seized a lump of salt and half a dozen pungent leaves and threw them into the broth, too.

Cathy looked down for a moment. "Er, thanks. Any chance I can get out of this damn soup, then? It's really not my thing, I'm afraid."

"No chance. But you can turn around a little, stir it up so the ingredients mix better." Muma reaches behind his waist and drew a long, vicious-looking knife from its sheath.

Cathy's eyes went wide. "You're not actually going to eat me, are you? I thought-"

"Eat you? No. That would be a waste." Muma's smile seemed to fill his entire face. "But I do need your blood. The rite of fertility demands sacrifice, after all."

"You can't be serious!" Cathy jumped back, pushing herself up by the edge of the kettle.

Loincloth was there in an instant, shoving her back down. And then the knife was there, cutting across her palm and glinting crimson in the light of the fires. "Don't fret. It won't take long."

The wound burned, at once both worse and better than any injury that Cathy could remember. She wrested her hand free and held it tightly to her chest, as she eyed the mad witchdoctor. Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck. How do I get out?

Muma dipped the knife into the broth and stepped back. "Yes. It's starting!" He began to chant in a low, unintelligible voice, while the rings around the kettle began to glow. There was a burst of sharp, green light from the back of the hut. The witchdoctor spun on his heels and hurried over to retrieve an item from a small, stone chest: An elaborate figurine carved in wood, depicting a monster, or a woman - or both. Muma held it towards Cathy with a slimy grin. "Do not grieve for your loss, dear visitor. Your sacrifice is for the glory of our people. With the spirit of nature herself at my beck and call, our village shall proper for years to come." His eyes gleamed. "Me, especially."

Cathy shuddered. "You're out of your fucking mind." Loincloth's unyielding fingers still pressed into her shoulders, but the strange sensations from her wound pushed themselves to the forefront of Cathy's mind. It actually did not feel so bad, anymore; the burning had transitioned into a strange sort of bubbling sensation, like from a numbed limb. But it was becoming more than that, a tickle almost that slowly spread up her arm and made all the little hairs stand up straight. She glanced down at her wound, which thankfully appeared superficial at most. In fact, it hardly seemed to be there at all. Cathy prodded at the crimson-stained skin, but was interrupted by another flare of light in front of her.

Muma thrust the figurine up into the air. It's eyes burned a sickly green. "Prepare yourself!"

Cathy realized that the ebony figurine looked more erotic than she had first realized. The spirit was depicted with frankly freakishly large curves and a delicately carved o-face, as in the midst of a mind-shattering orgasm, but she still had monstrous traits as well: Claws, leaves for hair and the hint of bark across her skin.


"She's coming!" Muma cried. "I can feel her presence!"

It hit Cathy like a sledgehammer. She stumbled backwards with enough force to shake her guard and sunk into the kettle as her knees gave away. In an instant, the tingling sensation had set her entire body on fire, and Cathy felt acutely aware of every inch of her skin and the constraint of her soaked clothing. "Ah!" She groaned, and fumbled for the edge of the kettle to pull herself up again.

Muma laughed. "Yes! Give her your essence, girl. Let yourself dissolve and make my nature spirit strong." He put the figurine down on a small leather stool and looked at it expectantly. "This is where she will come into the world for the first time in a hundred years."

The whirlpool of sensation did not let up. Cathy gasped, tears forming in her eyes. Gimme a moment, you bastard, and I'll tell you what's what. She bit her lip as the tingle continued to develop, pushing across her chest and deep into her loins. Her body stiffed as, against all reason and sense of timing... Wait, am I getting turned on?

Cathy gripped the kettle as a small orgasmic shudder passed through her. She pushed her thighs together as her mind went to the acute sensation of her nipples thickening against her soggy tshirt. "You can't be serious!" She burst out in a badly suppressed moan and braced herself for a second shudder. The room had started to spin around her and an unbearable sense of claustrophobia pressed down on her head. Cathy stood up straight and spun around to fight Loincloth up close for her freedom.

The imposing, nearly naked tribal regarded her with a gruff look and seized Cathy by her shoulders. Then something changed in his eyes. He called out, and Cathy did not need a translation to understand Muma's name.

"What, lost your nerve? Too much spooky voodoo shit?" Cathy rolled her shoulders and prepared to wrestle the big man, but the fight never came.

Loincloth's hands simply slid right off her and down to his sides like limp noodles. He looked at her with widening eyes and stepped back in fear. "Manu!"

The reaction took Cathy by surprise. "What's wrong with you people? One moment you're going to eat me, the next..." Cathy blinked. Realization finally dawned on her: She stared the tall tribal straight in the eye, instead of craning her neck to see his face as when they'd caught her. Next, she looked down over herself and saw an unexpected abundance of woman. Her hips grazed the kettle where her ribs had been before, and her clothes looked painted on. Her bra, faintly visible through the wet fabric of her white t-shirt, looked downright pitiful on her chest, digging into numbed skin on breasts that stood bigger and prouder than ever before. She reaches down, as if in a dream, and tugged at the uncomfortably inadequate cups as her newly gained size began to tear her shorts and shirt apart.

Loincloth retreated to safety behind his witchdoctor, who looked up from the figurine with a scowl of annoyance. "What? I do not wish to be disturbed!" Loincloth pointed impotently at the glowing kettle and the fair-skinned amazon as she tore scraps of fabric off her skin. "... How?"

Now it was Cathy's turn to smile. "I'm asking myself that, too. But I'll be happy to kick your ass before I find out." She stepped out of the kettle and was pleased to notice that she had gained a head and a half of height on Loincloth and his slightly shorter boss. The strain of her powerful thighs moving proved too much for her ruined shorts, which all but exploded and left her gloriously indecent. Cathy had never been scrawny, but the jaunt into amazon territory made her form broaden with muscle beneath her feminine curves and sent a heady mix of endorphins through her brain.

The witchdoctor noticed her power-up as well. He stared long and hard at her, eyes lingering at the inviting shape of her hip, but not for long enough to give Cathy an advantage. He stepped in front of Loincloth and held the figurine up, like a priest trying to banish a vampire with a cross. "You are not worthy of the attention of my spirit. Give in!" The figurine's eyes flared up with green light and shone into Cathy's brown irises.

The burst of light exploded inside her head. Her knees buckled beneath her and she fell on all fours. "Fuck, stop that!" The hot, stuffy interior of the hut seemed to wobble from side to side like the deck of a ship. Cathy dug her nails into the dirt floor while she waited for her ears to stop ringing. Still, she realized that the flash had not been painful, per se. In fact, the pleasant, tingling sensation had only grown stronger. Her fat nipples ached for attention, and a lone stream of her honey trickled down between her thigh. "What are you trying to do to me?" She asked, slowly, as she forced herself to look up.

Muma approached her with his trinket as a shield. The knife remained in his hand, a thin line of blood still glinting in the light. "Perhaps the spirit desired another sort of sacrifice." He sounded as if he was talking to himself, debating the finer points of his ritual. "The texts could be unclear."

Cathy balled up her fist. "Fuck you, dude." She raised herself and took a shot at the self-important bastard.

The figurine flared up again with its sickly, green light and threw Cathy prone.

Another round of fireworks went off inside her head. "Gah! Quit it, you second-rate voodoo clown!" She shouted at him despite the mouthful of dirt and punctuated her tirade with a deep, abrupt moan. A cunt-shattering orgasm rolled through her in that instant, juices squirting freely down her thighs while her hardened nipples drew shapes in the dirt. She clenched her jaw. What is that guy doing, trying to fight me with orgasms? I ought to... Hey, wait a minute. Cathy played dead - or at least unconscious! - to the witchdoctor and took the opportunity to get a good view of the situation - and her body, most of all. That kettle is starting to look really fucking small...

While Muma waved his figurine around, Pepsi appeared once more from the entrance to the hut. He walked around the kettle and froze, quite reasonably, at the sight of Cathy's huge ass: Even on her arms and knees, it came up to his waist. "K'ui?" He said and glanced from Muma to Loincloth and back again with all the subtlety of a human question mark. Loincloth shook his head vigorously.

Cathy bit her lip. Her lust still burned like a furnace and her swollen pussy drooled profusely. As she lay there, contemplating if she could sneak her hand down south without her antagonists noticing, she became aware of the slow march of her flattened breasts against the floor, expanding upwards, outwards, bigger by the moment. A wry smile appeared on her lips. Well, no more B-cups for me. Or C. Or... Hell, I'd be lucky to find anything in my size when all is said and done. She clenched her thighs, hips wiggling in rising frustration to satisfy her throbbing clit. So what do you do, Cathy? Can you fight these guys? If I get up, that fucker is just going to blast me again, and... A shiver ran up her inner thighs. She grinned. He's going to blast me again.

"Hey, big guy." Cathy said and slowly drew herself up on her knees. Sitting, they were eye to eye. "I'm still not feeling the whole, 'submit yourself and your life for me' vibe. Sorry to disappoint."

Muma scowled at her. "Insolent welp." His bodyguards took their place a step behind him. "Blessed by the great spirit of nature or not, you will learn to serve. My ritual cannot be stopped." He sheathed his knife and threw a handful of dark powder at Cathy. It transformed in the air and splashed across her heaving breasts like paint the color of the blue sky.

She laughed. "You look pretty calm for a guy who's going to get his ass handed to him by a girl." The paint on her chest rippled like quicksilver and ran up across her sternum to arrange itself in intricate lines around her neck and shoulders. Cathy ran a hand over the colored skin. "And I don't see how a bit of make-up is going to change that." She reached out to snatch Pepsi - at twice his height, he had ceased to menace her.

The tribal jumped back in alarm. Muma turned his gaze of displeasure at him, then brandished his glowing trinket as before. "I did not take you for such a fool. "He said, a touch of disbelief in his eyes. "Why do you persist when the outcome is obvious?"

"Funny, I was about to say  the same thing." Cathy dropped all pretense of decency and eagerly dove for her dripping snatch as red-hot lust filled her body to burst; beyond, in fact, as she grew to contain it in an unprecedented surge. She sat back on her heels, skin flushed and wetness pouring into a puddle beneath her. The roof came crashing down against her, but she hardly felt the impact, even as it pushed her forwards, onto her huge, expanding breasts. Pepsi and Loincloth got wedged beneath a nipple each; each little squirm sent shivers up Cathy's spine, and she rewarded them amply with a powerful gush of milk from her swollen teats.

The hut never stood a chance. Cathy's arms and legs crashed through the walls, one after another, leaving the circular roof on her back like the shield of a turtle, until she sat up and sent it crashing down at the heels of her feet. The scattered torches inside were buried in rubble and the glowing circle disappeared in the shadow of her magnificent body.

The witchdoctor and his underlings skittered from the ruin like insects across a kitchen floor. Muma stopped in the clearing in the middle of the collection of huts, while Loincloth and Pepsi kept on running. He fixed Cathy with an accusing glare. "My house, my carvings... My wards! You've broken my wards!"

"As far as I recall, I didn't ask to be made 50 feet tall." Cathy replied with a raised eyebrow. She shifted in place, broken sticks sliding off her hips as she sat up on her knees. None of the dozen huts remaining in the village reached taller than her waist. She gave herself a brief inspection, smiling wryly at the size of her enhanced bust and hips. "Can't say I'm all that sad about the fertility-idol package that you've thrown into the deal, though..."

Muma ignored her witticisms. "I cannot control the spirit without my wards! You've doomed us all."

"Really, now? But the spirit is in me, right? That seems to be what's going on, if I've understood your little plan." Cathy said. A smile started to blossom on her lips. "And if you have no control, does that mean I can..?"

The earth trembled beneath the village, and the shudder continued up into Cathy, running from the tips of her toes to the top of her head. Her booming moan filled the air. She bent forwards, spraying milk and honey as her body shook and grew once more, hands fumbling desperately for her sweet spots, her body growing hot and flushed.

"Fuck, yes." Cathy snapped, breathless. "Yes, I can! I can grow. Grow on my own - ah!" Her voice trailed off as another deep-felt moan drove the air from her lungs. She filled her eager cunt with her fingers, grinding against her love button with no regard for the small crowd of terrified tribals that watched her display. Her other hand tried to tackle her breasts, which had grown too big for just one - or even two! - hands to truly satisfy. The sheer exhilaration of growing towards the sky propelled her dizzying climax forward, however, as her fingers examined, twisted, toyed with her lovely, pink nipples as they gushed with wild abandon.

Muma remained where he stood. Where a few of his tribe leered at horny giantess with unashamed lust, his expression remained hard. "No. The spirit is not in you." He said. "But it will take your body, soon enough." Muma looked bitterly at the carved figuring in his hand. The fire in its eyes started to consume the rest of the head, spreading across the dark wood. "And then we will all die."

Close to a hundred feet of woman looked down upon the witchdoctor. She was breathing heavily and her hand remained buried between her thick, strong thighs, absentmindedly rubbing over her seemingly inexhaustible sex. If there was any danger of the crushed hut catching on fire from the many torches, the deep, spreading puddle of juices below her shins put an end to that. "You sound awfully gloomy." Cathy said from the other side of a blissful haze. "Don't worry, you'll get your toys back eventually."

Muma let the figurine fall into the flattened grass. "There won't be any toys left in the jungle to fight over." The fire flared up and enveloped the carved tree in an emerald blaze, the flames hungrily eating away at the elaborate woodcraft. A thick, black smoke went up into the air, whirled around by a powerful gust of wind, and blew to point straight above the village.

The fire died out in less than a minute. For a moment, all was still. Then the green glow returned as a pair of points of light that appeared over the village in mid-air, as if carved out of the sky itself. For a moment, they merely existed, hanging exactly at the same level as Cathy's eyes - then they turned towards the giantess and fixed her with a malevolent stare.

A sudden cold shiver ran down Cathy's spine. She furrowed her brow. "What's this, your last-ditch effort to get rid of me?" She stopped tilling her garden and raised her slick hands in readiness for whatever might be becoming. "Or did that demon thing that's got you wetting your underwear finally decide to show up?"

The charred piece of wood belched smoke like a forest fire. The thick smog stung the senses as it rose towards the emerald eyes. Here, the wind could carry it no longer: The growing cloud drifted inside exact boundaries in the air as if trapped in hollow glass. Little by little, the spirit of nature took her shape, dark smoke filling out her monstrously feminine body. She shifted in place, mirroring Cathy's kneeling position at the other side of the village as her curvaceous ass and thighs took form.

"Well, damn." Cathy felt a pang of self-consciousness at the sheer sexuality oozing - quite literally! - off the shadow-giantess in front of her. Not enough to lower her defenses, though. "How are we going to do this? I'm fine with being chill if you are. I only have a beef with the guy who-"

The spirit lunged at Cathy, emerald eyes burning bright.

Cathy swung her hands up to brace herself, but the spirit's momentum still threw her back. She gasped and cursed and fought to right herself, flexing her newly improved muscled as they wrestled. Shadowy curves pushed against her, smoky breasts flattening themselves her own and all but enveloping her. It was a curious sensation, touching the solidified shadow - at once smooth and soft, but with too much give to it, like it was not entirely there. "Fucking hell, smoke-face. So much for peace!"

The spirit made a sound like a roaring flame as it rolled around in the clearing with Cathy, the giantesses knocking down trees and huts as if they made of tinfoil. Shadow struck flesh and filled the air with the sounds of heavy strikes and snapping tree-trunks. The dark spirit's expression remained the frozen mask of the figurine, but its terrible, green eyes flashed with anger and pushed right up in Cathy's face.

"Why are you so damn angry!?" Cathy grunted and shoved the creature away from her face. It kept coming, though, and Cathy lost her footing in the incredible mess of cum and milk she'd made on the ground. She rolled backwards, elbows on the grass while the spirit jumped at her once more, and swung her feet up to catch her foe squarely on her belly. A swift kick with both legs, and Cathy sent the spirit sailing through the air.

The shadow landed atop another hut with a resounding crash. A pair of tribals, a man and a woman, came running out of the wreckage, screaming and crying, but the spirit barely even glanced as she shifted to sit up and pinned the defenseless people under her plump ass.

Muma appeared at once. "Leave us!" He shouted, and held a staff up threateningly over his head. As the spirit slowly turned to glance down at him, Muma hissed a command at his tribesmen, but turned back to stare down the giantess looming above him.

Cathy sat up, too. "Hey, dude. You might not want to provoke her."

Thought the spirit had no expression to speak of, there could be no doubt about the sheer disdain in her eyes. She placed her hands squarely on the ground and slowly pushed her butt backwards, using that icon of fertility for a grisly show of force. The trapped tribals' screams rang out across the clearing.

Muma threw his staff at her.

A small explosion of orange-red flames went off and momentarily broke the shadowy curvature of the spirit's ass, smoke scattering into the air. The sprit jolted upright, crying out in pain in a voice that sounded like a glacier breaking, and stepped back to recover itself.

"Damn." Cathy muttered.

The tribals fled, but Muma held the line. The shadow turned its evil eyes on the witchdoctor once more.

"Get out of here, man, that trick isn't going to work twice." Cathy said.

"I have a duty to protect my people." Muma said. "This is bigger than me, or even you. The spirit must be banished."

The spirit advanced on Muma, crushing the penultimate remaining hut of the village. Its shadow fell across him - the witchdoctor looked awfully frail without his toys.

Cathy clenched her jaw. "Alright, then." She broke into a run and threw herself at the spirit, sending them both crashing into the densely forested hillside.

Her foe twisted around immediately as they rolled through the verdant foliage. She dug her knee into the ground, stopping the motion, and pinned Cathy to the ground by straddling her hips.

Cathy did not take it lying down - metaphorically speaking, at least. She punched at the shapely shadow atop her, but her hands never truly felt like they connected: The spirit's skin felt only half-there, and though its weight weighed down on Cathy's pelvis, it seemed to operate under another kind of gravity. "Let go, you fucking mute!" Cathy snapped, wrestling the smoke.

The spirit bent forward and all but smothered Cathy's face in its worryingly voluptuous breasts. Her vision went black, and air refused to come to her lips.

Cathy kicked her legs in primal desperation, flailing and fighting against the malevolent wall of smoky flesh that suffocated her. Her mouth opened, and the taste of burnt wood came upon her tongue. Fear gave her strength, and Cathy shoved herself up from the ground with her elbows.

The spirit tilted and fell on her side. Cathy was slow and hyperventilating, though, and the spirit had all the time in the world to make her move. She forced herself back against Cathy's side and pressed her skin close to the woman's warm, sweat-covered body. It left them lying on the flower-covered grass like lovers, and the spirit's next action was appropriately sexual. It kissed Cathy.

Cathy lost her breath as quickly as she had regained it, but this time it was not because of a lack of air. Rather, she felt herself being filled from the inside, billowing smoke pushing itself through her lungs and into her very being. She blinked in pure panic and saw the spirit's glowing eyes mere inches from her own, their indomitable green staring into her soul. "N-no!" She croaked, and pushed ineffectually at the dark shape.

The spirit rolled her hips as she put herself into Cathy, moving in closer as if in the throes of ecstasy. Her knee separated Cathy's legs, a plump thigh sliding up against her warm, wet sex and ground away, while her hands roamed across Cathy's ass.

The experience was as overwhelming as it was terrifying. Cathy could think of only one way out: Get bigger than the monster! Despite barely being able to think straight, the supernatural expansion returned to her as if she'd practiced it all her life. Her chest filled with euphoria - and mass, to boot, as her bountiful breasts grew bigger still and pushed back against the spirit's sensual assault.

Cathy's foot caught between a pair of moss-covered tree-trunks in its surge, but the stubborn old plants were powerless against the continued growth of Cathy's leg that first tested, then splintered the trunks as it continued to thicken. The spirit, too, was startled by the sudden movements that wrested Cathy's lips away from its terrible kiss. It looked up at her face and hissed.

Cathy smirked right back at the unmoving mask and got up onto her elbows. "How do you like that?" Her lungs stilled burned from lack of air and from whatever that thing had tried to put into her, but Cathy tried to sound confident. The heady rush of getting bigger gave her a temporary boost, at least, and the fire in her loins burned brighter as her growing body flattened dozens of trees and bushes all around her with satisfyingly loud crack! and thump! sounds.

The spirit dwindled in comparison to the growing giantess. It held on to Cathy's stomach, but lost its ferocious aura as it shrank to the size of a child, lost beneath the hills of Cathy's huge, shapely breasts. A clawed hand reached up and swiped at Cathy's face, but she was growing so quickly that the blow never connected. Off-balance, the shadow-spirit fell back upon the Cathy's flushed, sweaty skin.

Cathy could hardly keep it together. Her body was on fire and the myriad little pin-pricks of leaves and branches brushing along her legs and arms drove her mad. At her growing size, even the sturdiest stick could never hope to harm her, but it *could* stimulate; especially as she found a particularly well-shaped tree-stump that wedged itself between her thighs and soon became bathed in her sweet, slippery excitement.

The spirit was not out of the game just yet, though. It stood up, barely the size of a doll on Cathy's majestic form, and stared for a long moment. Then it bent its thick, powerful legs and jumped high into the air, clearing the way to Cathy's crotch in a single bound. It landed on a bed of pubic hair in need of trimming - or more appropriately, landscaping, at this scale - and sunk to its knees in front of the giantess' mons Venus. Cathy's grinding movements against the bumpy, lubricated tree stump made the spirit sway back and forth like itwas standing on the deck of a ship in stormy sea. A storm that was about to get worse as it bent down, spread Cathy's lips with both hands and kissed her clit with its smoky, slithering tongue.

Cathy's pussy exploded with raw pleasure. She shook, convulsed, and thrust her hips forward, moaning uncontrollably above the din of cracking trees and fleeing animals. "F-fuck!" Was all that she could utter, utterly entranced by her larger than life lust.

The spirit continued. Shrinking to the size of Cathy's thumb did nothing to diminish its ministrations, as it bodily threw itself onto Cathy's clitoral hood and straddled, humped, stroked and squeezed her throbbing clit. It made Cathy grow faster than ever, even as she squirmed like a madwoman and worked her swollen tits.

From a distance, the jungle valley could have been peaceful, if ones camera did not pick up the ear-piercing cries of erotic want. When Cathy's golden hair thrust above the endless green canopy, however, the jig was up. The curvaceous giantess burst into view and put next month's issue of National Geographic into R-ratings.

The sudden transition from green and brown hues of the undergrowth to blue sky and magnificent mountains made Cathy blink rapidly to reorient herself. Her continually rising sex drive made it difficult, as it bubbled up and up in a vicious cycle that left her unable to distinguish one orgasm from the next. What was she even doing here? It all seemed blurry, but she forced herself to sit up on her elbows - which tore up palm trees the size of toothpicks around her - and get a grip.

The abandoned village was visible nearby, a single clearing surrounded on all sides by the jungle. It sat on an elevated piece of land: A ridge that rose up sharply to a majestic mountain that even Cathy had not yet outgrown. Smoke rose from the summit, which was no summit at all: The top of the mountain was a caldera, a depression into the mountain like a god had scooped out the topmost layer of rock. At its bottom laid a slumbering lake of molten magma.

That's when a sharp, sudden pain shook Cathy out of her blissed-out sight-seeing. The spirit thrust a dagger of ice against her sizzling hot pussy, or so it would seem, though nothing physical of the sort was in sight. Cathy spread her legs wide - flattening another section of the forest - and feverishly combed her loins with sight and touch for the evil spirit.

It did not hide. However, due to the sheer difference in scale, the smokey figure appeared as nothing but a dot the length of Cathy's fingernail. And yet its touch felt so acute that their roles might as well have been reversed. The spirit sat below Cathy's clit, still, pressing its face into her folds and lapping up her copious excitement.

Something had changed. Cathy felt the fires in her loins flare up once more, but they grew cold and hard. She shuddered and tensed, snapping for air as the spirit ate her out with malevolent intent. "No, stop that," she said, feebly, and tried to pinch her fingers around the spirit.

The inhuman tongue kept torturing Cathy's most sensitive bumps, lips working with increasingly wet sounds. The reason soon became obvious: The spirit was growing. Swelling, expanding, filling out, the tiny dot regressed through its previous diminishment, lying across Cathy's pubic mound with its head buried in her folds as it grew to the size of a doll once more, of a cat, all the way up to personhood... Though this time that person was a towering goddess of a woman, hundreds of feet tall. The spirit's round, enviable ass slid up against Cathy's face, its own sopping cunt leaving its mark on her face as it hungrily pushed beyond the brief 69-position, to outsize the blonde giantess herself and to pillow her massive, coal-black breasts around Cathy's hips.

The great weight drove the air from Cathy's lungs and the chill made her limbs weak. She pushed at the growing spirit, but its plump thighs simply refused to move. "Stop!" She snapped for breath and received only wood smoke in return, sending her coughing and shaking. The adrenaline, and the chill of the spirit's tongue, at least dispelled the haze of lust from her mind.

The spirit seemed to eat her out forever. Cathy saw its growing body pass above her head: Its gushing cunt; its plump belly, sans navel; the beginning of its cavernous cleavage. The journey ended only when Cathy had shrunk to the length of the spirit's expressionless mask. It raised its head, eyes glittering with emerald delight, and looked down upon her opponent, a weak figure that it could easily smother between its immense tits. Its tongue came out again, probing at the air like a snake.

Crushing hopelessness filled Cathy. At least it numbed the knowledge that the monster would soon suck her dry, or fill her, whatever it wanted to do. She tried to raise herself up, but her arms buckled behind her. What did that crazy witchdoctor say? It would take over the earth? Cathy snorted. What use does such a big monster even have for the Earth at that size?

The tongue made of solid smoke lowered towards her. It seemed to fray at the ends, as if leaking out of holes in its shape. The chilling tongue-tip touched her knee and slowly slid up her naked body, an unconcerned victory lap for the evil spirit.

So Cathy kicked it.

"Think I'll just lie down and die?" she spat and smiled grimly at the spirit as it retracted in shock. "Fuck you."

The spirit rose up in apparent confusion. Then its green eyes grew hard and dull, and it raised an enormous fist to strike.

The volcano rumbled then, a deep, rolling sound that humbled even the giantesses' ground-pounding movements. A voice followed: "Do you hear that, o Spirit?" It was Muma, speaking as if he stood straight by Cathy's ear. "It is your father the Earth, here to judge you. Here to swallow you." The volcano shook once more, and an explosion of bright orange fired into the air from within the mountain. It lit the single figure standing at the lip of the crater from the back: The witchdoctor.

The spirit whirled around to face him and met his challenge with an unholy scream.  She rose to her full height, her movement seeming to run in slow motion purely because of her size, and stood towering above the jungle. The mountain still forced her to look up, but with every slow, inexorable step towards Muma, she grew taller, curvier, and more terrifying.

The witchdoctor might just have bought Cathy five more minutes to live, but her limbs still felt like they were made of jelly. Powered by an unstable cocktail of adrenaline and endorphins, Cathy dragged herself to her feet. "What are you doing?" She called. "You couldn't stop me, there's no way in hell you'll stop her. Just run, man!"

Muma remained resolute atop the mountain. He held his arms up high, as he invoked the great forces below. "You are a guest in this world, o Spirit. Your attempt to gain a permanent foothold is a transgression that cannot go unpunished." The mountain met the spirit's thundering footsteps with rumbling quakes, the combined seismic forces shaking the remains of the village apart.

Still the spirit kept coming.

Cathy grit her teeth. "Damn you both," she murmured and took a step forward. She managed not to fall. I won't do any good at this size. Cathy stroked her chest with a testing finger and felt a few sputters of her inner fire return. It dispelled the worst of the chill. She seized her hard, pink nipple and felt herself rise a few feet into the air. Alright, that's a start.

By now, the gigantic spirit had reached the summit, leaning forward over the sharp slope of the volcano with its feet digging deep trenches into the base of the mountain. The monster had crossed a threshold, becoming a mile-tall titantess, and it forced Muma to crane his neck to meet its unwavering gaze. Fingers the size of palace towers wrapped around the lip of the caldera and sent house-sized fragments of rock tumbling down into the pit of magma. If the spirit could laugh, it certainly would have done so.

"This is for my people." Muma said, and glanced past the city-sized nightmare in front of him to meet Cathy's gaze. There was a smile on his face, but it was not a happy one. "For all people. Even you."

Muma let his arms drop.

The top of the mountain exploded with rock and lava, fire given form erupting high into the air and spraying across the coal-black goddess.

The spirit recoiled, hissing in pain and anger, and staggered back from the bleeding mountain.

The volcano belched enough smoke to rival even the spirit and traced a myriad lines of fire through the air as the earth's fury fired upon it.

Even at the distance - though small in giantess terms - Cathy felt the heat flush her face. She held up her arms in front of her and shielded herself behind the looming form of the shadowy spirit. Muma, you god damn maniac!

The spirit's terrifying roar resounded across the entirety of the jungle. Its shape seemed to flicker, as smoke poured from several holes in its otherworldly skin. Then it stomped the base of the volcano so hard that the eruption sputtered and died.

"No!" Muma's voice rang out. It was no longer strong and clear - barely audible, in fact, as his frail figure emerged from under a sheltering rock on the mountain. "The fire killed you. It should have..." He wrung his hands, staring up at the wounded giantess with naked fear. "Did I act prematurely? Is it not physical enough yet?"

"Find cover, you fool!" Cathy shouted. She redoubled her efforts at growing, hands working frantically and making her pussy swell and squirt anew. She was only as tall as the spirit's knee, but she her pace was accelerating and the spirit's substance leaked out into the air from several wounds.

There was no cover to find. The spirit did not give Muma a second chance: It swung at the tiny witchdoctor and left a handprint the size of a public square that indented the mountainside several dozen feet inwards.

Cathy failed to suppress her gasp.

The spirit regarded its handiwork with detached interest, flexed its fingers. Then it turned, slowly, towards its remaining adversary.

Cathy's blood froze. She did not even dare breathe. And yet... What could she do? The monster had already defeated her once. She barely reached its waist - there was no time left to catch up, no distractions. Cathy made herself fill her lungs with air - perhaps her last - and put her arms down her sides. There was just one course of action left. What did Muma just say..?

"Alright, you oversized bitch," Cathy said. Her voice trembled less than she would have thought. "Let's get it over with." She raised her arms, as if for an embrace, and waited.

The spirit paused for an instant, considering what new ploy this might be. But what threat could the little blonde girl possibly pose against it? The emerald eyes flashed once, and then it bent down to scoop Cathy up. It held her against its huge, smothering breasts and kissed her.

Cathy shuddered violently as the shadow's essence invaded her body. A numbing chill filled her lungs and spread out across her torso. She felt its long tongue down her throat, an unpleasant sensation of something not quite there. It was a challenge to keep her eyes open, to avoid falling into the spirit's endless abyss.

The titanic spirit slowly dwindled in size, as the smoke that whirled around inside it flowed into Cathy's mouth - the trifle that leaked through its wounds, to be spread by the wind, was insignificant in comparison. Cathy's skin began to blacken in places, forming swirling patterns as wild and chaotic as the smoke itself. They met the sky-blue markings made by the witchdoctor and blended with the color until only an ash-grey remained.

Cathy felt trees below her feet once more, as the spirit had shrunk to her size. It's grip on her had slacked - yet its mere touch rendered her arms as powerless as a blade of grass.

The emerald eyes flared one last time, then the spirit disappeared fully inside Cathy's body. It was finished.

She felt herself slip away, as if falling into a great slumber. She knew that she would never wake up again. "Alright," she forced herself to say, fighting for every word. "Now you're as physical as you can be. So let's see how you like the heat now." She took a step forward, legs feeling like lead.

There was a great turmoil inside her, an unbearable pressure behind her eyes. Wisps of smoke trailed out her nose and mouth. "You'll die!" something screamed at her. "Foolish vessel!"

"And I'll take you with me." Cathy whispered through her teeth. The volcanic eruption might have passed, but the scorching hot lava remained. She dragged herself up the mountain, suffering the occasional spasm, and thrust her face into the bubbling pit.

Pain. More pain than she had ever imagined. Then the heat melted it away, scorching her marked skin clean, and she heard a scream of rage inside her ears. She slipped into a great darkness...

Her heart beat.

Cathy opened her eyes and saw nothing. She heard someone breathing, a shallow, belabored breath. There was heat beneath her and a faint smell of incense.

The nothingness resolved itself into shades of black. A horizontal line moved.

Cathy found herself standing on in the shadow of a mountain, far bigger than any she knew of on the planet. The lack of color made it impossible to make out any details.

There was another breath, and the ground moved beneath her feet. A green light lit up behind her.

Cathy turned to see the emerald eyes and instantly knew where she was. On the spirit's breast, looking up a mountainous nipple. It was gigantic, even compared to what it had been. But the fight had gone out of its inhuman eyes, and it visibly struggled to lift its head from the ground to see Cathy.

Cathy balled up her fists. "So. You have me. Is it everything you hoped for?"

The spirit did not make any reply. Cathy realized that it was wounded, still: Red light shone from gashes in its skin, slashed across shoulder and chest. Out trickled hot, glowing lava, trailing slow rivers down the black titaness' form.

"Well. At least you're less aggressive in that state." Cathy opened her fists again. "Is this how we'll spend the rest of time? You don't look in any state to destroy mankind, at least."

Something odd happened at the lava's passing from the spirit's wounds. It's surface was replaced with color, fair skin - as human as Cathy's own - replacing the blackness like streaks of paint.

"Talk to me, damn it!" Cathy took a step forward. "You attacked me, hurt me, maybe you killed me, or I killed you. At least have the balls to respond!" Anger flashed across her face and Cathy took another step forward.

The mask seemed closer than before, a lot more than it should. Cathy pressed on. With every step down the endless curve of the spirit's breast, she rose in height, until she could reach out and touch the spirit's face.

Cathy pushed her fingers through the eye-holes of the mask and pulled.

The emerald lights shone, flickered, then finally went out with a final burst of sickly green that burnt the afterimage onto Cathy's retina.

Her vision blurred, and she blinked rapidly to see again. Something was changing, like up and down decided to swing around and smack her into an unseen ceiling. Then her eyes cleared and she saw herself lying on her back, floating in a sea of nothing.

But Cathy was not just Cathy. The mask was in her hands, eyes now empty, and her body was blacker than the darkest night. Gigantic. But the burning wounds along her skin brought color to her naked self, her white skin returning in messy brush-strokes along with remnants of the blue and black tattoos that had danced across her skin in the time since she had entered the village.

Cathy look up and saw a spot of blue sky hanging above her. A perfect circle, a window out of this terrible, black dimension. She needed only to will herself to grow to reach it. She smiled, and reached for the sky...

The rush of water by her ear was the first sound of the humid jungle to reach her ear. Then the rest came flooding back, the wind in her hair and the animals across the valley. The sun baked her skin and dispelled the any remaining chill in her bones.

Cathy sat up.

She was gigantic. Bigger than the spirit had ever been, or could have hoped to be: Her body stretched far beyond the valley, her ass alone filling the space between the mountains with pleasant, feminine curves. She laid with her head by the volcano that had destroyed the spirit and herself, though now she could end the fearsome mountain with a single lick.

She was a goddess.

"I'll be damned..." Cathy smiled, beside herself, as her mind flooded with possibilities and power. So many things that she did not believe possible, or could even imagine, were laid out before her like tools before an artist. She waved her hand over the mountain, which reassembled itself as her command. The tiny, tiny figure of Muma materialized on the summit, while the rest of his village reappeared on the slope.

Muma looked around in confusion, then looked up, and up, and up... And fell on his ass when he finally caught Cathy's endless brown eyes.

She laughed softly and rested her head on her elbow. "It's okay, you can take a break. Start worshipping me later." She waved fingers at him and looked back to the verdant jungle all around her. Her own lush, sexually charged body fed it new strength and energy, her overly copious milk and cunt-juices trailing along the curve of her skin and creating several new rivers along through the forest.

Cathy smiled wryly. "Don't take too long, though. Everybody should get to see how big a goddess can really grow, though..."


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