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Author's Chapter Notes:

This first chapter was originally uploaded to my DeviantArt page in November 2022.

“H-huh, where am I?” the woman said as she slowly rose from the floor. She was still groggy from whatever chemicals put her under, but her vision was returning to her as she woke. She found herself in what appeared to be a filming studio filled up almost entirely by a model city. It stretched out 30x40 feet and was intricately detailed, accurately depicting a bustling metropolis down to the tiniest detail. The floor beneath her was the only empty space in the studio, and to her back was the only door.

With the haze clearing from her mind, her memories rushed back into her consciousness. She was Fujiko Mine, a legendary thief and femme fatale, and she had infiltrated a private laboratory to steal an incredibly valuable diamond. It should have been a simple job for a thief of her talents, but she got careless and breathed in a noxious gas that knocked her out. The next thing she knew, she was waking up in this strange studio. There were no signs anyone had harmed her, and she still had on the same clothes she wore during the heist: a white buttom-up blouse with the top three buttons undone, a pair of tight, grey slacks, and black high-heels.

Her senses restored, Fujiko went straight for the door. It was locked.

“Figures.” She turned back towards the city. “What is this place?” As if in response to her question, a loudspeaker in the ceiling started up.

“Welcome, Fujiko Mine,” the loudspeaker projected, “Feeling well-rested?” The voice was being run through a sophisticated modulator making it impossible to discern the speaker’s age or gender. “Before you ask any more questions, allow me to introduce myself and this space. I am the owner of the lab you brazenly attempted to burgle, and you can consider this room your temporary holding cell. Now, I have every right to contact the police and have you arrested, but I’m willing to strike you a deal.” Next to the door, a panel in the wall slid upwards, revealing a massive diamond encased within the wall. Fujiko stared at the object of her desires and instinctively began plotting out how she could break into the jewel’s case. “If you follow my commands to a T, then I’ll let you walk away free with my diamond.”

“Alright, what are your demands?” Fujiko asked, figuring she’d hear the stranger out before inevitably betraying them.

“Before you lies a perfect replica of a major, modern city. Everything is exactly to scale and built from state of the art materials to replicate the feel and density of the real thing.” Fujiko scanned the outer limits of the city, impressed with how lifelike it was. Peering into the buildings, each room was fully furnished and there were even tiny model people throughout the city. It was as if she had grown 100 feet. “I implore you, pick up one of the tiny models.” Fujiko did as she was asked and grabbed a little man off the sidewalk. It was barely even an inch tall and sat motionless between her fingers, but it felt just like a real person.

“How is this possible?” she asked, her defiance giving way to awe.

“After many years, I have completed this perfect replica. The people can even move and behave based on my commands.” Suddenly, the tiny in her fingers began to squirm. She could feel it’s movement, heartbeat and breathing. Shocked, she dropped the tiny and watched it splat as it hit the ground. “Relax, it may seem like a real person from the inside out, but they are advanced animatronics developed by myself. They use highly advanced biomaterials. They’re even edible.”

“Great, so what’s the point of all this?”

“I want you to destroy it.” Fujiko didn’t understand what they were saying. “I want to watch you rampage throughout my miniature city and witness this replicated civilization be effortlessly demolished by your body.”

“But isn’t this your life’s work? You just want me to trash it all?”

“Yes! It has all been for this moment. Please, Fujiko, do this and the diamond is yours.”

Fujiko thought about it for a moment, wondering what events in her life brought her to this. “So, you just want me to play Godzilla for a bit?” she sighed, “Alright. I guess I’ve done weirder things for treasure.”

“Excellent. And please, enjoy yourself.” The loudspeaker died down as the city turned on. What was once an urban replica transformed into a tiny society; lights turned on within the buildings, cars and trains began moving, and the people, completely still a moment prior, were now walking around as if they had been living another day of their lives. The ambient noises of downtown filled Fujiko’s ears as she thought how to approach the situation. There was an open street with enough room for her to fit between the buildings. She took a step into the miniature city, her heel making a loud clack as it collided with the road. The buildings in this area reached up to her waistline.

As soon as she was within city limits, the tiny model people entered panic mode, screaming and running from Fujiko as if she were a giant monster. She walked down the street and watched as the miniatures attempted to flee. Many were too slow to avoid the bottom of her shoes, and she managed to pulverize a few cars unfortunate enough to drive under her as well.

“It’s been a while since I’ve seen a monster flick. I wonder what I’m supposed to do.” She stopped at an intersection and reached down to grab a frightened tiny. “Monsters usually eat people, right?” She dangled the man over her mouth and stretched out her tongue. The little guy flailed helplessly as he dropped onto her soft tongue. Fujiko sucked on the guy, nearly drowning him in saliva as his body was forced from one cheek to another. “Woah, these things are tasty! Is this really what little people would taste like?” After being sucked on for long enough, the tiny fell onto her molars and met a quick end between her teeth, simulated blood squirting out from his corpse. “Mmmmmm! I’ll have more of that.”

Fujiko found a school bus idling beside her foot and picked it up. She peeled off the bus’s backside with her fingernail and shook it over her mouth to get at the yummy contents within. Some passengers landed on the front of her teeth while others slid down her tongue unable to grip onto her slimy tastebuds. One tiny replicant bounced off her lower lip and landed on her chin. Fujiko brushed over her teeth with her tongue, knocking any remaining tinies to the back of her throat, and swallowed the lot whole. As she tilted her head forward, the one tiny rolled off her chin and fell into her cleavage. Feeling it squirm, Fujiko gazed down at her chest.

“Aren’t you a lucky one,” she goaded “Try not to suffocate in there. I might be too much for you to handle.” She pressed down on him with her index finger, pushing him deeper into her cleavage. After some time, she stopped feeling any movement from him.

Next, she squatted down in front of an office building and watched all the people panicking through the windows. Her ginormous ass hung an inch above the hapless pedestrians below. She waved and smiled at the office workers, amused at how powerless they all were before her. “Let’s see how durable you made these.” She stood up and lifted her right foot above the building. With only a small amount of effort, her leg came crashing through all ten stories of the building, crushing many of the inhabitants. “Wow, that was even weaker than I thought.” She lifted her foot out of the building and noticed a tiny hanging onto her pant leg. Without even addressing it, she plucked it off and smashed it between her fingers. “If these things can’t withstand my foot, I can’t imagine they can hold the rest of me.” She walked over to another building and sat down on it. It creaked and buckled under her weight, but for a moment it seemed like it would stay standing. Then, the whole thing fell flat beneath her. Fujiko laughed as she sat in the rubble; this all seemed so strange at first, but she was beginning to enjoy being a giantess monster.

She slowly made her way towards the city center, stepping on and eating people along the way. The further into the model, the taller the buildings got with some stretching up to Fujiko’s chest. She came to a stop when she noticed the beads of sweat forming all over her body (the tiny population noticed these a lot sooner as the falling droplets washed them away). The studio had gotten warmer since she started. “This must be your way of telling me to strip,” she quipped. She unbuttoned the rest of her blouse and took off her pants revealing her extra skimpy, purple bra and panties. She draped her clothing over a nearby rooftop and left her heels on the side of the road.

Fujiko stretched her arms over her head; her sweaty body glistened under the studio lights. The screaming died down around her with the tinies becoming too distracted to panic. Fujiko breathed a heavy sigh and dropped to her knees. She lied down on her belly, filling the street with her body, and rested her head on her hands. She could feel tiny bodies squirm all across her frontside, sandwiched between her and the road. The bodies under her breasts lay still though, having been utterly flattened under their weight.

“Hey, Prof. Whoever-you-are, can you order your bots to give me a foot rub?” Without delay, the tiny replicants booted out of panic mode and into service mode. A group of them climbed onto her feet and began rubbing all over her soles. They tried their best to lick off the sweat and dirt, some even wriggling their way between her toes. Other tinies climbed elsewhere along her body: on her legs, across her back, in her bra. There were a couple tinies trying to bounce on her butt cheeks like they were mattresses. After a while, Fujiko rose off the floor, sending tinies spiraling off her body, and returned to her destructive duties.

She approached the tallest building in the city which reached up to her chin and wrapped her arms around it. The windows cracked as her breasts pushed into them. She pressed her crotch into it and began grinding up and down alongside the building. Windows shattered and structural supports gave way as the giantess pleasured herself. It felt like a magnitude 10 earthquake to the people inside, most of which had no means of escape. After a few strokes, the building gave in, collapsing between the pressure of her thighs and tits. When Fujiko released the tower from her grip, what remained was unrecognizable; it looked more like a crumpled soda can than a skyscraper. Not yet satisfied, Fujiko grabbed a handful of tinies off the ground and shoved them into her mouth. She couldn’t get enough of the power trip and proceeded to stomp around the city. Buildings, highways, and people all fell before her awesome might.

It wasn’t long before the entire model city was just a pile of rubble and all the tiny people were either stains on the pavement or inside Fujiko’s stomach. The giantess sauntered through the debris hunting down any remaining tinies. After some searching, she found one left at the edge of the city. It stood there in wait wearing a familiar red jacket.

“Lupin!” she cried giddily. Fujiko picked up the fake Lupin by his jacket and held him in front of her face. “I didn’t expect to see you here.” The tiny Lupin tried speaking to Fujiko, but she couldn’t make out anything he said. “What was that? You’re too small. I can’t hear you.” Though she couldn’t understand his words, she recognized the lustful look he had in his eyes. Realizing speech was futile, the tiny Lupin resorted to action. He dove out of his clothes and made straight for Fujiko’s mountains. Fujiko squealed as the gentleman thief wiggled his way into her cleavage. “Hey! That tickles!” She slid her hand between her breasts and felt around for the little guy, eventually pulling him out. “Have your fun? Well, I know a spot you’ll really enjoy, lover.” She pulled at the front of her panties while dangling Lupin above them. The master thief’s eyes nearly bulged out his head as she presented her treasure to him. She dropped Lupin into her underwear and let the elastic snap back to her groin. A mischievous smile grew across her face as her lover got to work. With that, the replica and its inhabitants had been completely wiped out.

“Thank you, Fujiko, you were magnificent,” the loudspeaker projected. “As promised here is your reward.” The glass casing slid open revealing the diamond, and the studio door unlocked itself. Fujiko put her clothes back on and took her prize.

“Thanks, doc. If you ever have something else you want stolen, don’t hesitate to call.”

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