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Story Notes:

What was supposed to have been a final hurrah before their son left for college, joining their daughter, and leaving her and her husband empty nesters had turned into a nightmarish horror. It was supposed to be the trip of a lifetime. It was something she and her husband had dreamt of since they were dating; to bring her kids along was like a dream come true. They would spend 3 weeks travelling China. From the Terracotta Army of Xi’an to the architectural impressiveness of Guangzhou, they would crisscross the country to witness its wonders and experience its culture. Sadly, the trip ended after a week...

Hungry for a late breakfast after arriving in Chengdu by train, the family found a small restaurant down a seemingly hidden alley. It appeared to be owned and staff by a young couple. She couldn’t imagine they were any older than their early 30s. They eagerly welcomed her and her family in.

They couldn’t help but notice the eerie quietness of the alley. It was as if all sounds from the city were sealed off. No birds chirping. No rumble of engines. No music from other shops. The restaurant itself was also oddly small but strangely empty. With glances toward one another, the family slowly crossed the threshold into the store.

Through her and her husband’s broken Mandarin and the couple’s little English, a large meal was prepared and presented. Hot tea was poured by the female shop owner. Her black hair tied into a tight bun, she wore a simple t-shirt and white shorts. A pair of cheap flip-flops slapped against her soles. The male was similarly dressed. She didn’t judge them, however, as the summer heat made her clothes soaked from sweat.

“Isn’t this amazing, Dianne?” Her husband asked her with a smile as his teacup was once again filled by the kind owner.

She smiled at him in confirmation of his words and held her own cup between her hands. Despite the heat of the air around her in the small, un-air-conditioned shop, the warm ceramic was comforting against her skin. She looked across the small table at her son and daughter as they ate. She thought about this being one of the last meals before he left to move across the country, and she returned to UCLA – 6 hours from their home in Sacramento – to finish her Junior year.

The light-headiness arrived slowly but was strong.  

“John. Are you feeling alight?” she asked as she felt herself slurr.

Her husband carefully placed his teacup down and looked at the woman now towering over their table with her husband at her side.

“Say...what was...in...thissssss...” Dianne watched as her husband attempted to speak but soon slumped over unconscious. She attempted to scream but felt herself follow him into the abyss, her son and daughter followed suit.

When Dianne regained consciousness, she felt oddly refreshed. Her first thoughts were, “That was some really good tea.” But then she soon felt a draft against her skin. That’s when she noticed she was completely naked. She jumped up in shock.

Though she was proud of being in the shape she was at 42, she had no desire to be completely stripped of her clothes. She looked around for her clothes but was only met by the sight of her husband, son, and daughter still passed out. They lay on a white plastic surface.

She ran toward her husband, her bare feet slapped against the plastic. “John! JOHN!” she screamed and leaned down and shook his shoulders.

The man slowly stirred away. His dry lips smacked together, and he moaned.  

“What...where? Dianne?” His eyes opened slowly at first but then threw themselves wide open as he noticed his wife’s nudity.

“Dianne!” He shouted and quickly sat up. “What’s going on? Why are you naked?” He then looked down at his body “Why am I naked?” his wife’s eyes led him to his kids’ bodies, “Why are THEY naked!?” he screamed in fright and the protective nature that a father has.

“I think we were drugged.” Dianne replied

“Robbed?” John asked with a raised eyebrow.

“May...maybe. But I guess the quest is where are we now?” Dianne followed-up.

That’s when the couple took in their surroundings. The white plastic floor expanded around them and led to metal bars which rose vertically and met above.

“It’s like we’re in a hamster cage or something. But how?” John spoke...his question quickly answered.

The cage lightly trembled as if distant thunder approached. The thunder intensified and caused Dianne to fall to her knees, John quickly embraced his wife as a shadow was cast over them. Their eyes went wide with horror.

“Ni hao, Dianne...Ni hao, John....” The female restaurant owner stood above them with a pleasant smile. She held 4 blue American passports in her hand. Quick Mandarin soon followed which John and Dianne struggled to keep up with.  


“Welcome to Chengdu, Mister and Miss Wilson. I am Chun. I thank you very much for coming to our restaurant...”

“Why are you making friendly with the product?” A male voice came from behind and she felt a pair of arms wrap around her flat stomach.

“Oh Bai. You married me for my friendliness. Remember? Besides, it’s best to not scare them too much as we get a higher price for a happier pet.”


As they stared up in complete awe of the towering couple, Dianne and John whispered to one another.

“Did you catch any of that?” John asked his wife.

“Only a couple parts. Her name is Chun and he’s Bai. Married. Then something about product and pets?” She raised an eyebrow.


“When do you want to begin training?” Bai whispered into his wife’s ear sultrily.  

She laughed, “Oh be patient. The other two aren’t even awake yet. Besides you must feed the others.” Chun waved her arm around the small room.

Dozens of other small cages held similar sights. Small people trapped within.

“Aw. But it's been so long since we got a family. I was getting tired of single travelers. So many hippies.” Bai replied with disappointment and released his wife to tend to the task of feeding.

Chun looked down and waved the passports above the small couple.

“You must be Dianne and John and those must be your children, Kevin and Miley.”


“She knows our names.” Dianne whispered into John’s ear as he held her tight.


“Oh gosh. You two are so adorable. Holding each other close. He seems to be a great protector.” Chun smiled. “I will let Kevin and Miley rest some more and then I will be back.”


Dianne and John watched in confusion as Chun walked away, her flip-flops smacking against her soles.

They could see Bai through the cage bars as he walked around the room to other cages. John and Dianne stood in confusion and walked to the bars. They watched as he stopped at the cage to their left holding a small single blonde female. Bai opened the cage lid and reached inside. His hand soon ensnared the woman who screamed obscenities.

“She’s Dutch.” John whispered to Dianne.


“Hello Golden Mouse.” Bai teased the woman struggling in his grasp. A lone backpacker he and Chun had acquired just three days prior. Her first day of training had been just the day prior. He could feel her fear as she trembled in his fingers wrapped around her.

“Hungry?” He asked in an effort to test some of the Mandarin he and Chun taught her.

The small woman nodded eagerly. Her hair was a mess and her eyes tear stained.

“Good. Let’s test some of the words you know.” He held his hand above the cage and opened his fingers. The woman fell to the bare floor with a small smack. He gave her no time to compose herself.

“Sit.” He spoke slowly.

The naked, lengthy but miniature, woman sat on her bare ass. This earned a smile from Bai.

“Beg.” He spoke next.  

The girl got on her hands and knees and kowtowed.

“Amazing. And now...Kiss.” He stuck his right pinky finger through the bars.


John and Dianne watched the display in horror. The Dutch woman slowly approached the wiggling digit and placed her lips on it.  


“Very good. You might be ready for market sooner than thought.” Bai smiled.

He then reached into his pocket and pulled out what seemed to be trail mix. He tossed it haphazardly inside the cage and left the room.


John and Dianne quickly ran to the left side of their cage.

“Hey!” John shouted at the woman separated about 7 inches from their own prison. “Hey you!” He screamed. The woman held an oversized peanut in her hands and scrapped at its surface with her teeth. She looked up at John and Dianne.

“What’s your name!?” Dianne shouted.

The woman, obviously distraught looked around as if she expected Bai or Chun to scold her. She then approached the right side of her cage.

“I am Lieke.” She replied apprehensively.

John and Dianne introduced themselves and then proceeded to question Lieke. They learned very little more than what they already knew but learned about Lieke. She was 25 and was taking a year off from work to see the world. She had stopped at the restaurant much like them and awoke after drinking some of Chun’s tea.  

“Do you know why they’re teaching you words like ‘sit’ and ‘beg’?” Dianne asked.

“I do not know.” Lieke seemed more preoccupied with the trail mix crumbs than continuing the conversation.

As if on command, however, Dianne’s question was soon answered.

The familiar slaps of Chun’s flip-flops approached until the woman stood in the center of the room. An unfamiliar girl behind her.


“Welcome. I am sure you heard many good things about our products.” Chun made her sales pitch. “And you are ready to buy?” she asked.

The girl flashed a large wad of Yuan at Chun who smiled.

“Please review our stock.” Chun’s hand waved around the room.


John and Dianne watched as the other girl moved around the room. If Dianne had to guess, she was probably in her 20s. Maybe a college student.

She looked in each cage carefully. She stood over Dianne and John. Her eyes darted from them to Kevin and Miley.


“What about these 4?” the prospective customer asked Chun who shook her head.

“They are not ready you. We do not want you crushing them out of impatience.”  

The girl nodded and moved over to Lieke.

“She is quite pretty.” she stooped down to look at the woman closer.

Chun chewed her lip. “I agree but she is a new product as well...”

“Where is she from?” The girl asked.

“Netherlands.” Chun replied.

“I very much like Netherlands. Their people are very pretty.” The girl seemed enraptured by Lieke who shook visibly.  

Chun began to speak but paused, “Let me get with my partner...” she then walked from the room.


Dianne and John held their breaths as they heard the Mandarin from the other room. They feared what was going on but were unsure what exactly it was...


“Okay. Bai says she is a very quick learner. We will give you a 5% discount as she may need more training but no returns.” Chun spoke sternly.

The girl quickly agreed.


Dianne and John looked on in horror as Chun took the wad of money from the girl and opened the cage. She motioned for the girl to reach in.

Lieke screamed and fought but it was no use as the hand overpowered her. The girl smiled and laughed.


“I like that she fights. She will be fun to teach.” The girl spoke as Lieke squirmed in her warm palm. She then opened a small back around her waist and tossed the smaller woman inside.


The transaction was quick. John and Dianne watched as Chun, the customer, and Lieke left the room. They wondered what chaotic hell they had been forced into.


A week passed and the Wilsons were introduced into the life they were expected to live from now on.

Kevin and Miley both fought at first but gave in at their parents’ request. John was powerless to defend his family as Bai and Chun enforced their will. The few times he tried to fight; the giant couple easily made a fool of him. After Chun rolled him under her foot for five minutes, Dianne made him promise to obey any commands from that point.


“He is very good.” Bai spoke as Kevin lotioned his fingers after a day of building a new sign for the restaurant. “Maybe he can do my dick next.” He winked at Chun who rolled her eyes.

Unaware of what the giant couple above him spoke about, Kevin continued his care of Bai’s skin. Kevin was broken. He forced himself to fall into his backbreaking work. His college dreams were over before they even began.  


John, Dianne, and Miley all huddled around the trail mix crumbs in their cage. Miley struggled to not gag as one of Chun’s punishments still left its mark in her mouth.

Dianne was forced to watch as Chun pushed her fingers between her toes and gathered accumulated gunk and sludge. Her fingers rolled the toe jam into a small ball – approximately basketball sized to the small people and forced Miley to eat it after a particularly rough training session.

Miley could still feel her teeth sinking into the surface. Its salty, vinegary, and earthy taste assaulted her nose and tongue. She vomited countless times after eating only ¼ the ball. Chun stored it somewhere safe when it was apparent Miley couldn’t' complete the task. Miley remembered to be on her best behavior from that point forward.


After 2 weeks, the tiny family had learned their place under their owners. Chun’s birthday came in this time, and they learned she was only 29 while Bai was 31. They also learned the secrets of the restaurant and shrinking. The tea went back to the times of the Mongols. Chun’s ancestors developed the tea to fight the invaders but were soon engaged as partners. Enemies and Lost Traders were shrunk and sold by Chun’s family which earned them a small fortune. As the centuries went on, Chun’s family adapted. They established the restaurant and soon preyed on non-chinese travelers which kept them off the government radar and allowed deniability.  


“You know this isn’t that bad. I’ll never have to worry about having to get a job and be homeless or go starving.” Kevin spoke as his family sat in a circle around a special treat of birthday cake.

“Of course you would say that.” Miley rolled her eyes at her brother. “Some of us had a future.”

“Fuck you.” Kevin replied.

“Why don’t you go beg to lick Bai’s soles some more!” Miley stood up and screamed.

Kevin went silent.

Dianne and John ached. They had heavy bags under their eyes and their once healthy tans from travelling were long gone. Though they shared Miley’s anger, they knew they were powerless. They watched countless customers come and go along with new arrivals. Not once had there been any inkling of a savior except the one time a cop visited.

She seemed stern and surprised at first, which brought the Wilsons hope. Unfortunately, a handful of Yuan later and she left with a small black man in her right pocket.

John and Dianne had also been adopted as favourites by Chun and Bai and introduced into their bedroom play...

Dianne remembered the first time John was strapped to Bai’s dick. His arms and legs wrapped around the throbbing shaft while his face was pressed into the skin. It was then thrust between Chun’s legs. The pleasurable moans were seared into her memory. Her husband was tossed aside like a used condom afterward while she was forced to lick both giant’s genitals. Their laughter caused her to burn with shame on a daily basis.  


Mid-Autumn Festival soon arrived and with it, a reunion of Chun’s family at the property.

John, Dianne, Miley, and Kevin screamed in terror as they were surrounded by bare feet. Their 5-inch to 7-inch tall bodies tortured and teased.  

Chun, her two sisters, her mother, and her aunt all sat around the tiny American family. Familiar orders rang in the air.

A foot landed with a large thud and an order was given. Miley crawled on her hands and knees and began chewing the calloused skin and licking between the toes.

“You have made the family proud with your success.” Chun’s mother spoke as she squeezed her toes around Miley’s head which caused the tiny girl to squeal and flail her arms. This amused Chun’s mother, “She squeals like a pig!”

Dianne wanted to give the older woman a piece of her mind but was preoccupied herself. She was cleaning under Chun’s toenails with her teeth.

Kevin worked the soles of one of Chun’s sisters who lauded him with praise.

“This one is very good. He also seems to like it.” She laughed at Kevin’s erect dick.

“Yes. It has been non-stop since the first day.” Chun laughed. “Bai is quite fond of him as well.”

“I imagine.” Chun’s sister laughed as Kevin then plunked his head between her pink and right toe on her right foot.


As they settled into their life as the pets of Chun and Bai, the Wilsons bore witness to some of their more intensive training and sales techniques.

“And if you’d like...” Chun’s voice spoke as the Wilsons watched her display from their cage. “...you can attach to your shoe as such...”

A small screaming man – a recent arrival from England – was stretched across the insole of Chun’s flip flop. His arms and legs were attached with super glue, forcing him into a starfish pose.

Chun placed the flip flop on the floor and slid her foot over the man. Her toes carefully gripped the rubber thong-piece. She wiggled her digits in satisfaction.

“His tiny body will massage my sole for the whole day. No need to refresh as he will simply drink my sweat.”

A family of 4 stood and nodded at Chun’s display. They were preparing for their Lunar New Year vacation and thought about getting some tiny people as gifts for their family.

Chun removed her foot from the man who was now covered in a layer of dirt form her sole. She peeled him from the flip-flop, much to his misery, and placed him back into his cage.

A girl from the family broke off and walked over to the Wilsons cage. John and Dianne recognized her from their first day. She had on a UCLA hoodie this time. This instantly caught Miley’s attention.

“Oh my god!” She screamed and ran to the cage bars. “Do you go to UCLA!?” She screamed in her squeaky voice.

The girl stooped down and smiled, “Oh my god. You are very cute.” Her accented English spoke at Miley.

Miley, slightly offended at being called ‘cute’ by the girl who seemed younger than her continued, “Look. If you go to UCLA, you must find Bethany Jones. She’s my best friend. You have to tell her Miley Wilson...”  

The girl turned to Chun. “What is this one saying?” She asked.

“Hmm?” Chun turned and walked toward screaming Miley and the girl. Miley’s high-pitched voice was indiscernible. “I am not sure. When they get this small, their voices are impossible to understand. They are like mice.”  

This earned a small chuckle from the girl who reached in and poked Miley in the stomach. “I like this mouse. How much? She is trained now, right?”

Chun bit her lip. “I am sorry, but she is personal pet.”

The girl ignored Chun and opened the cage and reached inside. Her fingers grabbed Miley’s head and pulled her upward. Miley’s shouts turned to screams of terror.

John and Dianne were powerless as their daughter was pulled through the air. Kevin, on the other hand, stifled a laugh as his sister’s head was pinched between the giant fingers.  

Miley felt herself grow weightless at the sudden movement and then solid earth beneath her feet. The fingers removed to give her a sight that made her wish she was blind.

The girl towered above Miley. Her hands on her hips and a bratty smirk on her face. Miley had no doubt that she was one of the rich students who drove a Maserati around campus. She appeared to have adapted to American style quite easily. She wore a vintage oversized UCLA hoodie, high waisted jeans, and chunky wedge sandals. Yellow painted toes stood just above Miley’s eye level.  

“I want her.” The girl spoke to Chun as she stared down at Miley’s cowering form.

“But she is not for sale.” Chun reiterated.

“How much?” The girl’s father spoke from behind.

“I cannot sell her. She is part of their family.” She motioned to the three remaining Wilsons in the cage.

“I don’t want them. Only her.” The girl towering over Miley spoke louder.

“I can give you $20,000.” The man offered as he pulled out his phone to pay.

“No. Sorry.” Chun began to stoop down to pick up Miley but was stopped as the girl stamped her right foot, blocking Miley from Chun’s approaching hand.

“$50,000” Her father added.

Chun stood and sighed. “I-I can’t...”

“$250,000” The father pushed the number way up.

Chun nearly choked on air. She looked down at Miley and then at the WIlsons. She bit her lip and then shrugged. Maybe she’d get them a similar girl to adopt.

“Okay.” She replied and shook the father’s hand.

“Wait! No! You can’t!” Miley attempted to scream and beg.

The girl smiled victoriously and slipped her right foot from shoe. “Glue please” she asked Chun and extended a hand.  

Chun and the Wilsons watched on as Miley’s arms and legs were covered in glue.

Miley tried to fight. The larger girl’s fingers easily manipulated her. She soon found herself affixed to the insole of the chunky heel.

“NO!” She screamed as her hair, rubbed in super glue, stuck as well. This forced her to remain still and look upward. The shoe was planted on the ground. Her new owner’s face was soon replaced by a waving and wrinkling sole.  

“Please! Don’t do this! I’ll be a better pet!” Miley attempted to beg Chun, but it was too late.  

Dianne wanted to scream but merely wept silently as she held her husband. She knew this would be the last time they’d see their only daughter.

As the sole grew larger, Miley attempted to pull herself free. She screamed as the warm flesh neared until then landed on top of her. It practically filled her mouth.  

The Chinese girl smiled as she felt Miley’s body press into her sole. Her muffled screams gave a small tingle.

Dianne and John both cried openly as the foot sealed their daughter into her new life. The pet of some rich student. Kevin felt nothing.


“Should we sell the others?” Bai asked as he slurped noodles. Kevin and Dianne rubbed his feet under the kitchen table after a run.

John, meanwhile, worked a file against Chun’s fingernails.  

Dianne didn’t even taste the acrid sweat as she pushed her body into Bai’s sole. The final image of her daughter being entombed under the large foot replayed in her mind.

“Maybe. I bet we would get another family in the future.” Chun replied and slurped her own meal.

“Shame. I like the son.” Bai answered as he felt Kevin’s head dive between his toes.

“And I like the Parents in the bedroom.” Chun blushed.


So, the remaining Wilsons served under Bai and Chun. Treasured family pets and well used at large functions. They assisted in the training of new products and even welcomed a larger family a year later.  

The Gallos were a family of 5. Father, Ron. Mother, Karen. Sons, Tony and Luis. Daughter, Maria.  

They fought at first and resisted any advice from the Wilsons. This was until Chun, quite literally, put her foot down and turned Ron into paste. After that, she and Bai enjoyed the two families’ loyalty.  

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