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In the confusing darkness of her clothing it took me so long to get out that I heard her shower, the shower turn off and her footsteps as she came back into the room all before I could see anything.

Feeling the ground shake with each step I dreaded every second wondering if she would step on her clothing, possibly crushing me into the floor, a fate that fortunately never came. As the footsteps faded into the distance, I finally managed to make it out of the heap of clothes and out of the darkness.

Looking around, she was gone, probably back down the hallway, but I could see her wet towel on the floor, and the strong smell of strawberries permeating the air. She smelled so good, I couldn’t help but approach her towel.

Taking deep breaths of that wonderful scent, I also reasoned with myself, the water on the towel would be fairly clean, and water was hard to come by, another good reason I should head over there. Crossing the room wasn’t hard, but now that I knew she was home, any time in the open was a little nervous. Every so often I'd hear something in the distance, wondering if she was about to race into the room, and I would need to try to hide from her feet.

Arriving at her towel, I was pleased to find that it was pretty damp, and it was not hard to suck water out of the cloth. It felt…..strange, but I had to push those thoughts away. I no longer had the luxury of “normal” things, after all there was nothing normal about being a speck in the first place.

Several minutes went by as I tried to relax and enjoy this moment. The air smelled like strawberries, and I was filling up on water, no longer feeling thirsty. The towel was pretty comfy too. I began to get a strange feeling though, that feeling you get when you can somehow tell you aren’t alone?

I jumped up, looking at the door, getting ready to try and run away from wherever she was heading….but there was nothing. No giantess in the doorway, no booming footsteps.Was the feeling wrong? No…something was making me feel a little uneasy.

I looked around, but couldn’t see anything around the room, so I slowly began to circle the towel. But circling all the way around yielded no further insight. The feeling subsided as I convinced myself it must have been a false alarm.

Looking around the rest of the room, I wondered what I should do next. This was my first time in the room, and it felt like a whole new world. I could spend the day, hell probably days exploring everything. Out in the distance I spotted her bed, and the world of boxes, clothes and random items under it. That seemed like a place as good as any to start.

Approaching the dark underneath the bed, the first thing that struck me was…. It was a bit messy. I didn't get a gross dirty vibe from it as much as just clutter. A shoe box, some clothes, a stuffed animal, it looked like stuff fell or got tossed down here and just stayed here.

At my size dust was more noticeable and as I passed under the hanging sheet and directly underneath the bed, that's what I could sense and see in the carpet. Down here didn’t get vacuumed or cleaned very often. As Iw angered around in the shadowy realm, it felt like what I imagined exploring an apocalyptic city would feel like.

All around me towering items loomed in the shadows. I tried to climb up a shoebox, but found the walls too slippery, and the pair of discarded jeans offered little extra view from the top. Approaching the stuffy, I felt the hairs stick up on the back of my neck, that feeling you get when something feels…not right. 

I looked around, it was dark, but i could still see pretty well, but there was just dark carpet and the same towering clutter. As I leaned down and climbed under the stuffed rabbit’s arm I tripped, having been too focused on the colossal pink bunny.

Looking down, I tilted my head, puzzled as I looked at something that felt very out of place. On the ground was a simple brown book bag, the kind you may sling over one shoulder and use at school. Only…my size. I picked it up, it was empty, but…what was it doing here?

I thought back to that arm I had found….was it possible I wasn’t the only speck trapped here? I had arrived in this place with my clothes and shoes, but no recollection of what I was doing before. Maybe if that happened to other people, things they had on them would have come too? I had my phone still after all, it just…didn’t work.

It seemed like it would be useful, so I slung it over my shoulder, continuing my exploration, I headed back out from under the bed to see what else I could find, or looking down at my bag, who else I could find.

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