Olivia groaned as she awoke, the familiar climb to consciousness weighed down by a dense cloud of muddled sensation. Her thoughts struggled through the waking fog, until she received her first real sense of her surroundings. She could feel pressure around her wrists, waist, and ankles, along with a tightness in her throat. The weight on her chest and stomach and the tightness in her back told her she was spread-eagled on her stomach.
"What..." Olivia managed, before she broke out in a dry, hacking cough into the satin bed sheets. She cleared her throat and tried again. "What the fuck happened?"
She rolled over, her movements sluggish and her thoughts still hazy. It was a few seconds before she realized she hadn't actually moved very far at all. She was still on her stomach, limbs splayed to the four winds.
"Why," she started, then coughed again. "Why can't I move my..." she trailed off, her eyes finally managing to focus on more than the red plane of the bedsheet in her face. She looked up, head still drooping, and saw her wrists had been secured in padded leather bindings, each tied to a bracket on a pole at the corners of the king-sized bed. Working some feeling back into her legs as she tried to move, she could tell her ankles had likewise been bound to poles at the foot of the bed.
No, not poles. Arches. There were two arches installed at the head of the bed, one slightly taller and wider than the other. It looked like they were built with some sort of track or rail system installed. Olivia suspected she would find a similar set-up at her feet.
Olivia tried looking for more detail in the dimly-lit room, but her restraints severely limited what she could see. There was an overhead lamp that seemed to focus light on her and the bed, leaving most of the room in darkness. It reminded Olivia of an interrogation scene in a movie, before her thoughts turned to an operating table in a mad scientist's lab. Was that why the sheets were red?
Olivia felt her muddled confusion rapidly becoming fear, and she forced herself to take a few deep breaths before her emotions graduated to a full-on panic. She tried to process how she had ended up here. Her memory was still a little foggy, but she vaguely remembered enough hours in front of a computer to give her a stiff back, then grabbing some vaguely healthy take-out - was it a Mango-Açai shake like usual? - before taking a shower and throwing on her pajamas. Had she crawled into bed? No, she had been waiting for something, hadn't she? Or was it someone? She was clearly forgetting something.
Olivia found she could remember nothing between slipping on her cute babydoll outfit, and waking up strapped to a bed. "Naked," she noted aloud, realizing the only coverings on her body were the cuffs on the restraints about her wrists, waist, and ankles.
Though, that wasn't completely true. She could feel a soft cord or ribbon wrapped snug around her throat. That definitely wasn't there when she went to bed.
"Oh good, you're awake."
Olivia startled at the sound, quiet though it was. Her head had cleared considerably, but she hadn't had the wherewithal to notice anyone else in the room until they spoke. Though, now that Olivia had heard the voice - and despite some vigorous rolling and jerking of her head and restrained body - she couldn't find its source.
"Settle down, Pet," the voice said. This time Olivia could tell it came from somewhere in front of her on the bed, though all Olivia could see was an orthopedic pillow - also wrapped in crimson-colored satin. "I want to have some fun with you. No need to stress out, yet." The voice giggled. "No, that only comes when I want it to. And fair warning, pet - I expect the same of you."
Olivia stared at the pillow, her muddled thoughts beginning to wonder if someone had left a phone laying on top of it, playing some adult movie. Her thoughts rejected that idea a moment later when a tiny pair of thigh-high boots kicked into the air over the pillow. A moment later, a tiny woman sat up in the crease of the pillow, making her presence known.
Olivia couldn't help but stare at the impossible sight. The woman's waist-length hair was as red as the sheets, and was worn in a ponytail held together by half a dozen hairbands along its length. She wore blood-red lipstick with dark eyeshadow, though given how small the woman was, Olivia couldn't make out an eye color. A tiny leather corset narrowed her slim waist and pressed tightly against her modest chest. The belted-on black, leather, thigh-high boots had a wicked heel, and she preserved a modesty as small as she was with a matching leather thong. She would have been picture perfect for Olivia's mental image of a dominatrix - if her entire body wasn't shorter than Olivia's forearm.
"Have a good stare, pet? It's not everyday you get to see the impossible, so I'll forgive your transgression this one time." The tiny dominatrix's smile was almost predatory. "This one time, but no further. "
Olivia blinked. This isn't possible. That idea dominated her thoughts, to the point of briefly pushing aside her compromised situation.
"How... Who... What are you?"
The tiny woman laughed, a full-on belly laugh that sounded like birdsong faintly echoing in a padded room. She crossed one leg over the other, bouncing her foot lightly as she sat on the edge of the pillow.
"I am human, my pet, just smaller than you would expect. But that is none of your concern." The tiny dominatrix licked her lips. "As far as you are concerned, I am your owner. Your Mistress. And you will address me as such."
That bold declaration pushed through Olivia's surprise and awe at the impossible sight. The confusion, unease, and fear that had been with her since her awaking now came to the fore of her thoughts.
"How did I get here?" Olivia asked, the fear coloring her voice. "Why was I brought here?"
The tiny dominatrix casually reached back behind her and picked up something about the length and width of her tiny forearm. She slipped her arm through a pair of straps on the bottom of the device, until she wore it like a strange amalgam of a keyboard and a vambrace. She touched a few buttons in a rapid sequence, and Olivia felt the cuffs around her wrists and ankles begin to pull.
"The how of your predicament, my pet, is less important than the why. Suffice to say it involved a fun little cocktail of sedatives and suppressants to render you defenseless and pliable, just the way I like."
As Olivia felt her limbs pulled to the point her joints were beginning to feel some strain, the tension on her bindings steadied.
At that point, the tiny woman slid smoothly off the pillow, leaning back against it for balance when her high-heeled boots proved a bit challenging to balance in while standing on a gel mattress.
"As for why you're here with me, I thought I made that abundantly clear." The tiny domme steadied herself, and marched right up until she was only a couple inches from Olivia's nose.
Olivia could make out more details of the tiny domme's tight little body, including details too small to notice when the tiny wasn't right before Olivia's eyes. She was thin and tall - proportionally speaking. She was quite fit, though Olivia wouldn't call her athletic. The muscles in her thighs were on proud display as they worked to keep her steady on the bed, and her creamy arms crossed beneath her modest chest, the small swells accentuated by the tight corset.
Her eyes are so green, Olivia thought, their brightness and color enchanting. The teensy, tiny freckles running down her cheeks and displayed across the top of her chest would have had Olivia trying to get her number, in a less dangerous circumstance.
"You, my pet, are here because I want you here. You are mine, now." The tiny domme took a step closer, and ran her hand down the side of Olivia's nose. She grabbed the nostril, and stared intently into Olivia's right eye. Her tiny face was flushed with excitement.
"Yes, you are mine, Pet. And I am in a mood to play."
The tiny Mistress took a step back and pressed a few more buttons on her armband. Olivia felt her arms being lifted higher into the air. Whatever pulley system controlled the tension on her cuffs was also on the track system, and the brackets or pulleys attached to her wrist cuffs were climbing higher, lifting Olivia's torso and exposing her chest. The all-natural double-D's rolled back until they just barely rested on the mattress, Olivia's pink nipples and half-dollar areolas were almost flat, the surrounding flesh covered in goosebumps.
Mistress licked her lips at the fleshy orbs, each of which must have weighed several times as much as she did. The faint sheen of fear-sweat made them glisten in the overhead light.
"What are you doing to me?" Olivia asked, now beginning to realize just how much control this tiny domme had over her.
"Mistress," the tiny woman said, a disappointed frown on her face. "I told you before that you will address me as Mistress. This is twice now that you have failed to listen. And I will not stand for a disobedient pet."
Mistress tapped a few more keys, and the bindings on Olivia's wrists began to pull again. She could feel her shoulders stretching, the pain constant and present, but not overwhelming. More an extreme discomfort than an injury in progress.
Olivia grunted at the pain, and Mistress' frown deepened. "I said, you will address me as Mistress. Is that understood, Pet?"
"Yes, Mistress," Olivia grumbled, grudgingly. "I understand."
Mistress smirked at that. She pressed another button, and the tightness in Olivia's shoulders relaxed back to a constant tension.
"It makes me happy to hear you behaving, Pet. I am a strong believer in cause and effect. A disobedient pet will be punished. So how do you think your Mistress treats a well-behaved, obedient pet?"
It took Olivia a moment longer than she would have liked to respond. This tiny dominatrix had power over her - could likely hurt or even cripple Olivia, using her mechanical restraints as a modern torture rack - and so Olivia would play along for the time being.
No, it wasn't defiance that delayed her response. It took Olivia longer to answer because she could still feel something muddling the edges of her thoughts. Whatever chemical cocktail Mistress had drugged Olivia with was still working its way through Olivia's system. Still, Olivia managed to answer before Mistress could punish her again.
"A good pet gets rewarded? Is that right, Mistress?"
Mistress smiled, and Olivia found herself almost falling for the tiny woman. That smile on her sexy little face was absolutely adorable. Even as her helpless situation kept her tense, Olivia couldn't help but be attracted to the tiny Mistress. What the hell was in those drugs?
"Very good, Pet," Mistress said, walking right up to Olivia's left breast. She reached out a tiny hand, and began to gently caress the nipple. "Continue to be good, and I will reward you handsomely." Mistress knelt down before the nipple, and ran her soft, wet tongue from bottom to top of the tender organ, bringing up a soft whimper from Olivia along with it. Mistress put her whole mouth on the nipple and sucked for a few seconds, helping the sensitive bud to grow. Mistress dragged her teeth across the bud as it outgrew her oral ministrations.
"But if you misbehave again, my pet, then that will see further, and more creative punishments." Mistress grasped the growing nipple with both hands and gave it a pinch and twist. A jolt of pleasure was quickly overridden with the sharp pain of an oddly-effective tiddie-twister, but the point was well-made.
"And just to be sure you take me seriously, Pet, I want to introduce you to my assistant. While I intend for this evening to be all about me teaching you your new place in my life, I want to make sure you're aware that if I need heavy lifting, I have something capable of it at my beck and call. Aidra, please step forward and introduce yourself."
Olivia heard a soft thump, thump from her right, and looked over to see another woman approach. Her first instinct was to try and cover her nudity, but with her limbs bound, all she could manage was to fidget slightly, knocking her breast gently into her Mistress, and earning herself a sharp slap to the nipple.
When the feminine figure stepped into enough of the overhead light for Olivia to make out details, the bound woman realized that this newcomer wasn't a woman at all, at least not in the traditional or modern senses. The newcomer was mostly metallic, resembling a series of dense metal cables and gyros arranged to approximate the form and motions of a woman. Only the face and hands had been coated with a rather life-like polymer material, though the eyes seemed rather expressive. They focused on Olivia's face, and blinked.
"Yes, Mistress," the machine said in a sultry, feminine voice that was strangely familiar. The lips didn't quite sync up with the sound, but they made a fair approximation. "My name is A.I.D.R.A. The acronym is short for Anthropomorphic Interface for Discerning Relaxation Activities. I assist Mistress with actions she would not trust to a biological entity, as I am neither personally motivated nor capable of activity beyond the scope of my programming. I am here to enact my Mistress' will for any task beyond her current physical or electromechanical capability. This includes the handling of disobedient pets."
Aidra made a swatting motion, and Olivia felt her ass-cheeks clench in anticipation.
The story covers a single encounter. The chapters are mostly broken up by content tags. Please see tags in chapter descriptions in the ToC. Early chapters are mostly foreplay and establishing the power dynamic. Things will heat up as the story progresses.
I should also note this is my first story of a lewd or fetishistic nature. Feedback is very welcome.
The first chapter is pure set-up.
Tags: Entrapment, Lesbians
Thank you for giving this first chapter a look. Look forward to some titillating foreplay in the next chapter. Pun intended.