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Author's Chapter Notes:

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You can now read the full Smallara journey up to the current release at Smallara.com

“So, while you’re just standing there. Can you start getting my makeup together? I’m going to need to grab my Smashbox while I wash my face.” Sara said as reached over Jordan and grabbed a facial cleanser from the counter.  


“Excuse me? You want me to what?” Jordan said questioningly as he looked over at Sara. 


“We are really going down to basics here. Did your girlfriends teach you anything? Smashbox it is a primer moisturizer combo. It's an essential part of my morning routine. I hate having to reapply my foundation. That’s the whole point of a primer, it creates a canvas for you to apply your makeup onto. It the white bottle over there. I would have just asked for primer but I was sure you would have no clue.” Sara said pointing to the far side of the counter.  


Jordan stood there watching her wash her face for a few moments before begrudgingly heading over to get the primer. He hated this part of the day. He was some teen’s errand boy as she got ready in the morning. It would take her the slightest bit of Extra effort to get it herself yet here he was walking across this massive countertop to get her makeup.  


“When we come in here and I set you down. You can just start getting that right away. I use it pretty much every day.” Sara said as she applied facial cleanser to her face only briefly looking down at Jordan.  “Oh, grab that eyeliner next to it as well.” Sara added “But, if you can’t get it all at once bring the primer first.” She directed. 

Jordan could tell that the past few days they have spent together she had grown more comfortable with him. The small pleasantries were being massaged away from conversation. As they went into situations more and more, she was laying out expectations. What bothered him the most was that each second of every day the idea of him being an adult seemed to be moved further and further from the picture. He was having to come to terms with the reality that it wasn’t just lip service anymore when it came to being her pet. The collar wrapped around his neck seemed proof of that. Even if it was partially mandated. 


“So, we are going to stop by the underbred park today. I will need you to be on your best behavior. No running off like with Dayton. I expect you to listen and be obedient.” Sara said before thanking Jordan and grabbing the primer from Jordan who was struggling to carry it over. “Trust works both ways we need to show my parents that this was a good decision to take on an underbred as my pet and support companion.” 


“What do you mean we? It’s not like I chose this.” 


“I didn’t hear you saying no to me being your guardian when I was on the phone. It’s clear you wanted this. This is a good, safe home for you. As much as you don’t want to admit it. You love being my underbred.” Sara said as she continued to put on makeup as she directed Jordan to grab some lipstick. “Most underbred owners aren’t as progressive as I am. You should be lucky you ended up with someone like me. I take your needs into consideration and really have your best interest at heart with the decisions I make while still letting you have your opinion and weigh in.” 




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