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As always you can read and see the full-size version on the blog smallara.com or read this update their directly: Smallara Episode 389: A Giantess Story - Smallara
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“I mean, could you even imagine if mom found you? If we were in some bizarro world where she didn’t just immediately ship you off to a facility. You wouldn’t have nearly the amount of freedom I grant you or the love and affection I show you either. She wouldn’t be building you a little bathroom down there. She wouldn’t get you a buggy either.” Sara said as she continued recounting what she did for Jordan’s benefit. 


“I don’t know. Tiffany seems nice in the few times I’ve spoken with her since moving into the neighborhood.” Jordan said. 


“It’s like I said earlier this morning you don’t know Mom that well. Think of it this way. You’ve been here since Saturday, and how many times has she stopped by to check on you? Yes, she's busy. She’s been working a lot but still talks to me daily. She still checks in and sees how things are. Makes a point to check on me. Has she checked in on you? Has she asked how you were adjusting to things? She hasn’t until she saw you at breakfast and was making small talk. You’re just an underbred to her. I wouldn’t say she dislikes you or anything, but you’re definitely not a priority to her. But don’t worry will always be my wittle man.” Sara said as she stared intently into the mirror to apply her eyeliner.  


Jordan wanted to call bullshit on Sara’s argument, but as much as he hated to admit it, she had some points. Tiffany hadn’t checked in on him. She had pretty much left him entirely in the care of her daughter. Even at breakfast this morning, she was ready to move him to the floor to eat. No consideration for bugs or even idle movements of people’s feet which Jordan learned about earlier when Sara and Ellie were doing homework. Tiffany worked with people like him and seemed good at what she does. She doesn’t seem to want to have much to do with littles in her free time, or so it seemed at least to Jordan.  


“You don’t have to look so worried. You’re not Mom's pet. You’re mine.” Sara said as if that was supposed to make him somehow feel better. The reality was Jordan didn’t want to be anyone’s pet. However, in the eyes of Tiffany and her family, that wasn’t a possibility. As Jordan thought more about it, he realized that wasn’t entirely fair. It seemed like many of the people who went to school with Sara and the people in this part of town mostly thought similarly. Sure, some didn’t, but it seemed more like People who wanted equality for people like him were few and far between.  


“It just doesn’t seem right that I could be bought and made a pet because of a technicality in DNA? I’m grateful for what you’ve done for me. I just have trouble wrapping me head around the fact just because I’m small now your family could buy me or someone like me when just last week you wouldn’t have been able to.” Jordan asked as nicely as he could. He didn’t want to start anything with Sara. So, he tried to ask it more inquisitively than blaming her in any way. 


“This is stuff you don’t really need to worry about anymore. But, buying a person and buying an underbred aren’t equal. We’ve talked about this you’re a different species. You aren’t a person like me. You’re an underbred. You can be bought because you are a form of property just like I bought Mocha or I would a dog or a hamster, or a rabbit. Like all the other species you are granted the rights that are relevant, and you need by people. Like, as an underbred you have right to be treated with respect and dignity. Underbreds shouldn’t be subjected to unnecessary harm or suffering. It’s why people like Sadie are disgusting. How she degrades her mother just because she is an underbred is wrong. I could never do that to you. What she does is borderline animal cruelty.  It’s why you should be thankful to have a guardian like me who cares and looks out for you.”  Sara said as she reached over and gave Jordan a gentle pat on the head.  


“So basically, you are saying everyone like me is just property.” Jordan asked. 


“Well yes but it doesn’t mean you aren’t loved and cared for. People love their pets and die for their pets. You hear stories all the time about people burning alive in fires as they stay in their home looking for their pets. But, yes you are correct that is a core difference. As I mean as horrible as Sadie is she couldn’t be bought. Buying her would be slavery, which is wrong and has been outlawed. As it would be buying another person.”  

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