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You can experience the full Journey from day one at Smallara.com 

Jordan walked across his pink carpet and sat on his bed kicking his feet a bit as he waited for Sara. It had been difficult to come to terms with the idea that this was his home now. Not just that the Reeves house or Sara’s bedroom was where he lived. That had all been a difficult pill to swallow by itself. It was Moreso that this habitat, these four walls around him was now his home. He was sitting on what was his bed now. 

Walking over to the glass walls of his habitat he looked out at the mess strewn around Sara’s room. His entire home was contained within her room. The ceiling, even when it's not on his habitat, is impossible for him to climb or scale in any functional way. The more he thought on this Jordan narrowed down to that singular point being what he didn’t like most. He was completely reliant on Sara when he was in here to take him out. It was a vulnerability that he struggled accept.  


“As long as you behave today. I have some little furniture I will set up in your home for you. That means best behavior. I can get your bedding swapped out as well. ” Sara shouted from the closet.  


Jordan prayed that whatever furniture she was adding was more muted in color tones. She had said she would swap out his bedding last night as well. While he tried to remain grounded, a bit of hope had infiltrated him as he found himself hoping that something less feminine would be used.  


Jordan continued to wait around his habitat. In a prior life he would have shouted to hurry up. In this new life he knew better then to do something like that. The other facet that was changed was that for the first time he really had nowhere that he had to be.  They were just going to Sara’s school, she was taking him to some park that she was way to enthused about as far as he was concerned.  As several more minutes ticked by Jordan thought more about turning on Netflix. He would have from the start if he had thought it was going to be this long. 


Knowing that women often take forever Jordan walked over to the phone and loaded the Netflix app. He started scrolling through the options before finally landing on what looks like some kind of action movie. As he wanted something mindless, he could just walk away from. As soon as he sat back down on the bed. A loud tapping of Sara’s fingernails against the glass exploded across the room. He looked upward to see his guardian staring down at him.  


“We are on a time crunch. We don’t have time for movies.” Sara said reaching down and tapping the screen on his phone to pause the movie before she grabbed Jordan lifting him up before he was deposited onto her shoulder. Jordan reached over grabbing her hair for support as he stood up. But, before he could get the chance to say anything Sara was already on the move heading out of her room bounding down the stairs.  


“I am glad you are getting more comfortable though. Just a few days ago you scoffed at everything to do with that habitat.” Sara said as she walked through the living room heading towards her car.   

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