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As always you can read and see the full-size version on the blog smallara.com or read this update their directly:Smallara Episode 397: A Giantess Story - Smallara
You can now read the full Smallara journey up to the current release at Smallara.com

The heavy footfalls of Sara beating against the pavement of the park pathway after the incident with Charity Stevens was ever-present. The distant chirping of morning songbirds stirred a bit of fear in Jordan that kept him wanting to be near Sara. The idea of being alone in the park had been made painfully clear to him of just how impractical something like that was.

Sara hummed softly as a couple of joggers streamed by not paying the slightest bit of attention to him. It bothered Jordan that he wasn’t even an afterthought. He was never a thought to these people. It wasn’t in a malicious way. These people were merely wrapped up in their own lives. They had their own cares and burdens, none of which was the small person sitting on this teenager’s shoulder.

“Can you believe the nerve of her Jordy? It’s like she doesn’t even understand she’s a fuckin’ underbred. She can’t avoid who she is. She can just prolong it. Not to mention, she could have seriously injured you. If anyone should have a greater appreciation for your situation, it should be her right?” Sara said to Jordan as she continued to the pathway.

“Y-yeah. I mean it’s just I’m a little though.”

“Aww, Jordy. You’re my wittle man.” Sara said, grabbing Jordan from her shoulder and turning him towards her face before she pressed him against her lips, giving him a kiss. Jordan was powerless as his arms pressed against Sara’s face as she showered him with affection before pulling him away. “You don’t have anything to worry about,” Sara said as she petted him several times. “You chose to be my pet slash support underbred and love it as you understand that’s who and what you are,” Sara said as she continued to give Jordan several more pets and just like before he could feel his body relaxing under with every pet of Sara’s finger.

“I wouldn’t say I chose it, as I didn’t want to be a little. I’d rather be a person with, you know, actual rights.” Jordan said, a bit bothered, not at Sara, just the situation as a whole.

“I know, I mean I’m sure every species wants to be human. Who wouldn’t want to be on top? But, you’re doing pretty well for yourself.”

Jordan still wasn’t crazy about the idea of basically having to live as Sara’s pet like some kind of animal. However, he also wasn’t seeing a lot of better alternatives as it seemed like every minute he was with Sara, the further he became hers. As now he had a collar around his neck and a chip inside of him that identified him as hers. The main thing he wasn’t looking forward to was seeing either of his friends at school today. Not that he didn’t want to see them. But it was more the embarrassment of them having to see him with this collar around his neck and chip inside of him.

“Oh, there’s Kayla,” Sara said as transferred Jordan back to her shoulder before giving her a shout. Jordan saw a girl aged similarly to Sara sitting on a bench along the park pathway. Jordan could feel his palms starting to get sweaty as he hated meeting new people. Especially now that he was seemingly living with the queen of the fucking extroverts. He had to find a guardian who lived for social interaction. As much as Jordan hated meeting new people and turned down most social obligations. He was about to be forced into yet another one and this one was for him.

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