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“Do you want a coffee, Sara?” Kayla asked nervously, still a bit surprised someone as popular as Sara would even give her the slightest bit of attention. It took most of the courage she had just to ask her about arranging this meeting. She didn’t know anyone else who had a little other than Sadie and Mallory but she couldn’t fathom bringing her sister around someone like Sadie. Mallory would never give someone like her the time-of-day Kayla figured.  


“Oh sure, that’s so nice of you. I’ll get a vanilla white mocha with whole milk and a double shot of expresso.” Sara said sweetly.  


“I’ll be right back.” Kayla said standing up.  


“Okay, I’ll keep an eye on the underbreds.” Sara said with her eyes averting down to Jordan and his new little friend. “Kayla was saying that you two had just gotten reunited Kelli?”  


“Yeah, it's nice to be out in the world again. You have no idea how hard it is being removed from, well everything. The news we get is very limited when you're on the inside. You have an iPad, but a lot of the news sites are restricted. We just get a curated list of news events and sports scores that we were allowed to know.  The world very much just moved along without me. It was like I was in a stasis. Then when I came out, I was kind of all alone. My friends were still at college along with the life I was building. Now, I'm back at home and my friends don’t want much to do with me anymore. As I'm just an underbred. A couple of them reached out to me when I got out, but it was hard for them to see me like this. As the only ones who wanted anything to do with me were also not immune. But, seeing me like this was difficult for them.”  Kelli said a bit sad. 


“It's probably because seeing you reminds them of their own reality. As if you aren’t immune, it's more a matter of when than if. You can’t change what you are. You can dress up a pig however you want but it's still a pig.” Sara said leaning against the table as she peered down at the two.   


Kelli couldn’t help but feel a bit intimidated as she looked up at the giant teen. Sara had her makeup on and had this sweet-smelling perfume which filled the air. Kelli couldn’t help but admire her hair that was neatly brushed and styled even though it was pulled back it had some nice volume and form. While her hair felt like a rat's nest in comparison in her eyes. She could see tell this was a person who made herself up each morning. This all created something of a weird dynamic where she couldn’t help but feel a bit inferior to this girl who was very much her junior.  


“I hope you and my Jordy here can become friends.” Sara said as she smiled down at the two underbreds. 


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