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What looked like enough food to feed the world sat on Sara's plate. While it all looked good it was a sickening amount of food for someone Jordan’s size.  Jordan eyed the variety options on Sara had knowing he could never hope to even make a dent in it even though he wanted to try it all.  Jordan watched as Sara slid her chair in before she then reached out toward Jordan and gave him several pets.  


"Mom doesn't like you on the table," Sara whispered.  


"I heard that, Sara." Tiffany admonished. "I don't like him walking on the table like it's the floor. I don't see why he can't have his own little table." Tiffany said as she rinsed out a pan in the sink.  



"I don't see how a small table on top of this table would be any different then him being on this table how he is now." Sara's father said.  


"Since Mocha won't be here any longer it could just be on the floor. We could set it up beside the table or underneath Sara's chair." Tiffany said.  


"He sits right next to me Mom and minds me really well. When I told him moments ago to stay, he didn't even move. I promise he won't be any trouble. Plus, I'd be afraid of him getting stepped on if he were on the floor. He's part of the family now. He should be eating with us, not below us." Sara asserted as she cut a small morsel of her egg and moved her fork over to Jordan.  


“I suppose,” Tiffany conceded. “However, it's your responsibility to make sure he listens and isn’t tracking filth around everywhere.” Tiffany added. Jordan couldn’t help but notice the stark contrast in how she regarded him. The giant matriarch of the Reeves household clearly no longer saw him as an adult or equal based on how she was speaking. He was merely her daughter's pet as she spoke over him directly to Sara.  


The rumble of Jordan’s stomach drew his mind from focusing on Tiffany down to the food Sara had offered him. Even with how small the piece of egg was it took him a couple of bites to get all the egg. It was humbling to see Sara fill her fork with a large bit of egg and devour what would have been several meals to him in a single bite. Sara took a few more bites before breaking off a tiny piece of bacon and dropping it onto Jordan's lap as the family spoke amongst themselves. 


"Do I need to do anything special to bring Jordy on the plane next month? I have him collared and chipped. He got his little shots yesterday." Sara said as Jordan suddenly became interested in the conversation as this was the first, he heard anything about a plane or trip.  


"I did look into that for you. He will need his little I.D. in order to fly but you will be able to register him under your ticket when you do your pre-flight check-in. They said you can enter his little id number in or if you are checking in with the phone app you can use the scanner and it will pull his information automatically when you scan his chip, collar or both depending on what you have."  


"What's going on? Where are we going?" Jordan asked looking to Sara as he took a bite of bacon.  


"Thanks, Mom," Sara said before looking down at Jordan. "Just to the beach house." She said off handily before cutting into her pancakes and taking what looked like a bite large enough to be him. "I'd give you some Jordy, but pancakes and waffles are way too messy for someone your size."  





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