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As always you can read and see the full-size version on the blog smallara.com or read this update their directly: <https://smallara.com/2023/10/30/smallara-episode-379-a-giantess-story/>

You can now read the full Smallara journey up to the current release at Smallara.com
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jordan didn't like the sound of any of what Sara had just said. He liked his independence, but this new underbred body had left seemingly powerless to Sara's touch in new ways. He didn't like the notion of her being able to manipulate his body in such a manner. He knew the human body has pressure points as well which could do similar but the fact that this smaller bodies physiology made them so easily accessible was troubling.  


"You can wait here while I get the kitchen cleaned up." Sara said in a tone of voice that told Jordan she was annoyed by the prospect of having to clean up after her parents.  


Jordan didn't quite see what the big deal was as it was just loading dirty dishes into the dishwasher and turning it on. Maybe scraping a few plates before you load them in. It didn't seem like the worst request in the world. However, he knew better than to vocalize such thoughts.  


Sara continued to straighten up the kitchen as Jordan waited on the kitchen table trying to relax a bit from what he was sure was going to be an eventful day. As each day since he caught Smallara had been nonstop action. What caught his eye though was Sara's plate. She had left it on the table and sitting on her plate were the remains of her pancake. It still had a good amount of butter and syrup still on it. Sara had told him she didn't want him having any as it was too messy. But he was sure he could get in and out before she realized.  He could even use the condensation that had built up on her glass to wash his hands and feet which were sure to be sticky.  


Jordan looked over at Sara quickly who was still busy cleaning up and he rushed over to her plate. He climbed onto it walking around the edge of the plate as he wanted to avoid the leftover grease from the bacon. As he soon as he bypassed the bacon Jordan stepped down onto main part of plate and rushed over to the leftover part of Sara's waffle.  


Jordan crouched down and twisted off a piece of pancake As he broke off a piece the flood gates seemingly opened up and syrup poured out onto the plate.  


"Shit, shit, shit." Jordan said as he bolted upright and started to step back. As he lifted his left foot, he felt quite a bit of resistance. At first it didn't want to budge but with a bit of effort he was able to lift it up and planted it behind him. He then tried to move his right leg, but it wouldn't pull up. He grasped his right leg with his hands trying to help it break sticky seal of the syrup, but it was no use. Deciding to try to see if he could force it to break its hold, Jodan tried to pick up his left leg and it too stuck to plate covered in syrup. 

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