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Story Notes:

It was a saturday afternoon like any other. You were working out at your local mall's gym. It wasn' easy maintaining your perfectly sculpted, 5% bodyfat physique. Your dedication brought you here seven days out of the week.
Hour after hour went by as you underwent your routine while listening to your playlist. Eventually you made your way to the treadmill where you usually finish up.

Some time into your workout, a woman entered your vicinity, clearly visible in the mirror that adorned the wall in front of you. She looked to be in her mid-to-late twenties, 5'2, and she certainly had some chub to work off. She wore a violet two piece workout outfit that tightly hugged her voluptous figure, but left her somewhat protruding gut exposed.
She put down a can of diet coke and assumed a squat position with a unweighed barbell. She began her exercise, working up a sweat nearly instantly.

Great, another newbie who doesn't know what they're doing - you thought to yourself. The sight of her was quite distracting, and you did your best to avoid staring at the woman.

But in the corner of your eye you couldn't help but notice her periodic movements. Her girthy thighs dripping with sweat, the round butt above them, its shape fluctuating as she went from standing straight into a full squat. The grunts she was making didn't help either. You'd think she was halfway through a marathon run with the noises coming out of her.

Straing herself - she kept staring at the clock, time and time again. Only to find out barely any time has passed on, let alone the 10-20 minutes she had been hoping for.
Her rhytmical laboured breath continued, meanwhile you found yourself getting somewhat dizzy. In a matter of moments you blacked out.

As you slowly open your eyes, your vision is filled with a surreal world you've never seen before. Colors and shapes blend together in a disorienting blur, making it hard to decipher what it actually is you're seeing.

You kneel down and blink repeatedly, and eventually the blurryness begins to fade as the world finally comes into focus. You're greeted by an overwhelming sight. You find yourself standing at a mere 1cm tall, and the world around you has transformed into an enormous expanse of steel, rubber, and sweat. The colossal gym looms before you like a vast, metallic jungle, filled with monstrous exercise machines that now tower above you like sky-scraping monoliths.

The dumbbells, which were once manageable weights, now seem like colossal mountains, their handles stretching high into the distance. The barbells are gigantic, resembling massive steel beams that a giant could effortlessly lift. The weight plates, each as large as a house, are stacked nearby, creating a labyrinthine landscape of iron.

But amidst this immense space, your attention is immediately drawn to the newbie you saw before you shrank. She's nearly unrecognizable at this puny size. She's now a colossus of a woman, her sheer size casting a shadow over you and making you feel minuscule in comparison. Her thick body's now forboding in it's oversized scale, it fills the gym with its impressive presence. Her muscles, now evident despite her out-of-shape appearance, ripple in action beneath meters upon meters of layers of skin and fat tissue. With every movement she makes, you can feel the ground trembling beneath you, emphasizing her sheer mass.

As she sweats and strains herself, the room fills with the scent of her effort, magnified by her enormous form. The droplets of perspiration cascade from her body like rainfall, creating miniature torrents that threaten to engulf you in their enormity. The beads of sweat are like monstrous waterfalls, splashing around you as you struggle to maintain your balance.

Her workout seems relatively light for her size, yet to you it's a feat of godlike strenght.

Looking at your own tiny, yet impressively toned physique, you can't help but feel a sense of irony. At your normal size, you could have outperformed her with ease. But now, your prowess is reduced to that of an ant in comparison to her vastness. The weights she lifts are like mountains, making you realize the sheer power she wields even in her out-of-shape state. Your current tiny stature renders you an insignificant speck in comparison to her grandeur. Like a moving mountain.

The echoes of her breath fill the air, sounding like distant gusts of wind. The clinks and clanks of weights being lifted and dropped reverberate through your tiny body like thunder. The gym's air is heavy with the scent of metal, rubber, and human effort – an overpowering aroma that now engulfs you completely.

You spot her coke can, now a mammoth reservoir with a sugary lake within. The gym mat beneath her feet, once a simple padded surface, now becomes a vast terrain of cushioned landscapes, stretching out like a sea of foam.

Damn it! You have no other option but to approach her for help. Reluctantly, you begin to approach the oversized gym goer.

As you move closer to the colossal woman, you do your best to wave and get her attention. Your tiny size makes it impossible to get noticed among the vast gym surroundings, so you cease this futility.

You once again look over to the humongous coke can. Every voice in the back of your head warns you against it, but you decide to climb it. Once she's done sweating herself out, she'll probably move to pick it up, giving you a much greater chance to get noticed.

You approach the can. You can add thin coke cans to the list of things that dwarf you. Easily three stories tall at this size, a can that someone normal sized could drink in one go. Huge water particles riddle it's size, it must've been stored in a freezer. This is further confirmed as you touch it, it's so very cold. You take the chance to press yourself up against it, which is pretty nice since you're still quite overheated from your work out. But now's not the time to relax. The can offers almost no friction, it's impossible for you to climb up it.

Yet, you still haven't got any better ideas. You notice she's got wireless earphones, but scanning the floor for a phone yields no results.
As she assumes another position, you see her theathre screen - sized cellphone plastered against the back of her double-planetoid ass. It's so unbelivably huge it's mooning you figuratively AND literally. You're unsure whether you're drawn to the subtle ripples of her skin, the wavy layer of fat on top of her rock hard glutes, or her body's natural gravitational pull. Probably both.

You need to remind yourself of the peril you're in, and that as long as you're tiny, let alone unnoticed, you won't have the chance to get to know her better. You're way out of her league anyway. Then again, you're well short of six foot now.

Your musings about your current status in the dating market are interrupted, as a huge bead of sweat rolls off her stomach and lands right beside you.
The droplet doesn't burst, keeping its roud shape as it's wobbling slowly dissapates. The smell is overpowering, it's like walking into the women's locker room on a particularly busy day, times a hundred.
Perplexed, you approach the bodily excretion. An orb that stood nearly as tall as you, suprisingly it didn't burst into even smaller drops as you touched it. Even that proved beyond your strenght at this size. All you've managed is to make your hands sticky with the womanly perspiration.

Wait a minute... Eureka!
You run up to the can and put both of your hands against it. Sure enough, you confirm that the sticky residue of the woman's sweat clinging to your hands helps you stick stick. You try to climb up it, but the adhesion is simply not enough. With a look of disgust on your face, you reluctantly go back and jump into the bead of sweat.

This time, you actually manage to burst it! You emerge, gasping for air, fully covered in the giant's secretions. It smells horrible, you doubt you'll ever manage to get this smell off of yourself. You go back to the can, and begin ascending. This time, you actually manage to make slowly make progress.

After what feels like an eternity, you finally reach the top of the can. You take a moment to catch your breath, perched atop this massive aluminum mountain. Looking around, you notice that the gym, which once seemed vast, now appears even more immense from this height. You can see other people working out, oblivious to the tiny drama unfolding on top of the coke can.

The oversized newbie is groaning more intensly, and her movements become more akward. You take this as a clear sing she's nearly done with her workout. She carelessly tosses the barbell, causing a major earthquake and making you lose your footing. You have little time to react as you see the direction you're going in - the huge hole in the can.

With a splash you land in the sea of diet coke. Sugary soda instantly covers your whole body and seeps into each creavace and hole, making you doubt you'll ever stop feeling sticky again.
You emerge out of the sugary sea, desperately gasping for air. You keep yourself afloat right under the opening to the can. The florescent lights shine into the inside of your aluminum prison.

The only thing you can see through the hole is the humongous woman. She seems to be staring at her phone. Altough that's only a guess based off of the reflection in her eyes.


You yell out once again. The only answer you receive is the echo reverberating through the huge can, completely inaudible to the slut who's too busy scrolling through instagram to not accidentally drink someone.

Eventually, she puts her phone up to her ear and you finally hear her voice. Nasally, with a complainy tone, amplified to a 100 decibels, it makes the coke ripple, and makes you want to claw your ears out.

"Yeah, some perv was checking me out. I mean, if he wanted a piece of this ass all he had to do was ask y'know? Maybe he's scared of a girl who could kick his ass!"

As if to pour salt on the wound she started to talk about you. How self centered was she? Checking her out? She'd be lucky to get a one night stand with you. And kick your ass? Well, maybe now...

"Yeah, I might tip off the staff. Fuckin' creep. Or... use the leverage to make him get me a coffee..."

Eugh. The oversized bimbo couldn't decide whether she wanted you oit of the gym or in her pants. By now, you'd rather be as far away from her as possible.

"Anyways, I gotta run. Yup. Yeah. It's my cheat day~... well I worked my butt off! I could use the calories you know! Okay. See ya on monday. Buh-bye~"

You watch as she pulls the phone away from her ear before presumably briefly looking at the screen and putting it back in her pocket.

Her head twists in what seems like slow motion before it finally centers at the can. For a second you could swear she looked directly at your pathetic form.

Huge waves swing you from side to side as the can ascends miles upwards in the matter of a second. You feel the can being gradually tilted. You see a set of parting lips, eagerly awaiting to quench her thirst.
A strong smell of stale morning breath washed over you like a hurricane.  The smell of her breakfast made you gag, and soon enough your own scent would add to it if you don't escape!

Soon enough, the can is tilted at such an angle, that you and millions of liters of diet coke begin to pour out into the gaping maw. You're soon spewed into the colossal mouth along with the sugary tsunami, hitting the rough surface of the tongue. Your body is too tiny to register as having any flavor to her tastebuds, the tidal wave of coke completely overwhelms whatever effect your body might've had.

You try your best to go against the current and back inside the can, but you can't even reach her teeth as both the can and her head tilt back. She must be parched, guzzling the whole can to quench her thirst and you along with it.

The tastebuds offer you no grip, your wet hands fail to even slow your descent. As she tilts her head to the 50 degree mark, you helplessly tumble off her tongue and get washed down her throat along with the sugary soda.

You travel down the muscular tube along with an avalanche of liquid. It just barely causes the tunnel to dilate as its sent down, you along with it. You try with all your strenght to reach one of the veiny walls of the gullet, but it is slippery and it affords you no additional resistance to cling onto it as more waves of coke push you into the pit. Eventually you reach the halfwaypoint between her mouth and her stomach, then slip past below her collar bones, venturing deeper than any man has before.
The waves of coke cease, but your momentum is impossible to slow down. Even if you somehow managed to, her throat isn't meant to allow things to go back up. Let alone something so tiny it wouldn't amount to even an acid reflux.

On the outside, the woman crushes the soda can in her hands, before tossing it into the trash. She doesn't notice she's missed the shot, as your former prison rolls by the bin. Your current prison heads into the women's dressing room to change out of her sweaty clothes.

The tunnel stretched out for miles, your pitiful struggles did nothing to stop its inteded purpose. You see that the meaty walls converge st what seems to be the bottom, forming a muscley valve. The enterance to tartarus itself.
The mere appearance of the sphincter was enough to make you gag, reminding you of the other sphincter you'll be passing through unless you'rs saved by some miracle.
The opening is seemingly more happy to see you than you it, as it unclenches slowly to welcome you in.
You pass through slowly, being tightly hugged by the woman's very anatomy, then lazyly pushed out. You hear the subtle plop of the esophagus' hatch as it closes back up and you're sent into freefall.

You land with a splash, emerging out of the strange liquid in a coughing fit. Your eyes, nose and mouth all sting horribly.
Getting out of the muck didn't help much, your nostrils are assaulted with a pungent smell of decay.

Coughing and sputtering, you try to make sense of your surroundings. It seems you've landed in some sort of stomach acid or digestive fluid that will soon start breaking down whatever you once were. The stomach is a vast fleshy cavern that gives HR Geiger a run for his money. The only thing within it, other than you, is what was presumably her breakfast. The cola that brought you here was already a part of the mixture too. A whole sea of it, yet you're unable to identifyi it at this point. Now that it's been fully liquified and getting more and more acidic as it's drained deeper into her guts and replaced by gastric acids. The sauna-like heat makes it feel like a boiling cauldron, the bubbles rising out of what used to be her breakfeast and then popping further adds to the feeling of your impending doom.

Frantically, you search for any way out, but the walls around you are smooth and slippery. You realize that if you don't find an escape soon, you'll be completely dissolved by the stomach acid. But there isn't any way to escape. The only way you could possibly exit out of here through is the valve into her intestines. And you're certainly not looking forward to taking that exit since you'll be part of the slurry sea you're treading in now by then.

The contracting movements of the stomach, as well as the deafening groans it emits prevent you from hearing the commotion outside. You're entirely oblivious to the fact the woman has already changed and exited the gym despite the fact you're along for the ride. Her ladylike strut and the subtle movements of her hips serve to further destabilise your footing. Acid splashes onto you as you try to keep yourself standing upright. Eventually it all proves too much for you to handle and you vomit out the contents of your own stomach. It lands in the foul soup and mixes into it nearly instantly, aided by the unending movements of the huge chamber.
You know your little "offering" of already softened up food won't amount to much, let alone satiate the giant's hunger. Everything that enters this chamber must be processed, you're no exception.

Back in the big world, your devourer takes note of her groaning stomach. Caressing her 'muffin top' she makes a beeline for a nearby fastfood joint.
She makes a substantive order at the self-serve kiosk, certainly a bit much even at your old size. But she wasn't about to let her cheat day go to waste.
True to its name, her order is quickly prepared and served. She makes a short stop at the refill stand for some sprite and then takes a seat at one of the tables.
She takes her phone out of her back pocket and takes a photo of her huge cheat meal and posts it on her social media. The caption reads:

"Had a huuuuge workout today. Need some calories to refuel 🍖. It's bulking season. Don't @ me. 🍑 #cheatday #thicc "

She wastes no time and begins scarfing down her greasy order. She bites into a burger and quickly reduces it to mush with her teeth, before sending it down to join you with a swig of soda. Then, she starts to eat the fries, dipping them in a sauce before chewing them so thoroughly only a homologous paste of potato remains. Comparative tons are sent your way and soon begins to pile up inside, causing you to loose the spaciousness of the enviroment, as well as causing the abdomen to disdent as it accomodates more food than just yourself.

As the giant woman continues to indulge in her cheat meal, her stomach becomes increasingly cramped, squeezing and churning the muck of food and acid. The pain becomes unbearable as the pressure mounts, and you find yourself praying for a way out of this living nightmare. But there's noone to hear it. Fate has already decided. You're to be food for this oversized newbie. Your wants and desires do not play a part. You'll be a calorically insignificant addition to her cheat meal, amounting to about as much as a crumb in terms of nutrition. It's no consolation to you that you're the most nutritious thing in this pile of slop. You hate the fact you'll be nutrients for this shallow cunt.

You do your best to avoid being swept away by the torrent of acidic digestive fluids. The combination of the stomach acid and her half-digested meal makes it even more challenging to stay afloat. Panic sets in as you realize the acidic liquid is slowly breaking down your skin and clothes.
You desperately cling to whatever solid pieces of food you can find in the murky soup, hoping it might offer some temporary reprieve from the stomach acid. Your body aches, and you can feel the burning sensation as the acid begins to erode your flesh.

You resort to baging on the stomach wall. A last futile attempt to leave this hell. Of course, your microscopic fists can't do any harm to a giant, or even their stomach. It only gets your fists covered in more digestive fluid, making them dissolve more quickly than the boney bodyparts otherwise would.
You scream in agony as your hands are turned to useless stumps. Flailing around, you soon find yourself falling into the dissolving liquid. You can barely bring yourself to scream again as your entire body undergoes the process of being digested. Your skin peels off with little resistance and soon becomes indistinguishable from the soup you're floating in. You can't even get back up before it's all gone. Your fat and muscle tissues provide a little more resistance to switching who they belong to, but not by much. Your tendons give out and you can't even flail around anymore. Her body has completely disarmed and immobilised you, there's nothing to stop this feast from commencing now.
Your back is ripped to shreds and you're lucky your nerves gave out already. You can't feel it, but your lungs are burned through. Soon, your air supply leaves your body.

As sweet oblivion finally delivers your conciousness out of this hell, the last thing you see is the tight valve to her stomach loosening for just a moment. Your lidless eyes cease working. The last thing you sense is the loud eruption of her expelling gastric gas through her mouth.

With that, you perish within the newbie's stomach. Your body, filled with holes, soon sinks beneath the waves of melted fastfood. Just another piece of meat to be processed.

On the outside the woman belches loudly, expelling what little air you had left down there, before covering her mouth in embarassment at her unladylike behavior. As she finished clearing her tray, she stretched back on the chair, her stomach bulging outward, filled with chewed up melty junkfood... and you. She rubs her stomach as she feels sated, but just a tad sick. Seems junk food was able to put up a better fight than you did. The woman, oblivious to the fact that she had swallowed you whole, sat there contently patting her distended belly. She pulled out her phone and snapped a picture of herself, capturing the moment of her post-workout feast. With a satisfied grin, she uploaded the photo to social media, accompanied by a caption that read, "Gym session followed by a well-deserved cheat meal! Feeling stuffed and fabulous! I almost look pregnant LOL 💪🍔 #FitLife #TreatYourself #Foodbaby."

Next, she delivered her tray to the disposal, getting one more refill, then headed back to her apartment.

On her way there, the soupy mess within her stomach was drained into her labirynthine intestines. Your unrecognizable remains were of course brought along.
Her breasts wiggled on top of her stomach, as it dimished in size. But the round protrubances were very noticable even as she neared her place.

She entered her home and sat back on her couch to relax for a sec. She felt the effects the workout had on her body, sore all over. It was more unpleasant than gratifying, but she'd enjoy the results in the mirror. As much as she would have liked to just laze around for the rest of the day, she still had to do some remote work before her deadline.

She opened her laptop and went to her bedroom.
Laying down on her bed, she started working on whatever assignment she was tasked with. She sipped on her extra large soda, moving her legs back and forth in disinterest as she tried to get the tedious work over and done with.

Her intestines were working diligently, much more so than her. Your remains were encased in a long log of semi-digested matter, about in the middle. Close to its outer wall, but nestled within. You thought you'd just go home after your workout.

After about an hour, she finished up hee work for today. Her eyes equally as sore as her muscles, she wanted to sleep more than anything. Putting her laptop aside, she undressed herself and simply rolled over. In this heat she didn't even nead any covers.
She began snorring as she dreamt about going on a date with one of the hunks from the gym.

Her body wasn't taking any breaks however. Her workout put some strain on her, and it needed to be repaired. It utilised what the woman had earlier ingested, so mainly the big order, but a microscopic fraction of you aswell.

The huge meal set her back in terms of weight loss, outweighing her gym session by orders of magnitude. She certainly won't be getting rid of that muffin top at this rate. The greasy fat-rich meal contributed to making parts of her body thicker, in particular her breasts. The lard she received from you, though microscopically tiny on top of being an already negligable share of your total weight, mainly went to her breasts. Her bra got just that little bit tighter thanks to you. A bit contributed to her gut, giving her something to be swlf concious about. Altough that was mostly the junk food. But hey, you gotta take victories wherever you can get them, right?

The rest of your body was much more nutritious than the remainder of her meal. The nutrient-rich log was sapped of its precious ingredient by voracious villae as it travelled down her coiling intestines.
Converted into proteins, you were transformed through her bloodstream to aid her aching muscles.
In the end, your statue-esque physique amounted to a small contribution to her glutes, becoming an integral part of the muscle.

The rest of you mostly considered of undigestibles. Parts her body didn't consider usefull, deemed fit only for excretion. This mostly considered of your larger bones, the smaller ones like your fingers were already absorbed as a source of calcium. Helping her own bones stay string and sturdy, at your expense.

The now brown log was nearing the end of its journey. It's become much thinner, the parts of you once hidden within, now in the open. If you were still alive you could hope you could get spotted in her toilet, but the only part of you that could be considered 'living' now is a part of her ass. The ass that'll be shitting you out.

As it nears the 'exit' your entombed skeleton, which by now consists of a skull, spine and some ribs, starts to rub off against the slimy walls of her insides.
This completely erodes the front of your skull, rubbing what used to be your face into the wall. It gets completely crushed, leaving a trail of calcium on the wall of the tunnel. Not long after, your face is fully absorbed for just that one extra bit of calcium.

By now, her abdomen was back to its former shape, the contents of her stomach were now all at the end of their journey in the colon, waiting for their turn to part ways with her.

She woke up a few hours later. It was her day off, so she was in no rush to get out of bed. She spent an hour in bed, texting her friends, before the urge to use the toilet forced her into visiting the bathroom.

She wasted no time getting on the toilet, still glued to her phone. She sat her assatop the porcelain throne and pushed. Expelling the undesirable part of your remains, the woman gets rid of the only part of you left that's still technically a foreign body. Altough, if someone actually bothered to have a lab test it (why would they?), all they'd end up confirming is that it solely contains the woman's DNA, and that it is, indeed, her shit. There's not a bit of you that isn't somehow hers now.

She cringes at the sight of her digested meal, quickly wipes herself off your remains and flushes you down the toilet. Or rather, the small amount of you that wasn't a part of her.

She takes a glance in the mirror. She frowns at her lack of progress, squeezing the flab on her stomach. Turning around, she's at the very least happy with the progress she's made with her squats. Your contribution of your entire musclemass amounted to bringing her ass closer to her desired heart shape.

She takes a photo to record her "progress", but she's also open to sharing it with some of the future dates she hopes to get.

She finishes up her business in the bathroom and heads out for the gym not long after. She'll have to work hard to burn off the fatty tissue she's gained.

She kept an eye on the "perv" she saw yesterday, but it seemed he took the sundays off. She's not disuaded and still intends to blackmail you into a date. Little does she know you already got into her guts.
Chapter End Notes:

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