4 Weeks Before the Big Presentation:
Olivia deleted the last three lines of text on the digital document, panting in an effort to catch her breath. The rows of O’s on screen faded away in a digital facsimile of her amorous cries. Maybe she should have waited to finish.
No, I couldn’t put off writing this any longer. I need to have this questionnaire ready for the meeting tomorrow. Besides, if Missy wants to spend so much time in my pussy, I’m going to need to practice self-control. She smirked. We’re going to need a lot of practice.
It had been a week since their successful first test of the as-of-yet unbranded products they planned to bring to market. Within that week, Missy had managed to get in Olivia’s panties for at least an hour every night. More importantly, Claire had managed to get in touch with a dozen prospective investors, at least half of which were interested to see Fab Four Fantasies' business outline.
Which meant they needed a business outline to send. Which would be bringing Olivia and her lovely fiancé Melissa to a 9 am meeting this Saturday, in about...
Olivia glanced at the clock, and realized she had less than 8 hours to sleep, shower, dress, and make it to the third floor meeting room in Greene Hall science center. If she was going to get this questionnaire finished as well, she would need to focus. Fortunately, Missy was serving as a lens for Olivia’s attention. Unfortunately, that attention was completely focused on the tiny nympho, and that meant Olivia was making no progress.
“Come on, Love. Ooooh, out you get.” Olivia worked her pelvic muscles to get Missy’s attention, and tried to squeeze her little body towards the exit. Missy immediately made it clear she wasn’t going to cooperate. Moments later Olivia felt teeny fingers massaging her cervix, their ministrations quickly joined by a tiny tongue. Olivia shivered. That is never going to get old. She slipped her fingers inside herself, fishing for her lover’s little legs. She felt the firm limbs wrap around her probing digit, pulling the tiny pelvis to rub against her fingertip, grinding the leaking labia against the textured pad of her fingerprint.
Another fifteen minutes passed before a well-fucked woman was extricated from her favorite playroom, riding the latest wave of cum and her lover’s twitching fingers to the outside world. The tiny woman had waist-length red hair that was streaked with slick fluids, and plastered in tangled whirls over her pale, glistening skin. The four inch tall woman rode Olivia’s fingers into her mouth, where the lusty tongue worked hungrily to clean Missy.
It was a few minutes later when Olivia realized she had lost herself in her love’s sultry flavor and rhythmic mouth-feel. She slipped her tongue from between Missy’s grinding thighs and pursed her lips. A saliva-soaked Melissa slid feet-first into Olivia’s cupped hands, where she lay on her side, legs and head tucked in a coquettish repose.
“How are you holding up, Love?” Olivia asked, nuzzling the little woman with her nose.
“I feel halfway between one-upping my sister and fucking a marathon. And no, I have no idea how to accomplish either, but fuck if I don’t feel good, and exhausted, and wet as a mermaid’s tits. I need a shower, and to sleep for a week.”
Olivia heaved a tired sigh. “Alright, a quick, clean shower, and then we can grab about 5 hours. Then I need to be up early to finish that questionnaire.”
“Haven’t you been working on it for the past few hours?”
Olivia rolled her bright blue eyes. “I was trying, but someone kept me thoroughly distracted. Still, I just need to make a couple formatting changes, and make sure auto-correct wasn’t coloring as far out of the lines as I was all evening. Then I can rename the file ‘preliminary draft,’ and upload it for the meeting.”
The clock read 2:22 when Olivia’s breathing finally evened out. Sleeping naked was an uncommon occurrence for her, but falling asleep with Melissa held snugly in her tits was an experience well worth adjusting to. It would be another half hour until Melissa was back to full size, and Olivia suspected she might actually be tired enough to sleep through the change this time. And if she didn’t, well... this night had been worth the lost sleep.
_ _ _ _ _
“Where do we stand, Livy? We need to be there in 20. You have our laptop bags?”
“Already in the car.”
“Snacks for the meeting?”
“Loading them now.”
“Kisses for your Mistress?”
Olivia wrapped her hand around Missy’s head and shoulder, and dipped her into a short but passionate kiss.
Then they were both out the door.
A short drive brought them onto the futuristic campus of the South Middleton University of Technology. The broad lanes for vehicles were lined with flowering gardens and lush ginkgo trees. A series of glass and steel buildings stood tall in a broad spiral, with shorter, wooden buildings with fenced-in rooftop gardens interspersed between them.
Olivia had loved the rustic style of the dorms when she was still an undergrad student at South Middleton. The style reminded her of the Adirondack-style of cabins and furniture she enjoyed in her youth. She loved hiking through the mountains as a kid, and moving to the urban sprawl of Middleton had been a real shock. The rooftop gardens hadn’t been fenced in back then, and she would immerse herself in the fresh floral scents with her legs hanging off the edge, cleansing her stress even as she reveled in her higher perspective.
The post-modern, almost futuristic design of the Rachel Greene Memorial Science Building and Conference Hall was all smooth, curving lines and scaled compartmentalization. Steel beams had been used for support for the floors, each one stylized with circuit patterns, but unlike the other glass-heavy academic buildings, most of the building’s structure was composed of panels of aluminium oxynitrite, a transparent ceramic material, framed to form the shape of a giant snail shell. Olivia had heard the building’s construction was funded by an entrepreneur who had met his late wife on campus, and who had specified the materials for the building. There was no way such a building would exist otherwise.
Olivia was all too aware of how frugal the college was. As she stepped into the transparent elevator carrying a pair of laptop cases and the cloth bag full of snacks, she thought about her tiny office tucked away in a corner of the second floor of this very building, with a metered connection for the power and all furniture provided by Olivia herself. The college sucked me dry through three degree programs. One might expect a little accommodation for an accomplished doctoral graduate. Well, soon to be accomplished.
As the elevator passed the second floor, Olivia chastised herself for her flash of negativity. At least the college provided her an office, and the legitimacy of association with a prestigious university. They may not pay for much - or anything, really, beyond the upkeep of facilities - but that association had allowed her to qualify for the Dyson Grant that funded her research into computer learning and behavioral development. It also paid for the labs and tools that she had utilized, with Titania’s help, in the construction of some key components for Aidra, the feminine sexbot-in-progress.
Finally the transparent elevator doors slid open, and Olivia followed Melissa down the hall, past several conference rooms with frosted windows and pulled shades. Most of them were currently in use, but the Fab Four had reserved a small conference room at the far end of the building for their meeting.
Melissa threw open the doors to the room and stalked in, her strong personality instantly filling the room. Olivia hurried through with her bags in hand and a smirk on her lips. Her love did enjoy making an entrance.
Already inside were the two women they were expecting. Claire was sitting straight-backed at the head of the table, her back to the door. Her shoulder-length brown hair rested on the padded shoulders of her navy blue suit jacket. She shifted in her seat when the doors opened, and her amber eyes focused like a hawk on Melissa.
To her right, Titania sat backwards on a chair, staring out the transparent side of the building. Her straight, ink-black hair hung down to the small of her back. Her dark, bat-wing tattoos stood out against the hot pink spaghetti top and short-shorts she wore, which were only a few shades off from the full-body tattoo that gave her skin a decidedly pink hue. On the table behind her was a crumpled, grey sweat suit she must have worn to get to the meeting unmolested by campus security.
“So nice of you ladies to join us,” Claire said, her tone no-nonsense, as usual.
“We’re still here two minutes before the allotted meeting time,” Olivia said, unloading her bags onto the conference table. “Besides, we brought snacks.” She reached into the corresponding bag, and pulled out a box of butter cookies, which she promptly slid to Claire. Claire’s long, blue nails gripped the box tightly, and a quick swipe unsealed the delicious treats within. Claire withdrew one of the brightly-colored cookies, and chewed at it thoughtfully.
“Acceptable. I’ll forgive you for not being here fifteen minutes early, as you should have been.”
“Thanks for your understanding, Professor,” Melissa said. “Glad that stick up your ass is susceptible to bribery.”
Claire just narrowed her eyes, but Titania spun around in her chair, pulling her sandal-clad feet up and hugging her knees to her large chest. Olivia noted her toenails were painted as black as her fingernails, but the toenails were longer, and tapered to sharp points. Olivia chuckled internally at her friend’s dedication to her dream of becoming a real-life succubus.
“You know,” Titania said with her usual excitement, “if we get our product approved, we can shove something or someone else up there to get that stick out! Then we can make her all loosey-goosey with orgasms. Wouldn’t you like that Claire Bear?”
The glare Titania received was colder than most students would assume those warm, amber eyes were capable of forming. The class clowns always discovered how wrong that impression could be, and that went for Titania as well when she attended South Middleton.
Titania’s exuberant expression sobered slightly, and she turned to Melissa, who had taken the seat opposite the wannabe succubus. “Have you ever seen someone go so cold, so fast at the thought of having an orgasm? Seriously, what are we going to do with this girl?”
Melissa lifted an eyebrow in a wry expression, before sliding a pack of chocolate-coated coffee beans over to the pink woman. “You know she hates that nickname. I can’t blame her if she goes all ice queen on you after that.”
“Actually, I would prefer to redirect the conversation back on topic,” Claire cut in, watching with a mildly concerned expression as Titania gleefully tore open the package and dumped a dozen of the coffee beans in her mouth. “Olivia, are you almost set up?”
Olivia finished typing in her login credentials and nodded. “Just a couple minutes and I’ll be ready.”
“Good work, Love,” Melissa said, and she crossed her hands on the glass-topped table in front of her. “While Livy finishes setting up, would you like to begin the meeting, Professor?”
“I would, Miss Vane,” Claire said. She retrieved a small recording device from the computer bag on the floor next to her, and set it on the table. She pressed the record button, and cleared her throat. “I now call to order the first planning meeting of Fab Four Fantasies. The topic of today’s meeting is the product presentation to potential investors. In attendance are myself, Doctor Claire Barnette, Professor of Chemistry at South Middleton University of Technology, as well as-”
“Melissa Vane, Doctoral student of Pharmacology-”
“Doctor Olivia Mathers, Computer Learning Researcher at South Middleton, and-”
“Titania Campbell, graduate engineer with a Masters of Mechanical Engineering from SMUT, and the proprietor of Love and Lust.”
Once everyone had introduced themselves, Claire resumed the narration. “The purpose of this meeting is threefold: to finalize the scope of our product offering; to confirm branding and product names for the items included in the final scope; and to determine a rough outline for the presentation for investors. Miss Vane, your sister has provided the lion’s share of our funding thus far. Would you like to begin offering insight into what our core investor would expect to see from our products?”
Melissa sat a little straighter at the acknowledgment from the Professor. Though Melissa was a student and Claire a professor, Olivia knew that it wasn’t the typical power dynamic between those positions in the university that had set Missy on edge. Olivia and Melissa had first met Claire back when she was a ’pretty cool’ Teaching Assistant, or TA. She had defaulted to an ass-clenching rigidity only after she was hired as an adjunct professor.
Rather, what had set Melissa on edge was the mention of her sister, Victoria Vane. The heiress to the Vane business conglomerate had not been happy when her little sister expressed a desire to forge her own path forward, rather than pursuing the education required to become an executive in one of the family businesses. Victoria had agreed to pay for her sister’s education, but had otherwise cut her off from family funds. As such, the funding for their research and development had come in the form of a combined investment and business loan, with a few additional strings attached.
“As you know, Victoria agreed to this arrangement because she wants to see us create a successful business she can eventually subsume into the family holdings. As such, there are a few ways we can frame our products, the first of which would maximize that potential. Livy, is my laptop up and running?”
Olivia gently slid a sleek gaming laptop in front of Melissa. “Here you go, Love.”
“Thanks Livy.” Melissa opened up a digital presentation and jumped straight to the third slide, advancing them as she spoke. “As you can see on screen, the first way we can approach this is from a technology standpoint. We have several innovative technologies for which we are already pursuing patents, including the tension rails, the arch supports, the suspension bed with built-in brace and low-profile connection, Titania’s nerve stimulators-”
“My Kisses, dear! We agreed I’d only take 5% so long as I get to name the products, and I made triple sure those patents were filed as Succubus’ Kisses!”
Olivia thought Missy had suppressed her cringe well. She suspected no one else had noticed the slight tension in the corner of her mouth, or the slight narrowing of her eye. She hated interruptions, but she didn’t want to hold her friend’s excitable nature against her.
“Right, the Kisses. We also have the pharmaceuticals side of things. This includes the short-term and targeted memory suppressants, the emotional inhibitors for fear and suspicion, the libido enhancers, and of course, my crowning achievement-”
“Eh-hem,” Claire interrupted with a pointed cough, and this time Melissa’s wince was noticed by all.
“Sorry, I meant to say ’our crowning achievement,’ the size reduction tonics. All of these could be presented as standalone technologies, and applied to a wide variety of fields, from transportation to interrogation to treating injury, mental illness, or genetic disorders. I think this is the approach my sister would be happiest with.” Slides flew across the screen, each showing a list of leading companies in their fields that would benefit from their new tech. It all flashed by too fast for anyone to read more than a word or two per slide.
“That being said, we all came to this project in our own ways, with a goal of fulfilling fantasies. We should present this as a comprehensive package for couples, throuples, et cetera.” The image on screen now showed blurred images showcasing microphilic concepts, like body exploration, mouthplay, insertion, and vore. “The technology would be earmarked for use in licensed pleasure facilities tailored to provide guidance and safety, and to limit the chance of a predator getting their hands on dangerous tech like the shrinking solution. Just because most of us get off to stories featuring lusty and voracious strangers with no regard for human life, doesn’t mean I want to be indirectly responsible for actual deaths.”
“There, we are in agreement,” Claire said. “We want to ensure that we are facilitating the realization of a fantasy for all parties involved, not just the biggest person in the room.”
“I’m glad to hear you say that Claire Bear! We all know you want to be the biggest in the room!” Titania’s teasing only earned her a glare this time. Maybe the subdued reaction was because Titania had already pushed that button today, but Olivia thought she detected the slightest hints of an embarrassed blush behind Claire’s makeup.
Olivia took that opportunity to speak up. “I’m in agreement with Missy. We’ve seen a lot of technology be used and abused for purposes other than those intended at the time of creation. Some have moved in beneficial directions, but most have not. I would rather provide a service that will bring people joy and pleasure than provide innovations that may just cause misery. That pill would be harder to swallow than a four-inch-tall fiancé.”
Olivia watched as Melissa sent her a look with a severely raised eyebrow. Olivia had expected the reaction - her statement was far more forward than their typical interactions outside the bedroom. Melissa liked to be in control in her day-to-day life, and weakness shown outside the bedroom was to be weeded out or obscured competely. It was only in their private time that Missy tolerated - and indeed expected - Olivia to take control, dominating the sexy switch. Olivia couldn’t help but wonder if the changes to their alone time was having effects outside the bedroom.
Olivia turned to look at Claire, who was pointedly avoiding her gaze, with even more of a blush creeping up her ears and down her neck. Titania was just eying Melissa, her gaze hungry. She licked her lips, and made a couple play bites towards her.
“Wait, Titty, what happened to your tongue stud?” Olivia asked. She had noted a strange dark line on the tip of Titania’s tongue when she licked her lips, but the typical silver flash was absent.
Titania looked momentarily confused, before realization dawned, and quickly matured into a smug grin.
“It’s another self-improvement project. Check back in a couple weeks, and maybe I’ll show you.” She grinned, and briefly stuck her tongue out at Olivia before realizing she was showing off her secret. Olivia had caught a glimpse of something that looked like thread wrapped around the tip of her tongue, and back to her piercing.
“Can we focus, people? Seriously, I’m the only one who’s still a student. Get your shit together.” The words might have sounded a bit harsh, but there was no real invective behind them. The group was fairly distractable, at least when Titania was involved, and keeping them on task usually fell to Melissa or Claire in equal parts.
“I believe we were confirming that we are marketing our tech as the core of an adult fantasy fulfillment center,” Claire said, refocusing the conversation. Their discussion proceeded in fits and starts, but eventually they decided on core services the fantasy fulfillment center would provide. The only hiccups were how best to present the tech, and in what capacity, if any, to incorporate Aidra, their volatile sex-bot. In the end, they decided to hold Aidra as a special presentation, to be included only if Olivia could ensure she would not compromise the safety of their potential investors.
The task of improving Aidra’s code kept most of Olivia’s attention for the next week, right up until Claire messaged her Friday morning for the updated questionnaire. Olivia panicked, and rushed to complete the questionnaire, sending it to Claire for final review right before noon. That task complete, Olivia took a deep breath, and came as close as she ever did to praying, hoping that when the questionnaire went out that afternoon, they would receive positive responses from at least a couple of the potential investors.