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Staring down at her plate, Andi poked at a lone cherry tomato around with her fork, swirling it through puddles of vinaigrette and other remnants of her meal. I wish this guy would just shut up… she thought. Gavin had barely let her get any words in throughout the whole meal. Every moment of silence was promptly broken by another comment about how well his business was doing, or how much he had benched the previous day, or any number of random topics that didn’t interest Andi all that much. It wasn’t long before she began to tune him out, letting her own thoughts take precedence over whatever was going on around her.

Eventually deciding that the cherry tomato had suffered enough abuse, she speared it with her fork. Translucent juices dribbled out of the punctures as she lifted the fruit up to her mouth, prompting a slight water to form under her tongue. Sealing her lips around her prize, she gently pulled the fork away, allowing the tomato to rest within her mouth. 

“You should’ve seen the look on the guy’s face when I told him to pack up his stuff! I almost felt bad for the fucker, but cuts needed to be made, and what are employees if not expendable, amiright?” Gavin shot a cocky grin expectantly up at the titanic form of Andi, but only received a tense chuckle in response. 

This guy is a dick, Andi thought, rolling her eyes at his latest comment. How can he just lay off employees like that, then laugh about it after the fact? She rolled the cherry tomato around in her mouth, prodding it with her tongue and thoroughly coating it in sticky saliva. Perhaps someone oughta put him in his place… 

I could swallow this guy whole

Andi nearly gasped, but refrained at the last second so as to not draw too much attention to herself. She was no stranger to intrusive thoughts, but just like any other sane human being, she understood that they were mostly inflicted by stress, anxiety, or something of the like. Even then, the potential physical harm or even death that would occur from swerving into oncoming traffic or jumping off a cliff was usually enough of a deterrent on its own. This time, though, something was different. If she ate this guy, if she sent him down her throat to join the rest of her meal, there would be nothing about it that could potentially hurt her. Hell, her body would just absorb him like any other piece of food, so it would actually be a net positive if she thought about it.

I-I couldn’t do that though. That’s murder! My stomach would boil him down to nothing! But… she shot a quick glance around the interior of the cafe. None of the other patrons were paying them any mind, far too caught up in their own conversations to care about what was going on around them. There were no waitresses patrolling the isles. No witnesses. It seemed too good to be true. Andi felt her face start to heat up, the telltale tint of a blush beginning to creep across her cheeks. She’d only get in trouble if she got caught, and the other patrons seemed far too caught up in their own little worlds to pay any amount of attention to what was going on outside of them.

The cherry tomato was beginning to soften in Andi’s mouth now, and she rolled it into her cheek, preparing to chomp down. She leaned on her elbow, holding her head in her hand as she gazed down at her tiny date. He was babbling enthusiastically about a self-help audiobook that he had recently listened to, and Andi couldn’t help but roll her eyes a bit at the dramatization that he included in his descriptions. 

That was when she realized, Gavin was almost the exact same size as the cherry tomato that was currently sloshing around in her mouth. Of course, he wasn’t the same shape, but there were enough similarities to warrant what she did next. With a slight bit of effort, she pushed the tomato towards the pit of her throat, preparing to swallow it whole. If I can do this, I should have no problem getting him down, right? She was about to find out.

After psyching herself up a bit and building up a sufficient amount of saliva, Andi swallowed, once, twice, three times before the squishy mass was forced down her gullet with a wet *glirk*. Her throat bulged outwards, not used to the more solid consistency of this particular piece of food, yet it didn’t resist. The bulge traveled down slowly, passing between her collarbones and eventually disappearing at the head of her cleavage. Soon, the pressure subsided, replaced by a heavy feeling in her gut. A low *gurgle* escaped past her shirt as the digestion process kicked in.

Andi tried her best not to grin. She had actually swallowed it whole! It wasn’t that far of a leap from the cherry tomato to a tiny, so she was confident that Gavin would slip down her gullet in a similarly problemless manner. The real issue was going to be actually getting Gavin down her throat without making too much of a scene. It wasn’t like she could just scoop him up and throw him in her mouth, he’d scream or something and make a huge scene that would eventually lead to her getting caught. No, she had to approach this differently. He wasn’t just going to get eaten without putting up a fight.

Her gaze fell back down to Gavin, whose voice had trailed off a few moments ago. Andi had trouble reading his expression towards her; it was like his whole countenance had changed within mere seconds. Gone was the usual cocky grin that he’d been wearing since they’d sat down. It had been replaced with what Andi could only describe as a primal disturbance. The kind of look that prey gives its predator… right before it’s devoured. Did he see me swallow the tomato? Is he… scared of me now? 

“Hey, Gavin, you okay? Looks like you’ve seen a ghost or something” The boom of Andi’s voice broke the tiny man out of his stupor, his eyes shooting up to gaze at the billboard-sized face of his date; a girl who, just seconds ago, had sent a comparatively massive cherry tomato careening down her throat. One that seemed oddly similar in size to him…

“Y-Yeah, I’m all good,” he muttered. “Just a little… tired, is all. I think I’m gonna head out. I’ll call an Uber to pick me up.”

“There’s no need, I can take you home!” Andi chirped, flashing him a wide smile. “You already paid for the meal, what kind of date would I be without offering something in return?”

She watched eagerly as Gavin considered her proposition, trying not to drool at the prospect of his tiny body slipping past her lips and down into her tight, hot stomach. Once the two of them were alone together, there would be nothing stopping her from doing just that. She could almost feel the tickle in her belly as he desperately kicked against the slimy walls…

“I-I guess that’d be fine.” Gavin finally replied. It was a little concerning how enthusiastic she seemed about something as trivial as driving him home, but maybe this was her way of saying she enjoyed the date? Besides, she seemed pretty trustworthy. He gave her his address, then watched as she typed it into her phone.

“Looks like it’ll take us about 7 minutes to get there.” she said, glancing up from the screen. “I didn’t realize you lived so close! It really would’ve been a waste to grab an Uber.”

“Yeah, the tiny residences are all built towards the middle of the city so we don’t have to travel too far for basic needs. The addresses are usually kept secret for our protection, but I don’t think there’s much harm in telling you. Ubers are still pretty useful for longer distances, though.” 

“Isn’t that expensive? Or do they charge less because you guys don’t take up as much room?” Andi said with a small chuckle.

“Nah, the city takes care of travel fees.“We still have to pay for food and stuff, though.” He shrugged. “It’s not nearly as bad being tiny as some might think.” 

Andi nodded. This was the first time throughout the entire date that Gavin had shown he could be something other than a cocky, entitled jerk who didn’t give a damn about anyone beneath him. Maybe it was because she’d offered to do something in return, he felt like opening up a bit?

Regardless of how he was acting now, her desire to feel him squirm down her throat was only growing stronger as the moments passed by. After a few more moments of conversation, she offered her palm for him to climb on as they departed the cafe.

Andi reached into her pocket and retrieved her key, double-clicking the unlock button as the pair approached her car. Once inside, Andi gently placed Gavin on the dashboard, then closed the door behind her. The tiny man struggled to keep his balance as the slam of the door rocked the ground beneath him. He glanced around the interior of the car, then looked expectantly up at Andi, “So, do you have a place for me to sit, or…?”

“S-Sorry, my car doesn’t have those tiny seats that you guys use. I figured we could, er, try something different?”

Gavin raised an eyebrow. “What, you’re gonna put me in your cupholder or something? Doesn’t sound very safe to me.”

Andi giggled, a jagged sound that cut through the stagnant air of the car like a knife. Now that it was just the two of them, there was no need to worry about any leering onlookers. She could do whatever she wanted with him. 

“D-don’t worry, Gavin… I have just the right place for you~”. With a flash of movement and a high-pitched yelp, Gavin was snatched off the dashboard, now squeezed in the tight grip of Andi’s fist.

“A-Andi?!” he said, concern creeping into his voice. “What’s going on? What are you doing?” 

Andi gazed hungrily at the tiny man clenched tightly within her fist. His squirms were so feeble, so powerless to do anything against the slender digits that held him in place. It was almost pathetic.

“G-Gavin, do you… remember that… cherry tomato from earlier? The one that I… swallowed whole?” Andi huffed, her breaths becoming more ragged as she stared at the man in her grasp. Gavin was visibly frightened now. That meant he had seen it. He’d seen Andi swirl the tomato around in her mouth. He’d seen the bulge as it traveled down her throat. He’d seen how effortless it was to send a mass comparable in size to him down her gullet. 

And now, he was going to experience it firsthand.

“Andi you can’t be serious. This is just a joke- right? Just some sick joke? You can’t jus-”

Another quick movement caught him off guard; this time pressing his body into the warm texture of Andi’s exposed midriff, right above her navel. The soft, pillowy flesh relented under the pressure placed on it, allowing Gavin to sink into it like a mattress. The whole ordeal was jarring, to say the least, but what frightened Gavin the most wasn’t the ease with which Andi had forced him into this position, but the world that he was awakened to as she did. Her world, that was. The entire natural ecosystem that resided within her body. 

Liquidy squelches and muffled rumbles berated his ears like a natural choir. The groan of her stomach as it processed the salad she ate earlier, her digestive juices slopping together with the liquified remains of her previous meal. To Andi’s ears, the sounds of her gut were inaudible, far too hushed to make out through the everyday bustle of life. But Gavin could hear everything. Every groan and gurgle, every thunderous heartbeat, it was nearly deafening. 

Finally, after what seemed like hours, but was probably only a few seconds, Andi peeled the limp body of Gavin off her tanned stomach, raising him up to eye level. Her breaths were still shallow, and she was now sporting a deep blush as she stared at the tiny man pinched between her fingers.

Their gaze met, Andi’s eyes filled with hunger, and Gavin’s with fear. 

“A-Andi… please…” he whispered. “I don’t want to go in there.”

The girl simply giggled, exhaling a steamy breath over the tiny treat in her fingers. “I-If you didn’t wanna be food… maybe you shouldn’t’ve been so small… You’re the perfect size to slip ri~ght down my throat…” With her free hand, she traced a path from her gullet down to her stomach. “J-Just be sure to squirm while you’re in there… it’s no fun if I can’t feel you.”

With those last words, she lifted the wriggling man above her open maw, then dropped him in. After a short free-fall, he collided with her tongue. The cool outside air was replaced with a sweltering humidity that stank of digesting greenery and caustic acids. Glancing backwards, Gavin saw the black pit of her throat, uvula bobbing gently above the proverbial portal to hell. The adrenaline began to course through him once more, but it was too little, too late. Andi curled her tongue backwards, pushing Gavin’s tiny body towards the back of her throat as she tilted her head. It’s just like the cherry tomato… she reminded herself. You can do this, there’s no backing out now. 

Gavin’s screams were silenced as Andi sealed her lips, cutting him off entirely from the outside world. Time seemed to slow down as she felt weak punches and kicks assault the inside of her mouth, but there was nothing he could do now; Gavin was her prey, and there was nothing he could do about it. With a cute *glirk* she felt his legs thread down into her throat, followed by the rest of his body. 

She could still feel his faint struggles as he descended down past the base of her neck and deeper into the chamber of her awaiting gut, which was already beginning to gurgle once more at the arrival of another meal. “I hope it’s not too bad in there,” she murmured blissfully. “My last meal hasn’t had enough time to settle yet, so it’s kinda messy in there…”

Indeed, it was quite messy inside her belly, not that Gavin could see much of anything in the suffocating darkness. Though a lack of sight didn’t prevent him from experiencing the full hell that her boiling cauldron of a stomach provided. A thick, slurry mixture of digesting food and swallowed saliva rose up to his waist, sloughing his body in the hot remnants of the salad she’d eaten for lunch. It hung off his clothes in thick clumps, threatening to drag him down to the depths with the extra weight.

If the sound of being pressed against her stomach before was akin to a choir, now it was an entire orchestra. The ever-present bassy boom of her racing heart now thundered all throughout the gastric chamber. A disgusting melody of squelches and slurps echoed within the confines of her belly, something that she was blissfully unaware of. It was more than the tiny man could bear.

Grunting, Gavin began to scamper through the muck, trying to find his way back to the sphincter that had dribbled him into this living hell. The shaky ground made it near-impossible to find a proper foothold on anything, and he ended up landing face-first in the pooled gunk. With a sudden revulsion, he realized that some of the tar-like substance had ended up in his own mouth, and he fervently attempted to spit it out. 

“Andi!” Gavin screamed, “Let me-!” but a particularly loud *GRRGLE* put an end to his protests. Hand outstretched, he waded once more through the digesting food. This time, he came into contact with something… squishy? It wasn’t the same texture as her stomach walls, which were lined with numerous folds and wrinkles, but instead was smooth and pliant to the touch. He pressed harder on the curious object, only for his hand to break through its surface, allowing a familiar scent to graze his already distressed nostrils: tomato.

It was the cherry tomato that Andi had swallowed earlier, now sitting in the pit of her stomach as a reminder of how insignificant he was. A rumbling giggle came from above as Andi felt what she assumed to be Gavin’s final struggles before he succumbed to her belly; it was only a matter of time, after all. 

With a satisfied grin on her face, Andi thrust the key into the ignition, bringing the car to life. She mentally debated just going back home and sleeping off her meal, but then she remembered the address that Gavin had given her. It wasn’t just a single house that he had lived in, but a full complex, with multiple tinies living in the same structure. The opportunity was just too good to pass up. With a final pat to the stomach, she pulled out of the parking lot, off to claim her next meal.

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