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“Ughhh” a young Joel groaned in pain as he clutched his hand to his chest at a sudden increase of intensity behind his heartbeats sending him into waves of distress and panic thinking that he was for some reason having a heart attack. 

“Nggghhh huuhhh…hufffff gahhh” he whimpered out as his heart felt like it would soon pop out of his chest, “What’s…huff huff…what happening” he grunted out as his knees began to buckle underneath him. 

He had found this sudden frightening sensation to be very out of the ordinary as he had no previous knowledge or record of ever having some form of cardiac problems, especially at the young age of sixteen when things like this didn’t really happen to everyone. 

It all started out normal, like how most things do, Joel had been sitting at his desk filling out the piles of homework other students had dumped on him, before finally deciding to take a well deserved break and brush up on his current favorite type of reading material. 

Taking the secret copy of his favorite magazine out from its hiding place he flipped open to a random page and there she was. 

Miss Jessica January was always a pleasant surprise whenever she popped up on his radar, with her sensual curves and luscious skin topped with the perkiest of dark brown nipples it was clear to Joel as to why Bigboy magazine chose her to be one of their most frequent models. 

As it so happened though, Joel was roughly about halfway through his little routine when he started to feel a sudden tightening in his chest, not like something was sitting on him but more like something was pushing out trying to break free. 

And now fast forward a few minutes later we see him sprawled out on the floor holding his chest with his clothes for some reason looking tighter than usual, almost as if he were growing out of them with each passing second of his internal onslaught. 

“Gahhh…huff huff…mooommm” he called out fearful that he my be nearing the end and not wanting to be alone when it happened, “Gggg…M-MMMOOOOMMM AGHHH MOOOOMMM” he yelled out through a combination of pain and fear trying to alert the matriarch of the home to his other worldly distress. 

“Gahhh” he grunted out before the sound of tearing fabric filled his ears and a sudden breeze along his back and his legs made him pry open his eyes and see what was happening to himself. 

“Ughhh…huff huff…what the fuck nghhh” he said looking over himself and seeing that he was now essentially wearing shredded rags of what used to be a button up shirt, khaki shorts, and white tube socks. 

“Ughhh…what the hell” he said right before another wave of intense pressure surged from within him as he heard his mothers footsteps bounding up the stairs to try and reach him before anything bad happened. 

Doubling over in pain as he continued to grow and swell outward he eventually found himself sitting on his knees and huddled in the fetal position as his backside slammed against his desk and shelves knocking almost everything to the ground and making a loud clattering noise. 

“Joel, JOEL ARE YOU OKAY” the sound of Mary, Joel’s mother, came from the other side of the door as she beat and banged on it trying to get her dear baby boy to tell her what was wrong. 

“Nghhhhelllppp ughhh” Joel groaned out as his body surged up higher and higher until his head bumped up against the ceiling, completely shredding every speck of clothing he had on at that point. 

*Crash* came the sound of Joel’s door begin beaten open by his mother who took one step in and immediately saw what was happening to her little baby boy, “Oh my God Joel” she said covering her mouth as she slowly approached he growing son. 

“Nghhh…what’s going on, ughhh” he said clutching at his chest again, “I-it’s okay, it’s all gonna be okay honey” Mary said as she circumvented her sons giant penis to brush her hand against his face in a soothing manner “J-just take a deep breath okay, it’s all gonna be alright okay”.  

After a minute or two of continued panic though Mary simply saw no other option than to take a step back and let out her own ragged grunt, making Joel look up at her through squinted eyes and see that she now matched him in newly acquired size and nudity. 

“It’s okay sweetie, just breathe in and out, in and out” she said brushing his face with her hand trying to get him to calm down, “Deep breaths now come on, deep breaths” she said paying no mind that her naked ass was now brushing up against her sons bed frame pushing it out of the way. 

A few minutes later, after fighting through a panic attack and a faux heart attack, Mary was able to get Joel to calm down enough that she could look him in the eye and have a some what normal conversation with him. 

“Mom…whats going on” Joel’s asked completely thrown off by everything that had just happened in the last few minutes “W-w-why am I s-so b-big, why a-a-are you so b-big, h-h-how are w-we both so b-big”. 

“Sigh…I prayed this day would never come” Mary whispered to her self before looking straight at Joel, grabbing him by the shoulders and saying rather shakily “We need to have a little talk sweetie”. 

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