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“…You’re the scum of the earth!”

“Are you making a fool out of me!?”

“Enough of this irresponsible behaviour…!”

“I’m disappointed…”

“This is absolutely terrible…!”

“You’ll pay for this.”

“Stop messing around…!”

“Are you being serious?”

“Sooo not funny…”

“You’re terrible, Senpai…”

The chorus of angered voices finally reached a fever pitch, centred around Ren Amamiya who looked across the bar towards the face of his surrogate father figure. And whilst Sojiro couldn’t quite bring himself to look away, he didn’t feel like there was much he could offer Ren at that moment.

“Oh, um… I was just about to go shopping…” the older man said, collecting a bag from the countertop and giving the young man a solemn look. “Take your time…”

The black cat curled up on the nearest seat meowed something only a few of the surrounding girls understood, although it was directed towards Ren, who heard it clearly. “I’ll see you later… if you survive.” Then Morgana hopped down from his elevated position and followed Sojiro out of the cafe, leaving his friend alone with every one of the women he’d wronged.

He put his arms out as if that was going to absolve him of anything. As he did, the group closed in tighter around him. The faces of each one of them showed nothing but contempt, all except for Makoto’s older sister, Sae, who leaned against one of the tables as she watched the scene unfold wearing a quite inscrutable expression.

For some reason, despite not having pursued any romantic endeavours with her, she’d still come along just like the rest of his partners. Perhaps she’d known what was going to happen, or maybe she planned to come to Leblanc regardless of Makoto’s plans. Either way, it didn’t matter.

“Wait, I don’t think—“ But Ren was cut off by a swift punch to his gut, sending him sprawling onto the ground before he could say another word.


 Trying to explain himself was an impossibility now, whether he planned on taking responsibility for his behaviour or not. Any attempt to speak was greeted with a hail of stomps delivered from a wide range of footwear. There was nothing he could do but endure the barrage as he was kicked, shoved, bruised, battered, and just generally trampled for almost five minutes straight.

Whether it was Haru’s beige ankle boots or Hifumi’s grey loafers, Tae’s black ankle boots flashing a crimson heel or Futaba’s chunky black boots riding up past her shins, Chihaya’s Mary Janes or Sadayo’s flats, Ichiko’s scuffed sneakers or Kasumi’s pristine pumps, Ann’s red ankle boots or Makoto’s black ones - hell, he was certain he even felt Sae’s high heels sticking into him a few times too - it didn’t matter. He was suffering from every conceivable angle until they decided to stop.

“You absolutely awful pr—“

“—do you have no shame at al—“

“—I can’t believe I saw anything in a loser like yo—“

“—how could you!?”

Once they finished their initial assault, the group collectively took a step back and admired their handiwork.

At the centre of the circle they’d created, Ren simply cowered. Not looking up at them and keeping his hands over his head until he was sure the attack had finished for good.

“That… that felt good,” Kasumi said.

Hifumi nodded. "Yes, I needed that."

A few of the others around her also nodded, their expressions lightening a little.

Haru even cracked a hint of a smile. “Yes, I think I enjoyed that.”

“Of course you did, Haru.” Makoto shook her head in exasperation, being quite familiar with her cheerful friend’s sadistic tendencies.

Whilst some of the women felt unburdened of their rage, it was clear many still clung to their frustrations and outrage quite dearly. Unable to relinquish it by stomping it out of their system. One amongst them was the local doctor, Tae Takemi, who was now fishing around in her pocket. A dark snarl twitched against the flush shade of her lips.

“If he thinks that’s it, then he’s even more of a fool than I could've guessed,” she said. Kneeling, the blue-haired woman withdrew a pill from her hand and approached Ren with it between her fingers

Some of the others looked hesitant as she moved towards him, though only Ann spoke up. “Takemi-sensei, what are you doing with that?”


She didn’t receive a response.

Before anyone could pull her back, the doctor had slipped the pill between his lips and withdrawn back to her feet. A thin smirk flickered on her lips where the snarl had previously resided. The others looked on in confusion. That confusion quickly turned to amazement, awe, and agitation as the form of the young man they all knew so well, still slumped beneath them, blinked out of existence, only to be replaced by a much, much smaller version of the same black-haired delinquent.

To Ren, it felt as if nothing had happened. One moment he was crumpled on the floor, the next he was still in a heap on the ground, only... things felt... different. The air around him felt more oppressive like he could hear the pressure in it, and the ground felt… much less present than it had before. It was only as he finally raised his head that he understood the gravity of the situation, with eleven gigantic women staring down at him. Each one looked back at him with a varying amount of excitement for whatever they planned to do next.

“Tae-san, how did you…” Sadayo muttered, hardly able to believe what she was seeing. The boy she’d been teaching for almost a year, who’d been toying with her emotions for at least half of that time, was now so small she could’ve stepped on him and never even noticed.

If she’d had to guess, she would’ve said he was only a couple of inches tall now. If that.


 “It’s not that complicated,” the blue-haired doctor said. “Just something he’s been helping me trial in recent months. Compresses the user’s mass to an exaggeratedly reduced state, also increasing their durability and dialling up their senses to compensate for the loss in size and mass. It's a huge energy transfer, so he's going to be feeling that for the next couple of hours at minimum.”

Despite Tae’s claim of it not being complicated, the rest of the women would’ve confidently claimed the opposite. Except maybe Futaba or the Niijima sisters. Sae was still watching on, now shaking her head as she returned to her previous position leaning against a table. “For your sake, and the sake of your waining career, Takemi-san... I’m going to pretend I haven’t seen this.”

To Ren, this casual conversation was shaking the foundations of his world. Their voices were now so loud that even without trying to listen he had no choice but to be exposed to every syllable of their speech. However, when compared to the steadily approaching wall of looming footwear… the deafening sound of their voices seemed like a distant priority.

And then, breaking from the collective, a familiar pair of black booted feet shifted towards him. Shaking the ground as they came to rest, knocking him off his knees and onto his back.

“So…” Makoto said, addressing the group surrounding her. “If we’re all ready… who wants to go first?”

He shook his head frantically. Disbelief clouded every aspect of his mind. “W-Wait! Makoto, we can talk about this, can’t we? Right!?”


Even whilst looking directly at him, not a single one of the women could understand a word that his petite voice was squeaking out. He was too small and they were too far away. Haru and Ann even giggled a little at the incomprehensible sounds he made.

Ren didn't need any expertise to know that not a single one of the approaching women planned on refusing Makoto’s invitation. Much to his building fear.

The beating he’d previously endured was nothing compared to the onslaught that was to follow. And since he was now so much smaller and more vulnerable, it was going to be much easier for each of the women to have their way with him. Tirelessly venting their frustrations one after another until he would be discarded to the floor when the last of them had had their fun.

But before he could reach that moment, Ren was going to have to suffer severely for his arrogance and hubris, beginning with the first girl he’d properly met since moving to Tokyo.

Ann practically leapt forward, already hopping on one foot as she hastily unzipped the side of one of her crimson boots and released the foot contained within.

Having known her for close to a year, Ren was familiar with plenty of Ann’s best and worst impulses. Whether that was her unrelenting loyalty, fiery temper, or addiction to sugary treats, he knew her well. Too well, even. And now it looked like he was about to get up close and personal with his least favourite of all of her habits. More specifically, her daily practice of neglecting to wear tights or socks with her boots, leaving them stuffy and causing her bare feet to viciously sweat into the constricting material.

The thought did cross his mind that, whilst it was only a small mercy, at least she wasn't wearing her brown boots that accompanied her feet to Shujin on most days. However, that really was an insignificant mercy considering the sight that exposed itself once her foot was unleashed.

The smell that followed as she fully exposed her glistening foot slammed into him hard as her boot was cast aside, falling to the floor with a low clunk. And before he could even lift his arms to protest or even defend himself, Ren was knocked onto his back and pinned directly under the ball of Ann Takamaki’s colossal barefoot as she ran him over with her sole.

Despite not being able to see her smirk from under her foot, Ren could hear it in her voice. “Maybe next time you’ll think twice about being such a scumbag after some time down there,” Ann said, twisting her foot from side to side, dragging him along with it. "Then again, maybe you'll just enjoy this, you tiny pervert."

Excess sweat from the base of her sole began to soak into his clothing as congealed beads of the blonde's perspiration splattered across the cafe floor. Ann continued to drag him around under her foot, leaving a light smear of perspiration behind it, like the trail of some repulsive, sweaty creature, and kept the tiny boy tightly compressed under her foot’s oppressive weight and scent as she did.

Without Ann’s foot having been sealed inside her boot all day, Ren figured the experience might’ve been close to tolerable since she wasn’t exactly crushing him nor was she an unhygienic girl, outside of her boot-wearing etiquette. But the relentlessness with which the blonde’s foot stink blanketed him was hard to endure and only got worse the longer she dominated him.

Maybe if her soft skin wasn’t keeping his limbs pinned down, he might’ve been able to hold his breath or cover his nose, just to avoid some of the worst of the stink leaking off her foot. But alas, that wasn’t an option. Whether intentional on her part or not.

By the time Ann finally withdrew, feeling her ex-boyfriend's body lightly tug at her foot, he was granted only a few seconds to wheeze before his eyes lifted to see his next tormentor already pacing into position as the towering monolith of a second blonde reared up above him. Chihaya had already removed her shoe as she approached and now bore down on him with her fraying, nylon-covered sole.

He flung his arms up again, struggling against how much heavier they now felt after absorbing his friend’s sweat. “No! Please, DON’T—“

The fortune teller’s sole landed flat on the floor, compressing Ren’s insignificant body beneath its overwhelming mass. And whilst not as sweaty or odorous as Ann’s foot had been, being squashed down under this blonde’s sole was still unpleasant.

She seemed to opt for a more physically expressive way of taking out her frustrations with the Shujin student. Pressing him flat, then lifting her foot just enough to let him pant several times. Only to drop her foot once again like a musty anvil.

Ren’s squeals were easily drowned out by the low thud every time Chihaya’s sole returned to the ground. Picking up little bits of lint and crud in the lining of her thermal tights. That same material potentially restrained some of the worst of her aroma, which was of some small comfort to the boy getting stomped underneath her.

And throughout it all, the fortune teller didn't speak. She was much too focused on exorcising her angst.

After several minutes of rhythmic stomping, the blonde woman retreated and allowed the next figure to take her place.

It took Ren a little bit longer to focus his eyes this time, as he did what he could to re-inflate his compressed lungs. And following a few heavy breaths, his tiny eyes met the steely gaze of the Shogi mistress.

Hifumi launched her foot down in front of the tiny boy that she’d come to respect with such force that he felt his reality shake before the sound of the impact even had his ears ringing.

“Kiss it, now,” she demanded, pointing directly to the toe of her loafer.

Ren wouldn’t have had Hifumi figured as the scariest of the women he’d been dating, but at his new size, her sharp, curt dictation did have him on edge. So he did as he was told. Shuffling up onto his knees to lay a series of quick kisses down across the rim of her shoe.

Once done, he submissively lifted his head to look up, instantly finding himself face-to-foot with the grimy, sweaty crevice lurking between her largest toe and the index beside it, which snatched up his head before he had the chance to scream.

Hifumi had waited until he was distracted so she could take the opportunity to remove her shoe carefully, leaving Ren occupied with the task she’d told him to accomplish. And now, squeezing her toes together with as much force as she could muster, the giant girl could feel his muffled howls quivering against the sensitive skin between her sweaty toes.

She crouched down and laid her heel on the floor with her arch raised so that her toes kept his body suspended above the floor below. Then, with perfect precision, the stoic girl extended the finger she'd used to demand his kisses and curled it around the back of the tiny boy’s shaggy black hair, which was already becoming damp from the sweat it’d been exposed to under Ann's foot, Chihaya's foot, and now her own foot.

Ren knew what she was about to do, but was powerless to stop her vile intent. So he just struggled pointlessly as she contracted her finger and shoved his face deeper and deeper until it was fully squashed against the gulf of moist skin waiting between her longest toes. Using his struggling face to pick up any sweaty lint that’d gotten lodged there after coming free from her insole or perhaps remaining trapped there from the socks she’d worn the day before.

A few of the watching girls laughed and giggled as they watched Hifumi work until eventually she took hold of his hair and yanked him back. Mercifully releasing him from the stinking pit and leaving him to heave on the floor. His face was now much filthier than when she’d first approached.

Ren was not in a good way. Following his ordeal beneath Ann and Chihaya’s feet, Hifumi had managed to raise the bar with the help of her linty toes and now the next figure threatened to lift that expectation even higher.

He’d been dreading Makoto’s reaction more than perhaps any of the other women he’d been dating, for a whole host of reasons. Though as she planted each of her booted feet on either side of his abused body, the precise reasons failed to come to mind. He was thoroughly overwhelmed by the intense fear he now felt.

“M-Makoto…” He said, his voice shaky. “We can… We can talk about this…”


 Her lips pursed, then softened as her eyes flashed darkly.

“I’ll show you what we can do about this,” she said coldly. Having actually heard his plea.

The brunette crouched down, similar to how Hifumi had lowered herself, only she fully sat on the ground, crossing her legs and taking hold of the zippers on both of her boots simultaneously.

Now faced with the fourth pair of feet in a row, Ren considered trying to escape what he knew was coming. But whether it was due to the overriding sense of fear he felt or maybe just the lack of energy still contained in his frail body after the sensory punishment he’d endured, he didn’t move.

Makoto made quick work removing both of her boots, revealing a pair of dark nylon tights beneath. They looked a little loose around her shins but quite the opposite around the bottoms, like they were vacuum-sealed to her feet. A light wisp of sweaty mist clinging to the edges of the material.

She reached down and lifted him up by his arm, letting Ren hang for a second as she repositioned her feet below him, and then lowered him back down between them. Once in place, Makoto brought her soles back together, facing one another, trapping Ren’s entire body between her arches leaving only his shoulders and head exposed from the humid vice she’d created with her feet.

Yet again, the smell wasn’t quite at Ann’s level, but it was undeniably grim. Feeling the soft, sweaty material of Makoto’s nylons squeezing up against him as he tried to breathe in wasn’t enjoyable for the tiny boy. Polluting his air supply with her stale musk. A display that was enjoyed a great deal by the giantess.

“If you don’t want me to push your face down between my feet to join the rest of your body, I’d suggest listening to me.”

He nodded feverishly, drawing a little less of a malicious smile from her now.

“Good choice. Now, open wide,” she said.

Whilst he did open his mouth, he mostly did so with the intent of asking her a question. But the look on her face as she anticipated such a response made him instantly shut up and follow orders. And as he did, she lifted a hand that’d previously been out of sight to show that it was now clutching one of her worn boots by the heel.

Ren had lost count of the number of times he’d seen Makoto wearing those ankle boots during school time. The black, tight-fitting ones with the frontal zipper. And, if he was being perfectly honest, he was quite glad his current position between her arches made it impossible to properly see the level of wear she’d inflicted on the insides of the boots. So instead, for now, he just had to gaze up into the smelly depths and pray she didn’t plan on tossing him inside if he disobeyed her.

Reluctantly, despite everything, he took his medicine. Keeping his mouth open and pre-emptively wincing as Makoto angled her boot down, slowly tipping its opening forward.

For the first few seconds, nothing happened, besides a little more of her stronger boot stink flowing out and onto him. And then, one by one, several rivets of sweat trickled towards the edge of the boot's mouth and began to drizzle down onto Ren. With much of her murky boot juice landing directly inside his agape mouth.

The taste was utterly vile. Just as potent as Ann's foot smelt, only now tormenting his mouth instead of his nose. The flavour of pure salt twisted up his tastebuds, feeling tepid to an uncomfortable degree by how long it must've been festering inside Makoto’s boot as she wore it.

And yet, somehow, Ren managed to keep his mouth open. Sampling and then swallowing any sweat the giant Student Council President managed to angle onto his tongue.

Impressed wasn’t the right word, but Makoto was visibly pleased he wasn’t trying to disobey her, even as she funnelled her boot sweat into his mouth.

Once the thin streams ceased from inside her shoe, the gigantic brunette released him from between her feet and returned both to her boots. And since Ren fell forward, flat onto his face, he wasn't able to raise his head in time to see whoever was coming next. Instead, he just felt a calloused hand clench around his shrunken body and drag him up from the foggy prints where Makoto's feet had rested.

Seconds later, the entire world began to contort and spin around him, until it went dark as he was flung into a near-lightless environment. As he tumbled down through it, things didn’t take long to click in his head, particularly as he noted how damp and smelly every inch of the fabric surrounding him was.

“You know me, I’d usually love such a shocking turn of events - the excitement and drama,” a familiar voice drawled. “But today was not what I had in mind.

Tightening her grip around the opening of her sock, Ohya sealed off the only exit Ren might’ve had from the fetid fabric she’d worn almost every day that week. Every time the same pair of old sneakers too.

Once she was sure her seal on the exit to her moist sock was tightly closed, the journalist began to shake the tiny boy’s prison zealously. Tossing him from side to side, up and down, leaving his entire body to graze every inch of the filthy sock. And that was while trying to ignore the overpowering smell and warmth clinging to the cotton.

By the time Ohya flung him back out, Ren was seriously struggling.

He didn’t even notice as the next tormentor stepped up and only caught sight of her red hair when her humid, clammy barefoot was already inches from his face. Polluting his air supply with the wretched stench carried over into her pump after hours of gymnastics practice.

“You deserve this, senpai. Don’t pretend like you can plead innocent after treating us all so badly.”

The shrunken boy did what he could to try and fight her off, but in his weakened state, that effectively meant almost nothing. And it took Kasumi only a few seconds to pinch his cheeks with the tips of her fingers and force his tongue to come out and play.

And once she had it, the talented young woman didn’t hesitate to drag it across the underside of her pale toes. Using his palate to gather up as much of the sour-tasting perspiration clinging to her toe stems as she could. With the rest getting comprehensively smeared over the rest of his face.

Things were beginning to blur together for Ren. And that wasn't just due to the constant waves of Kasumi's foot stench that he was exposed to.

The constant, relentless punishment was wearing away at every inch of his physical and mental self. His entire body was now coated in a disgusting layer of greasy filth from the feet of various women, with his whole world now comprising moist foot flesh, the cold floor below, and myriad different scents from so many distinct, stinky feet. Each one toting its own unique and unpleasant aroma. Some were more tolerable, like Chihaya’s or Hifumi's, and some extremely hard to deal with, like Ann’s or Kasumi's.

By the time Futaba got her turn, he seemed not to have noticed that he was no longer having his tongue defiled by the redhead’s toes.

“You're looking pretty low on health down there. I hope you've got a few consumables to use to regen, 'cause I know you’re super under-levelled for this encounter, mwehehehe..."

The instant the ginger gamer’s socked foot unstuck from the rancid chamber it’d been cooking within for the last few hours, Ren almost lost his lunch and most of the rest of his internal organs with it. His sanity was hanging by a thread.

To begin with, he hardly even noticed she'd been wearing a sock since the surface of her foot looked sticky and grimy as if the cotton was a second layer of foul skin clinging to her dainty foot. And then it got even worse.

A clammy, sopping stink flooded his nostrils and had him retching from the moment she lowered him into the long shaft of her boot by his struggling ankle, and that wasn't about to change until she decided to raise him back out. And before then, Futaba wanted to test out just how frenzied his squealing could get the lower she moved him inside her boot. Unsurprisingly, the closer she brought him to the reeking pit at the bottom of the boot, the more he struggled and wailed.

When she withdrew her arm, the pale girl's forearm was lightly twinkling with fresh sweat brought on by heat inside her boot, which was a side-effect that’d also been levelled onto her tiny victim, only magnitudes worse. He was now almost bright red and actually dripping with sweat, plenty from his pores but most from the women watching on.

Even once he was out, Ren wasn’t sure he’d ever forget the surreal stink Futaba’s feet seemed to be capable of. No amount of therapy was going to cleanse his mind of the steaming shaft of that boot and the harrowing prospect of how much worse it might've gotten had she let him drop to the very bottom. He could only hope the trauma he now carried might make the rest of the women’s feet that much more tolerable.

However, upon finding himself snatched by his giant teacher and seconds later feeling himself pressed face-down against the insole of her putrid flats, he realised that nothing had become more tolerable after his experience as the gamer's stink sampler.

The grime and stink Kawakami had spent years baking into her vile flats united to do their utmost to finish off the young man’s sense of smell.

“You’ve learnt nothing so far, so let me try and help with that. I know you’ve seen me wearing these shoes enough to know they’ve heard all the same lessons I’ve tried to teach you, so maybe you’ll listen to them instead,” the brunette huffed, pressing his face into an especially deep crater dug by one of her toes.

Ren’s whimpering was capably muffled as she dragged him the length of her shoe, sanding his features down against the damp surface of her insole. The huge woman only paused a handful of times to stop and check that his face was becoming as blackened and filthy as the inside of her flat. And even then, she still continued for a while.

There wasn’t a single part of Kawakami’s shoe that didn’t reek horribly. From the heel, across the arch, all the way to the tip where her digits would knead, everything smelt like the fierce, tangy stench of her overworked feet. Although the toe-end was particularly cruel to the tiny boy with how much stink it gleefully fed him as if trying to prove just how much it’d suffered from the wear the teacher had been putting it through.

Once she was done, the brunette moved as if she was going to empty him out of her shoe, only to pause midway through the movement. Then, with a smirk, shoved her foot back into the shoe and took a few forceful steps. Pancaking Ren’s body between her sole and the insole separating him from the floor.

She then withdrew her foot to a chorus of jeers from the other women, giving it a shake until he unstuck and collapsed down to the cafe floor.

Time had ceased to be for Ren. There was only the foot-based punishment and the smell that came with it. And certainly no end to it.

“P-Plea… Pleaseee…” He croaked, reaching out to the next foot as it stepped forward.

Tae Takemi’s lips curled, just about able to hear him as she focused her hearing. “‘Please’, what? Stomp you flat? Put you back inside your teacher's shoe? Toss you to your friends for them to torment you as a team?”

Getting stomped flat seemed preferable to more sensory torture. He was sincerely considering that option.

“Sorry, not my style. So open up again, like you did for your friend. There’s a good guinea pig…”

He was swept up into the doctor’s hands and lowered until he found himself held between her moist feet, similar to how Makoto had restrained him before. However, instead of being submerged in her arches, Ren's entire body was slipped into the combined crevice of her red-tipped toes as they pressed against each other. His head sticking out just enough for her big toes to press up into his cheeks and pry his mouth open wide, whilst the rest of his body endured the sweltering heat building up inside the toe-vice. Somehow it smelt so much worse than Makoto’s grip had.

When he had seen Takemi earlier, he was sure she’d been wearing a pair of tights with her heeled ankle boots, the ones she always looked so stunning in. So the reality that her feet were both bare perplexed what remained of his mind. That was until he cast his eyes to the ceiling lights above and saw her discarded tights balled up between her delicate hands.

“Try to close your mouth and I might let you stay this size for a whole month,” Takemi said.

Sae cleared her throat, wordlessly reiterating her earlier sentiment. The doctor gave her a steady, knowing look before returning her focus to the boy between her toes.

Ren did try to scream as her hands compressed together, but the amount of sweat he’d already ingested meant all that exited his mouth was a harsh scraping sound like metal being dragged down a drainpipe. And once he’d had his say, a long, murky column of sweat drained down from the doctor’s hands directly into his mouth. Splattering his face as it quickly started to overflow. A disgusting allowance of fresh sweat wrung out of her tights just for him. Piling into his cheeks meaning he had to inhale through his nose to get any air at all. Meaning he had to spend even more time smelling the bluenette’s enveloping feet.

He couldn’t struggle. He couldn’t escape. He could barely breathe.

All he could do was wiggle, swallow, and attempt to sniff. Which is exactly what he did until Tae had completely emptied both tights of any moisture that’d built up inside them.

And even when she peeled her sticky feet apart, his puny body still stuck to the crevices of her left foot until she yanked him off. Flinging him away from her and leaving him to wallow. Most of the women were now chatting and communicating amongst themselves. The novelty of torturing the tiny boy seemingly wearing off.

So, for almost a minute, nothing further happened to Ren.

He was left unbothered on the cafe floor. Surrounded by empty space and a collection of sweaty steam-prints. Each one representing the soles of a woman who'd punished him for his cheating ways.

Finally, it appeared that they’d left him alone. It was over... at last...

It took the young man another minute or two to muster the strength to prop his arms beneath his body and slowly push. Heaving hard to try and move himself into an upright position.

Almost theeere… Just a little…




His entire body collapsed. Flattened back to the floor as a gargantuan foot stepped on him with its owner's full weight.

If a bystander had been looking down at her nylon-covered foot, they would’ve been none the wiser that she had a tiny boy trapped and suffering beneath it. It was impossible to hear his silenced protests or see anything besides his twitching arm sticking out from between her long toes. And even that was partially obscured by the sweaty mist blanketing her large foot. 

“I know you’ve done nothing to me personally, Amamiya,” Sae explained, slowly beginning to rub her foot back and forth, grinding him down without mercy. “But you’ve deliberately hurt Makoto, and that’s something I will not tolerate.”

The imposing prosecutor raised her foot just enough to flip him over onto his front using her big toe, getting to see him pant hard in the process.  Then she smothered him up again. This time lining her sole up to him to leave his face exposed beneath the sweaty mesh concealing her toes.

Sae had removed her heels after overtime shifts enough times to know how unpleasant her feet could get. Spending twelve, fourteen, even sixteen hours trapped inside a pair of stuffy nylons, shoved into her overworn heels. And perhaps at such a tiny size, those kinds of odors were magnified too. She didn’t envy the tiny, helpless boy at all.

“There’s nothing you can do to get me to stop. So just breathe deep and try not to pass out on me too quickly. I know that smell can get quite intense.” She flexed her toes as if to emphasise just how intense things could get, feeling him thrash in response.

The thick stench of the elder Niijima sibling’s foot surpassed Ann’s sweaty funk with ease and even rivalled that of Futaba’s boot. Ren gagged and struggled more and more, much to Sae’s amusement. His reactions only got more extreme when she lifted her foot, dragging him along, and replaced it inside of her airing high heel.

She was well-versed in humbling her opponents beneath her feet, being an Aikido black belt and prolific kickboxer, but she’d never faced opposition this pathetic before. Sae thought for a moment, pacing back and forth as the tiny boy jerked beneath her until she decided that she would've guessed less than twenty minutes spent getting trampled inside her work heels would’ve been enough to have the boy eager to spill any secret he’d ever held.

An amusing thought, but not one she could pursue in good conscience, as easy as it might’ve been. At least, not as retribution for the young man cheating on her sister. However, she did have a few difficult interrogations lined up for the following week. Perhaps Sae could get Takemi's size-reduction treatment sanctioned for use in those...?

Finally, after much forced foot sniffing inside of her shoe, leaving Ren near-catatonic as a direct result of Sae’s extremely potent foot aroma, the ashen-haired beauty popped her heel off and scraped him from her sole.

Sae knelt down for a moment, her nostrils flaring as she got near to his limp body. He now smelt much more strongly of her own feet than any of the other women who’d tormented him before she’d gotten her turn. Poor boy.

“Best of luck washing that off, Amamiya,” she said with a cold smile. Then turned to go, leaving him to dry off on the floor.

It seemed as though the rest of the women had forgotten about Ren since they were already filing out of the cafe. Having enjoyed subjecting their collective ex-boyfriend to each of their feet and now physically and emotionally moving on from him. Sae joined the tail end of their procession and closed the door neatly behind them.

And then, there was silence, during which Ren didn’t move, having passed out from his ordeal inside the prosecutor’s heels.

He lay there for several minutes. Motionless and stewing in the residue left behind by his ex-girlfriends.

Only when he did start to come around again, did the tiny boy realise he was alone.

Or at least, it seemed that way.

Until the sound of footsteps arose from the dim. Clicking against the floor as they grew louder. Approaching from a space unseen.

Then four soft fingers wrapped themselves around his soaking wet body, which had barely begun to dry, whilst a thumb delicately patted the top of his matted hair.

“Don’t worry, Ren-chan,” a comforting voice said with a smile on its lips. “Don’t you remember? That doctor said you’ll be quite safe even if I do accidentally squish you from time to time. And your little size change will only last for a week, which should be plenty of time to show you how to be a better boyfriend!”

It was fortunate Haru's anger had now passed, or else the black-haired boy might've been little more than a stain on the ground at that moment.


Gleefully, the auburn-haired senior turned her attention to the ankle boot she’d slyly removed as she spoke. And now, without another word, she was moving him towards it suggestively.

After the torment he’d already endured, Ren was in no state to even try to mount any resistance against Haru. Not even so much as a whimper. And so, scored by the sound of her giggles, he tumbled face-first off her palm and into the stuffy pit of the rich girl’s boot.

In the last hour, he’d seen enough of the inside of shoes to last multiple lifetimes, but it didn’t seem like Haru agreed. Whilst her boot didn’t stink quite as foully as Futaba’s wretched footwear or Sae’s hardworking feet, nor was it as stifling as the flats worn by his teacher or the socks worn by Ohya, it was still miles away from anything he could consider remotely pleasant. The young woman must've worn these quite frequently.

“Try to wiggle down to the toe-end,” she boomed down to him. “You should get squashed a bit less that way.”

Unfortunately, the deeper into the boot he dragged himself, the worse the heat and scent became until Ren was unable to will his body to move any deeper.

Haru obviously couldn’t see him once he'd moved out from the shaft of light cast down into the mouth of her boot, so she focused all of her attention on the sole of her foot as she put the boot back on. Hoping to feel him as she slipped the shoe back on. And feel him she did, even with the pair of tights she was wearing covering her sensitive sole.

“Not bad! But here, let me help you get to the bottom of my boot, so you can stay safest…”

Ren wheezed his reluctance as her toes latched onto his body and dragged him spluttering to the deepest region of her boot. And as expected… the conditions only got worse with every inch he was forcibly moved.

She stood upright as her foot sank into place, with the tiny boy comfortably nestled under the brace of her stuffy toes. With a few hesitant steps, Haru confirmed Tae’s earlier comment, knowing she wouldn’t break him easily even if he did slide beneath her sole accidentally.

With a satisfied smile, content with her boyfriend's placement, the gleeful girl walked to the exit and swung the door open, allowing it to snap shut behind her.

By the time Sojiro finally returned, Morgana still tailing behind him, he was surprised to find no trace of any of the women previously occupying his cafe. Nor any sign of Ren either for that matter, which was very unexpected.

Considering the expressions on the young women's faces, he expected to find his ward half kicked to death. And yet, he was nowhere to be found. However, shocking him more than that was the sheer amount of visibly wet prints plastered all across the floor. It was difficult to tell, but they almost looked like… footprints?

Morgana was a little more perceptive thanks to his sensitive nose, and so he immediately picked up on the overpowering residue of sweaty feet coating the cafe floor. However, that didn’t exactly help him to figure out what on earth had happened.

Meanwhile, Haru was already halfway to the train station by the time they got back, and she still had plenty of time on the return journey back to her home to think of all the ways she’d be able to mould Ren into the perfect boyfriend. By the time she set foot on the underground platform, it already felt as if he was moulding into an incredibly comfortable insole.

She smiled brightly. If he was as receptive to her planned training as he was to the constant impact of her foot, then this was going to be a piece of cake!

Chapter End Notes:

It's a Valentine's Day story! (Just ignore the fact I'm a day late)

This was just an idea I couldn't leave unfulfilled. And if you're interested to know where the insipriation came from, at least in part, then please check out some of Dawger2's amazing Persona renders!

I should have another story going up in the new few days, which'll be a little shorter and involving a character I've been trying to write something around for ages.

Until then...

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