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“Soooo…what do you think” David asked as he leaned over the kitchen counter propping himself up on his arms while Kim, his fiancé, looked over the folded out pamphlet advertising a once in a lifetime destination vacation in the South American jungle. 

“Ehhh…I don’t know Dave” Kim said as she propped her elbow up and held her head in her hand while giving David a look of uncertainty “I mean do we even have the money for something like this” she asked apprehensively. 

“Well…no not all of it per se BUT” David said explaining his thought process behind this whole shebang “But but but, what these people advise is an all expense round trip that comes with direct flight tickets, room service, and tours of the grounds”, “And” Kim asked with a raised eyebrow not really seeing what David was trying to say. 

“And…I was thinking maybe if we kinda cut out a lot of the extra stuff they talk about, we might be able to pull this off with a couple of dollars left to spare you know” David said while weighing his hands trying to get Kim to understand, “So just go there stay a few days and come back” Kim asked wanting to be clear with what David was telling her. 

“Well…yeah I mean it’s probably not gonna be the most exciting thing we’ve ever done but, honestly, when was the last time we were able to just get out and have some fun…to have some time to ourselves” David said hoping to sell the idea of this apparent diet sized vacation he had in mind. 

“We have time to ourselves already though” Kim said wanting to make a point, “Barely, I mean with how we’ve been working the last few months we hardly get to see each other besides the weekends and a couple hours before we go to bed” David said countering Kim’s point. 

“Sighhh I know, I know, it’s been hectic the last year or so, but look at where we are now because of it” Kim said bringing up how both of them had grown in their respective careers “And it’s not like that’s a bad thing right”, “Honey I leave before the sun comes up most days and you’re still in bed, which means unless I turn the lights on and wake you up, I don’t get to see you until I get home” David said wanting to prove his point. 

“And you’re schedules are way worse than mine, I mean hell you work from home saturdays and sundays most of the time now, which means that even though I have longer hours you have more days of being at work” David said with a few exaggerated hand gestures, “I mean honestly we’ve been so busy I can’t even remember the last thing we did together as a couple”. 

“Ugh, now I know you’re over exaggerating” Kim said as she stood up and walked to the fridge to get something to drink “We were at that holiday party at my work just a couple months ago”, “Kim…” David said with a deadpan stare “That was two Christmas’ ago” he said looking her dead in the eye, “We didn’t do anything for the holidays this year because we we’re both to busy working” David said earning a wide eye look of disbelief from Kim. 

All was quiet for a moment until Kim sunk her head and let out a deflated sigh “…I guess you’re right” she said before taking a sip from her drink “Sighhh…maybe this isn’t that bad of an idea after all” she said as David came over and lovingly stroked her face, “I think this might actually be good for us too” he said after a quick kiss to the forehead. 

“Hmmm” Kim curiously hummed, “Well I think that the reason we’ve been arguing and fighting so much lately is because we’re just so tired you know” David said trying to make what he was trying to say not come off the wrong way “Maybe this is what we need to take a break and recharge our batteries”. 

“Maybe yeah” Kim said as she leaned into David’s chest, leaning her head against his pecs and running her free hand up and down his abdomen, “Maybe we could even…reconnect with each other you know” David said as he wrapped his arms around Kim’s tiny five foot four frame holding her tightly against his staggering six foot two body.

“Think about it, a whole week of just you and me, in an exotic hotel, alone, and absolutely nothing to bother us outside of eating sleeping and going to the bathroom heh heh” David said earning a bit of a chuckle from Kim, “Heh…yeah that does sound pretty good to be honest” she said pressing her sizable breasts against him “Hmph…maybe we could even have some fun…tonight then”. 

“Heh heh now that sounds like a very good idea heh heh” David said before leaning down and delivering a kiss to his beautiful fiancé as they both slowly began to take their clothes off and head to the bedroom for a night of restless pleasure. 

That was a scene that played in David’s mind over and over again on late nights like tonight when sleep just didn’t come as easily as it used to, which was slowly proving to be more and more frequent as the nights went on. 

While the jungle may have been able to lull the natives to sleep with its surround chirping of the nocturnal insects or the occasional death cry of something falling prey to a nighttime predator David was just unable to find sleep as easily as his companion that laid next to him. 

Zú was fast asleep tucked beside David in the little area he had been laid up the last few weeks, apparently this was her personal bed that he had been healing up on which left her to sleep next to the large stone in the center of her hut, but now that he was healed enough to move somewhat on his own she had decided that it was safe for her to return to her own bed. 

While David didn’t mind the company, he did have the slightest discomfort with her sense of modesty, which he understood was for the best when it came to living in this type of climate but he had to admit that it was hard to focus on anything other than her plump perky breasts that lay bare just a few feet away from him. 

He did give her the benefit of the doubt thinking that if all he had to wear in a hot and humid environment like this was thick furry pelts from various different animals he’d probably go and strip off as many layers as he could whenever he got the chance, he was just glad she decided to keep her loincloth on, although he didn’t know if that was entirely because of him. 

And it wasn’t that he hadn’t seen her lady bits before, she actually showed it to him intentionally or unintentionally every time she stepped over top of him to reach for one of the many dried bundles of flowers dangling from her ceiling, which let him know that the only two places on her body that seemed to have hair was her head and her pussy. 

In fact one would say that she proudly carried herself in every way possible with the knowledge that she had quite possibly the most beautiful force of nature between her legs, something of which hundreds of thousands of men would die to have a chance at seeing much less actually getting to try it out. 

He saw her curves rise and dip with every breath she took as the moonlight that shines through the cracks in her walls glistened of her sweaty body, and even highlighting her taut nipples to a more alluring degree somehow. 

He tried his best to put thoughts like that out though, he didn’t want to even allude to taking advantage of the woman who pretty much saved his life, after all of it wasn’t for her he didn’t know where he’d be right now other than rotting in what remained of the little biplane he and Kim had managed to get onto. 

Scratch that he did know where he’d be if not for her, he be with Kim right now, in a far better place than this, someplace quiet, someplace that didn’t hurt him so much, someplace with air conditioning, with his family that he hadn’t seen since he was a kid, all of them together in that kinder better place in the sky. 

“I’m sorry” he whispered towards the sky as the thought of Kim lingered in his mind causing a tear to run down his face before a series followed suit, it was all he could think to do in the moment, feeling so helpless that he couldn’t even walk out of this jungle already or even walk on his own at all yet. 

No he still had to be carried around the hut by Zú whenever she felt he had stayed still to long and wanted him to move around some more, which in turn made him feel like a helpless child being carried around by his mother. 

He knew she didn’t mean anything bad by it, he knew she was doing her best to help him, but it just felt so demeaning that he couldn’t take care of himself yet, souring his mind and wrenching his soul the more he lingered on it. 

Sometimes he would even think back to the crash, or what he could remember of it at least, and what he could have done differently to make things not so bad, should he have reached out and held onto her and kept her from flying away, should he have unbuckled his seatbelt and gone out with her, should they have just stayed home instead. 

Unlike how he was told by Zú that the hunting party that found him barely clinging to life behind the already deceased pilot, he didn’t need any kind of story or explanation as to where Kim was, he just knew that there was no way someone would’ve been able to survive a fall like that, and that whatever it was that had happened to her was quick and painless. 

He sat there on the bed of pelts for a while silently weeping at the thought of what he had done, how he inadvertently ended the lives of two innocent people and the love of his life, and all for the sake of saving a few dollars on a vacation she didn’t even want to take in the first place. 

Out of nowhere though Zú rolled over on her side in her sleep and unconsciously reached out and covered David’s chest with her massive hand before reflexively pulling him towards her, at first he thought he had been to loud with his emotional distress but he quickly realized that his caretaker was still soundly asleep and nuzzling him against her tits like he was nothing. 

He laid there held in place e between her breasts for a good long while trying to gently wiggle his way out but to no avail, leading him to regretfully wake her up so that he wouldn’t boil to death from her high bodily heat. 

David tried his luck first by gently nudging Zús chest, occasionally and accidentally prodding his open palm against the side of her bare breast and causing it to jiggle and shake to a certain degree, where he could even hear the sound of her boobs rubbing against one another and quietly slapping off each other. 

Eventually he came to the conclusion that he was going to have to wake the slumbering amazon verbally rather than physically as his touches seemed to have no noticeable effect on her whatsoever so far. 

“ehem uhh…zú…ehhh Zú…ZÚ” he said with louder and louder intensities until the giantess began to stir awake, “yaaaawwwn…uuhhh…daaa’veeed yaaawwwn are you well” Zú said sleepily as she propped herself up on an elbow while rubbing her eyes “Are you…in pain” she asked as David quietly caught his breath having finally been given fresh air after what felt like quiet a while. 

“No I…huff…I uhhh…you were squeezing me and uhh…I couldn’t breathe all to good like that” David said trying to not make to big a deal about it, “*gasp*Ba’Chè qúehí…please forgive me Da’véd” Zú said slapping her hand against her forehead “I meant no harm”. 

“I-it’s fine Zú, really it’s okay” David said reassuringly as Zú ran her large fingers over his body to check for any signs of accidental damage where she eventually grazed against his face and felt the wetness of his fresh tears still lingering. 

“Da’véd…Ghá…are you okay” she asked wondering if she had been the cause of his sudden release, “Yeah…it’s okay Zú…I just had a bad dream is all” David lied not fully wanting to delve into what he was mentally going through at the moment “Just a little bit shook up is all”. 

Zú could tell even through the pitch black of the night that David was hurting more than he was letting on but chose not to bring it up, afraid that it my harm him even more if she were to push him to far to soon. 

Instead she simply laid down on her side and offered a hand to the weary man beside her, hoping to convey that he wasn’t as alone as he may have felt, which to her surprise she felt him wrap his hand around her large fingers, holding her hand in the only plausible way he could think of. 

“Shhhhhh Da’véd shhhhhh” Zú gently cooed as she shifted closer to her bunk mate, softly caressing his side as they both laid there trying to find sleep once more before finally dozing off together in each other’s embrace. 

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