Earth Reborn: Prodigian Assault
Man has thought that we were alone in the galaxy for the longest time. It was our thought that life was such a rare and precious thing that it couldn't possibly happen somewhere else, but if it had, the odds of those two races meeting are slim to none. You could say that line of thinking is arrogant, you could call it farfetched, however you cannot deny that it is true.
Years turned to centuries and man continued along that line of thinking. You had your small portions of the population that thought hey, there could be life out there. Every time a science fiction movie would come out it would stir the pot a little, as it got people thinking, what if. However, that's all that ever came of it. Just what if.
What if, on one relatively normal day, what if, became a reality. Those wide-eyed dreams you had as a child turned from fiction to nonfiction. Government cover-ups and conspiracy theories became a reality. The sheer thought of something like that coming true sounds more like a Steven Spielberg and Michael Bay Co-production than it does any form of reality. However, that what if did indeed become a reality that changed the course of humanity on earth forever.
It started out simple enough; it was just a blip on radar. NASA alerted the government, who informed the military, and in secret, they watched this blip move closer and closer to earth, unti it was leaked to a news outlet. Then CNN, MSNBC, and all the rest ran with it. The world was watching with bated breath as the blip moved closer and closer. Satellite Imagery finally broke that it was a ship, the picture was grainy, and it was hard to tell scale due to the sheer speed at which it traveled, but it was clearly beyond reasonable doubt a ship.
Alien experts got there ah-huh, see we told you in. While others stammered in disbelief over the facts at hand. It was a banner day for humanity on earth. Presidents and dignitaries prepared speeches, while businesses the world over shut down so they could bear witness to this historical day.
As the ship approached it begun to slow and the sheer scale of the ship was unimaginable. It was hundreds if not thousands of feet tall. People begun to speculate how many billions of people a ship like that could hold. The thought of so many people traversing the galaxy was unthinkable just days ago, now it was tangible and before the eyes of the world.
Numerous attempts by the world's governments to contact the ship fell on deaf ears. Hours ticked by and there was no response and we had no way to reach out to them. The world was watching anxiously for any sign of life. Finally several smaller ships came out of what has been dubbed the mother ship. The shuttlecrafts were rectangular and looked somewhat similar to the shuttlecrafts that appeared on Star Trek: The Next generation. As the shuttlecrafts entered the atmosphere, they all headed uniformly towards Kansas in a move that changed everything.
As the people in Kansas, and all around the United States watching from home set their eyes on the shuttle they couldn't believe how gargantuan the shuttle truly was. As the shuttle approached, an ominous shadow fell over several small towns that were below the now hovering shuttlecraft. The wind created by the shuttle craft was hurricane force winds. Trees were uprooted, entire homes just disappeared, the lucky cars were just merely overturned, however many which just happened to be passing by were blown away.
The residents who lived in the small towns were in a panic as the scurried away from their homes, in many cases leaving everything. The lucky ones were blown miles away giving them a small chance to survive as long as they can live through the impact of whatever they crash into upon landing. However, the majority of the people were completely obliterated by the landing of the shuttlecraft that completely crushed the small towns as if they were nothing at all.
The survivors looked up at the ship in awe as it towered larger than any structure on earth. It reached seemingly into the heavens. The outside of the ship had a black metallic look to it, however the material of ship seemed to be made from a metal not of this world. It had a deep pure blackness to it, yet even with passing through atmosphere and landing remained cold.
Several hundred people huddled outside of the ship some even being daring enough to knock on it; while others merely looked on in an anxious disbelief. The tension was high in the air as the better part of an hour passed before a hissing sound of an airlock being broke as a door larger then even a hundred empire state buildings opened up.
A shivering cold air escaped the ship as hundreds of onlookers struggled to see inside the ship. The anticipation of first contact was upon them. The onlookers rejoiced over what they thought would be the dawning of a new era. Some pictured grotesque creatures in their heads while others imagined variations of what they saw on the television and in the movies.
What appeared was something much more familiar. At first dark massive objects flew out of the ship, the two large objects crashed into the ground. The impact sent anyone within a hundred miles to his or her knees. A cloud of dirt and debris kicked into the air causing everyone to hack and cough. The cloud of dirt was so thick it was reminiscent of a sandstorm.
As the mixture dirt, dust and debris settled several hundred onlookers were shocked by what was before them. The two large objects appeared to be semi rectangular walls only instead of the edges being hard 90 degree angles they were more contoured and rounded. The walls rose up hundreds if not thousands of feet up into the air before turning into a domed cylindrical object.
The crowd of people didn't quite know how to react at first. However, curiosity quickly overtook as many of them approached the strange foreign objects. As they ran their hands along the walls, it felt almost synthetic in nature. Something along the lines of a rubber, only this seemed much stronger and firmer than any kind of rubber.
A loud thunderous pounding seemed to echo out of the ship. The large group of onlookers started to take a few steps back but it was already too late as the alien appeared. Everyone was in complete shock, as the alien appeared to be human and female. She had long flowing black hair and dawned in a skin tight black uniform. The uniform showed her pert breasts and the curvature of her body. As the woman stepped down she sat on the perch of the ship completely ignoring the crowd of people.
The onlookers shouted and jumped in the air waving at her, however not even the slightest reaction was found on the face of the alien who stretched briefly before looking down at the large objects that had fell out of the ship earlier. The realization began to hit the crowd of people that the objects they had inspected earlier were not structures at all but these colossal aliens' shoes.
A sense of panic begun to grow amongst the crowd as they looked up at the alien woman, her beauty was divine and her complexion appeared similar to that of someone from Latin America or China. As the alien finished putting on her shoes, she stood up in their presence for the first time. The growing sense of panic turned to absolute fear and chaos as everyone scattered.
The foot of the alien rose a hundred or so feet into the air. The shadow from the underside of her shoe covered what felt like miles to the scared people below. As the foot begun to lower the rush of air pinned the crowd of hundreds to the ground with ease. The people struggled in vain to stand up. As the foot exploded against the ground, the shoe seemed to sink thirty or forty feet into the ground. Crushing to death all who was unfortunate enough to be caught underneath it.
The survivors tried to stand and run, however her second step was almost in progress and they felt the rush of air being pressed down towards them by her immense down step. Cries of anguish were ignored as her foot landed on the ground crushing more of the crowd. The few survivors who weren't buried beneath what felt like to them a metric ton of debris managed to scatter and run for their lives, hoping to find salvation somewhere.
The experience on that day changed the face of humanity forever. As in a single instant, we went from being at the top of the food chain to being nothing more than bugs to the planets new alien rulers. The leaders of world's governments tried in vain to make contact with the gigantic humanoid aliens in that were dubbed the Prodigians.
In the first week since their arrival, shuttlecrafts landed on continents all over the globe, their intent not to destroy humanity, but to scout a suitable location for a capital city. As the Prodigians suffer from many of the same problems we are starting to have today. Overcrowding, only there solution is to send probes to scout out habitable worlds and then send out mother ships down to colonize worlds without intelligent life.
Earth, happened to show up on one of those probe scans, and the Prodigians sent out a ship to make the world there own. Where things went wrong for the people of earth is that they are drastically smaller then Prodigians. This would be similar to you looking for a location to build your home, only you find out the prime spot for your home is also home to a colony of bugs. You wouldn't not build your home there. You would just expect the bugs would move their homes or you would forcefully move the bugs. As they aren't a life form that commands the same amount of respect or has the same basic rights as you have as a human being. Well the Prodigians are looking at humanity in much the same way. They registered our species as nothing but a highly populated bug that seemed to cover the entire planet.
As the prodigan scout teams searched Earth for the prime spot for their capital city chaos was going on just below their feet. The tiny earthlings were in a state of panic as the giant sized aliens explored the continents leaving nothing more than craters in their wake.