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It was suddenly very quiet. Other than the music blasting, seemingly far off in the distance like thunder, the chatter and yelling and partying abruptly halted, and an eerie silence filled the room... but, was this even the same room they were in just moments ago?
"Dude... what the hell just happened? Where is everyone?" Dan, a senior who had been hanging out with his friend Brian on the steps found himself and his friend seemingly transported to an alien world. The two look around, dumbfounded and confused. The surface they stood on appeared to be almost perfectly flat, varying shades of brown stretching out for several hundred feet in all directions. In one direction, the odd surface suddenly makes a 90 degree incline upward, and in the opposing direction it does the opposite. On the horizon, the pattern seems to be repeating in both directions.
"This is seriously tripping me out... " Brian folds his arms worryingly.
Dan is cut off by a tremendous crash, seemingly from directly above. Both teens glance up - the sky is a strange color of milky white, what appears to be the sun glaring brightly overhead. Another thunderous boom follows shortly after, and it continues rhythmically, like footsteps from some sort of God. Suddenly, Dan and Brian find themselves enveloped in shadow. Turning to face the source, they both pause in utter shock and horror as another quake rocks the floor beneath them.
"Is that-!?"
"This can't be real..."
It dawns on them that they are very much still in the same spot they were sitting before this strange event - on the steps in Andy's house, and the only thing that had changed was them - they couldn't be more than half an inch tall!
"Jesus, she has to be like a quarter mile tall!"
"I don't think it's her, Brian - it's us."
There's little time to talk, as Kelcie continues her way down the steps, her bare feet slapping against the hardwood floor with each tremendous footfall.
"Shit, we have to get out the way or she'll step on us!" They realize, running toward the underside of the next step as fast as their tiny legs can take them. The force of Kelcie's landing on the aforementioned step is far too great for their tiny forms to handle, and they are knocked down, helpless and directly in the path of her next step. However, she pauses, her face high, high above appearing perplexed.
From this viewpoint nearly directly below Kelcie, it's quite apparent that she isn't wearing any pants - the creamy bare flesh of her legs towers skyward into a pair of white cotton panties, partially covered by a red t-shirt that hangs over her waist. Apparently they had woken her up, they thought. But why were they so little and she wasn't!?
"WHERE IS EVERYONE?" Her voice booms.
Realizing that they have no hope of outrunning the giantess, Dan and Brian begin to frantically wave up at her, screaming for help.
"Hey, down here!!!"
"HUH..." She begins to move, a single bare foot rolling forward and lifting off of the step, hovering directly above the two tiny teens. Her soft sole fills the sky, a vast expanse of wrinkled flesh. Truly, this is how a bug must feel.
"NOOO!" They both scream, but to no avail - just as quickly as it had lifted, Kelcie's foot crashes down to the next step, splattering the two teenagers into red stains under the ball of her foot. She makes no notice of the incident, the nearly instantaneous popping of their fragile bodies beneath her foot all but noticeable, as she moves to the next step and continues her way downstairs.
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