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Story Notes:



Author's Chapter Notes:

Here it is! Enjoy.



     It was Scott's first day on the job as the apartment maitenance man. He was excited as he entered the apartment of a beautiful tenant. She opened the door and greeted him with a smile. "Ma'am, I'm here to handle a toilet problem." Scott said. "Perfect. You came right in time. It's been acting up all day. By the way, you don't have to call me ma'am. I prefer Sarah." the young woman responded. Scott grinned as he was shown to the bathroom.

     An hour or two passed. Scott found himself feeling a little woozy. Last night's round of drinks at the bar must have been taking its toll. He blacked out.

     Sarah entered the bathroom and found it empty. She approached the toilet and gave it a flush.

     Scott awakened to the sound of roaring water. "Well, it seems fixed," a familiar voice boomed over head. Scott looked up to see Sarah towering over him, with her back turned to him. He looked around, realizing he was on a counter, next to the sink. He immediately began screaming. "SARAH! HELP ME! I'M DOWN HERE! SARAH!." he yelled, as loud as he could manage. She didn't hear him through the roaring water of the toilet. Then he saw something shift in front of him. That's when Scott realized the counter was level with Sarah's perfect butt. Her round ass loomed in front of him. As it wiggled back and forth, ever so slightly, Scott approached it. It was almost as if he were in some sort of trance. He watched with a combination of excitement and curiousity as Sarah's pants suddenly dropped, followed by her underwear. As Sarah bent over to move these items to a better location, Scott watched in awe as her goddess-like buttcheeks parted. Suddenly, she bumped the counter. The impact threw Scott off balance. He fell forward, in the opening crevice before him. Scott landed on something rubbery. His nose was immediately assaulted with a sour smell. A chill ran through his body. He knew where he was. He immediately tried to rise to his feet and move, but found that he couldn't. He was stuck. Something sticky held him in place. "SARAH!!!!." he screamed, as it fully dawned on him. He was stuck to her sticky anus. Her cheeks clamped shut. "I guess it's time to test to test out his handywork. I kinda wish he'd stayed to work on some other plumbing." she said with a light giggle, as she slapped her ass. It jiggled, in response, slightly. To her, it was nothing, but to Scott, it was that much more suffering, as he was rubbed around her butthole. But test? The word repeated in Scott's mind. His panic level rose as he felt her butt turn completely upside down as she sat. Scott shrieked in horror. But his tiny squeaks went unheard as her massive ass cheeks prevented the sound from reaching her ears.

Scott then realized how pathetic of a situation he was in. He was an unnoticeable speck on the shithole of a beautiful girl. It was highschool, all over again. Suddenly, her angellic anus puckered. A loud thunder and powerful gust of wind fired from her ass. The force freed Scott from his sticky prison. He landed with a splash in the cold water below. When he resurfaced, the smell of Sarah's ass filled his lungs. He gagged. He watched as her butthole puckered again. Scott decided moving was a good idea. He swam to the front of the toilet. He resumed his fruitless screaming. Suddenly, he saw light, as Sarah's butt lifted. Had she heard him? He waited with anticipation.

     To his misfortune, the answer was no. Her beautiful booty came back down, a little further forward. Her butthole was now perfectly positioned over him again. Suddenly, a loud roar burst from Sarah's ass again. Scott closed his eyes, humiliated at the situation... when something slapped him. It was wet. He looked down at himself to find himself covered in some sort of goo. The rotten smell immediately hit him. He looked at himself, then back at Sarah's anus as the realization hit him like a ton of bricks. This slime that was all over him had come from Sarah's butthole. He was mortified. He was also stuck to the porcelain, he discovered. No matter how hard he tried, he could not move. Another fart burst from Sarah's butthole. But as Scott watched in horror, a massive fountain of Sarah's buttgunk spewed from her ass, directly onto him. "Gaw... can this get any worse?." he thought. Sure enough, her beautiful butthole puckered again and spewed another wave of ass gunk on to him. He picked up gagging. Suddenly, he heard a phone dialing above him. Then he heard a click. Sarah began to speak. "Eh. What am I thinking, calling him from the toilet. Scott is too cute. I wanna invite him to dinner in person." she said to herself. Scott felt a sense of irony as he realized he was wearing her dinner from the previous night. He desperately attempted screaming again, only to get a taste of that dinner and begin to choke violently. Suddenly, a shadow passed over Scott. He looked up and was met with the biggest surge of fear he'd ever felt. Above him dangled the biggest piece of shit he'd ever seen. Sarah giggled. "If he can do as good of a job on me as he did with this plumbing, Scott might be getting lucky tonight," she said. Scott could hear from her voice that she was wearing a grin. "How much worse can this get?." Scott asked himself. Her butthole contracted above as Scott heard a grunt. Finally, a massive fart erupted from her rear as the massive piece of shit dislodged and rocketed right toward Scott.
      Sarah got up and wiped. She then flushed, as she readied herself to head up to Scott's apartment. She had no idea that she had just converted him into a fine mushy paste on her toilet.






Chapter End Notes:

Ok, there's the first story. Hope it didn't cause too much trauma to any of you.



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