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One boy picked up a large shard of broken glass, took off his coat and wrapped one end of the glass in it, so that he could hold it without injury, and then thrust the exposed sharp end into Fatwoman’s hand.


Her scream was like a titanic roar to all of them.


“You little brat! You’ll be lucky if my teeth don’t do the same thing to you, except that you’ll taste better going down whole without dribbling blood onto my tongue!” she called.


The boy who liked her saw how serious the wound was. It was very deep and Fatwoman was losing a lot of blood. The curtains had all been open when the Spiteful Four had arrived, and had not been affected by Fatwoman’s attack. The boy quickly pulled one off the rod, threw it out the window and said, “Use this as a bandage!”


“Thank you,” said Fatwoman, “but don’t think that saves you.”


“No … I don’t,” he said.


Fatwoman took a few minutes to wrap the curtain around her hand like a tourniquet and tie it tight, with the help of the Gobbler, whom she diverted from an assault on the 11th Grade building. Then both giantesses resumed their attacks. This time Fatwoman used her protected hand, and reached into the classroom again.


“That thing can’t cover all your hand!” called the boy with the glass sword, and thrust at her again.


She quickly withdrew her hand and got up and seemed to disappear from view.


Suddenly they heard glass smashing behind them and realised that she’d gone around and palmed her way into the windows on the other side. They retreated to the centre of the room and let the boy with the glass sword keep her at bay. However, this time Fatwoman made no attempt to reach in for them. She just put her fingers part way through windows on both sides at once and then began to tug hard.


The students saw the side walls and roof being ripped off the building, and then saw Fatwoman place the roof on the school oval and smile down at them triumphantly. She picked up what remained of the seat she’d broken and held it above the boy with the glass sword.


“If you don’t throw that thing outside now, I’ll bring this down on you and your little weapon at crushing speed,” said Fatwoman.


The boy complied. Then the boy who liked her saw an opportunity.


“I’m the one who helped you bandage your hand, and in so doing I put us all in danger again,” he said, “Would you take me first, so the others have a bit more time before the end?”


“Whatever you say, Sweetie,” said Fatwoman and opened her hand for him to walk between her fingers.


She lifted him up and brought him close to her wide open mouth. He looked inside in admiration and was very glad that the others would think him a hero. Fatwoman would think of him fondly too as she gobbled him down, and he would be the only one to relish the experience.


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