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 “It’s just you and me now, Rash,” said Enlarger Girl, stepping towards Rash Old Girl.


“You won’t take me down that easily. I did command my own trained fighters until recently,” said Rash.


“And I was trained by the best,” said Enlarger Girl, as the object of her assertion, namely Smartman, stepped out from the concealment of her hair and onto her shoulder.


Enlarger Girl began looking for openings, as she and Rash began to exchange a series of strikes and blocks. To her surprise, Smartman dived off her shoulder and down the inside of Rash’s neckline.


“How can he prefer her breasts at a time like this? I thought he loved me!” thought Enlarger Girl.


It gave her a rush of anger fuelled adrenaline, and she struck Rash harder than ever before. Although their skills were roughly evenly matched, Rash had the body of a 55 year old woman. Brandi Gold was younger and fitter and faster. Rash went down too, and then Enlarger Girl saw Smartman dragging another normal sized man out from under the neckline of her dress.


“I saw movement in there that your larger eyes would have missed and went in to capture the only one who both would and could have busted the Spiteful Four out of Smoked Ham Asylum,” said Smartman, “Meet the Dwindler.”


“And I thought you fancied her!” said Enlarger Girl.


“No. But he needs a special cell he can’t shrink out of. This time we should be able to keep them all inside. You head over and tell the police that they can move in now with the Gland Bands.”


The students and their teachers came out of what remained of the school buildings and stood beside the fallen villains. One boy was closest to the Gobbler’s face, when she suddenly opened her mouth wide and lunged her head at him. He ran back from her until he was sure that she was too injured to get up and pursue him.


With Enlarger Girl’s help, the Spiteful Four were forced to reduce to normal size and submit to the Gland Bands once more.  Then Enlarger Girl picked Smartman up and was about to carry him back to the Smartmobile, when a group of costumed characters, all currently normal sized, met them at the edge of the school grounds.


“I’m code named Mr Mensa,” said their leader, “Could you shrink down so we could talk more privately in the paddocks behind the school?”


Enlarger Girl shrank back to normal size, and Mr Mensa explained that he was a scientific genius, and the leader of their group, which was known as D.A.B.B.L.E.S. ’97. It was a covert group of male vore fans and the very few giantesses who reciprocated their fantasies. Having seen the news bulletin, he had gathered his team and headed for Rural Dural Boys High School and arrived just as the two new super heroes were leaving.


Mr Mensa invited Enlarger Girl and Smartman to join D.A.B.B.L.E.S. ’97. The two accepted, and enjoyed a few months of being accepted by their own kind.


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