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He sat down on the lawn to eat, enjoying the double sized version of the beautiful scenery, which had originally caught his eye in Swain Gardens Single. After a while, an older girl came walking into the gardens with a picnic of her own.


“Do you mind if I spread my rug next to yours?” she asked, “This looks like a nice spot you’ve found.”


“Sure,” said Lewis.

“Thank you,” she said, “I’m Jenny Wilmer.”

“I’m Lewis Rickland.”

“What year are you in at school?”

“Year 10,” he said.

“I don’t know how much else you have going on to fill up your week. I’m 18 now, and in my first year at university. I run a youth group on Friday nights at Four Ways Hall in Ryan Road, Turramurra. It’s for all high school years 7 to 12. There’s games and activities and supper. It starts at 6:30 and finishes at 10:00. I’ve been inviting any high school boy or girl I meet along, and the numbers are building up. You’d have a good night at the end of the school week.”

“If my parents don’t mind me going, I’d love to come,” he thought.

“Show them this leaflet with the times and address of the hall, if you like,” said Jenny, and took out a leaflet from a pile in her picnic basket.

“Thank you,” said Lewis, hoping his parents would never drive past the Ryan Road location on his own world, if there was no such place as Four Ways Hall on Earth Single. It would take some explaining, to say the least.

This was an opportunity too good to miss. He would be unlikely to ever have the chance to see Lynda again, but now he could meet other girls. They would all be twice the size of the girls on his own world, but this seemed to make them even more interesting. Most boys were taller than most girls. So most of the girls on earth double would not quite be twice his height, but they would nonetheless be significantly taller.

The pamphlet was like a large poster to Lewis. He folded it and put it in his basket.

He asked his father if it would be alright to go to the youth group each week. His father tentatively approved, on the condition that his school work didn’t suffer.


Suddenly his week of school work, and even the Saturday afternoon which rounded it off, seemed much easier to bear. He threw himself into his studies, and spent around an hour each night lying awake in bed, thinking about the youth group on Earth Double. When Friday came, he went to school as usual, and then went home, discarded his school clothes and changed into his casual clothes for the evening. He walked to Swain Gardens and made the now familiar journey to Swain Gardens Double. He walked the tall streets to Ryan Road, having already been aware of the same streets (which corresponded to those of Earth Single) which led to a point on the map that Jenny Wilmer had given him. Then he was able to use the map to get to Four Ways Hall in Ryan Road. 


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