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The following Friday, Lewis went to the youth group again. It was late October 1997, and he was looking forward to seeing Melendy Fielding again. The trip to Earth B (as he had come to call it, denoting his own world Earth A) had been easy enough in the usual way.

When he reached the youth group hall, he found Jenny Wilmer looking sadly at him.

“I had a call from Melendy’s mother,” she said, “Melendy … died in a car accident this week. I’m so sorry.”

Saddened beyond words, Lewis attended the funeral the next morning and then returned to his own earth shortly after the funeral wake lunch. He sat in Swain Gardens in tears. He thought over all that had happened between himself and the lovely alternate universe version of Lynda Fielding. Then for the first time in months, he found himself thinking specifically of Lynda Fielding of his own world, wishing that he could find her again.

Suddenly he blinked his eyes and wiped away some tears, to see that he had somehow moved from Swain Gardens. He had not been anywhere near the spot where he could pass between worlds.  It seemed that he was in another part of World B, as all of the foliage was certainly larger than he was used to. He walked through the dense greenery until he came to a more sparse form of vegetation, and could see through it. Lewis Rickland was as surprised as he had been when he first discovered that he was on World B all those months ago. He was now in a giant version of Melendy Fielding’s garden!

This was not merely twice the usual size. It was so gigantic that he would have been no taller than a girl’s finger. Sitting in plain view on a giant garden seat, but unable to see Lewis, who was concealed by plants, was a gigantic version of himself. Lewis looked out at the giant, and wondered what had happened.

“I must have moved to another world, but I’ve sat on that seat in Swain Gardens A before, and never been transported to this third World’s giant garden,” he thought, “These people are too big to be size compatible to the people of Earth A & Earth B. I’d best call it Earth G, denoted G for Giant. I’d have to have carrots in my head to call it Earth C, which sounds too much like earthsea. The other question is why my counterpart is here instead of Melendy’s/Lynda’s.”

Lewis didn’t have to wait long for his answer. Soon he saw a gigantic girl, who facially resembled Melendy and Lynda, as she came out of the house and around to the side lawn and sat down beside Lewis, handing him a glass of water and drinking her own. He watched them finish their drinks and start to talk.

“I’m so glad I had that last Saturday afternoon in January to tell you how I felt, Lynda,” said Lewis G.

“So am I,” said Lynda G, “If you’d been shy for that afternoon too, we might never have seen each other again.”


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