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“Anyone with the gts gene?” said one MP, “Does that include all the males with the shrinking ability or tendency too?”


“It does, and while they’re all relatively harmless, we could put their deaths down to a necessary casualty of collateral damage,” said the Prime Minister, “Besides that, we’d probably be taking steps to protect our nation’s security from a form of espionage we could not possibly hope to counteract. Just think what an army of shrunken men could do if they worked together to spy on our military or even our politicians.”


“You have no idea how relevant that speculation is right now, both to you, and to us,” whispered Captain Miniature, as Louise nudged him in agreement.


“But the public would never approve,” said another MP, “Most of the giantesses are benevolent.”


“True,” said the Prime Minister, “Benevolent so far, as far as they’ve let on, but we need to apply the only blanket cure we have. Look at the 1990s attacks on Centerpoint Tower and Rural Dural Boys High School. The public have lived in fear of what these giantesses can do for long enough.”


“I agree,” said another MP, “We used to have a culture in this country defined by Aussie blokes, football, alcohol and backyard barbeques. Now all of that has been overshadowed by huge women and the wimpy men who admire them, ever since these gts fanatics all started coming out of their closets. Let’s wipe them out and get back to the basics that made this country great.”


“I can see why you wanted this meeting off the record,” said Mike Roman, hoping that Captain Miniature and his ally were actually getting all of this recorded, while acting as callous and evil as his employer’s colleagues, in order to preserve his cover, “So many bleeding hearts out there would think we’re just about to victimize a minority group.”


“They already feel the same about the way we hound and harass the long term unemployed with punishment policies instead of taking measures to get them real jobs,” said the Prime Minister, “And we all know that there isn’t enough work available to gain full employment in this country. Some people are going to miss out. Some of the public are going to perceive them as welfare bludgers, and our voters are going to elect us to come up with ways to hound them off our welfare system and onto the street with no roof over their heads. It’s a necessary collateral damage once again. The unemployed minority are no real threat to our re-election possibilities, and they can do nothing to fight back against us. The only difference is that the giantesses could, if they knew what we were planning. That’s why I’ve screened this meeting down to people who have expressed anti-giantess sentiment in the past.”


At this point, Mike Roman was feeling pleased that he had always perceived his giantess fantasy as a twisted fetish best kept secret. Sheer fear of embarrassment had motivated him to keep his aspirations about Brandi Gold under wraps for the few years (since graduating from college) that he had worked in a political environment dominated by the so-called values of Australian culture which had been espoused in the very meeting being held right now. 


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