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Author's Chapter Notes:

To celebrate our landmark 100th chapter … somebody’s likely to get eaten. What else?


Jacoby found a diary with the addresses and phone numbers of Big Barbara and Irresistible Girl. He telephoned both of them and explained what Beautiful Drama had been up to. Thankfully the other two were sympathetic to the plight of the earth-T students and decided to take drastic measures. Big Barbara confiscated their Slipper Cycle from Beautiful Drama and agreed to conceal it in a secret location known only to herself and Irresistible Girl from now on, just as soon as they returned the university and surviving students to earth-T. The tiny people would be forever inaccessible to Beautiful Drama.


Having made their point, Big Barbara and Irresistible Girl went back to their boyfriends, leaving Jacoby-A still in Beautiful Drama’s living room.


“Well you’d better be going too,” she said coldly, “Thanks to you, I can’t eat anyone else.”


“I could give you someone twice their size as often as you wanted,” he said, and reduced himself to two inch height, “Go ahead …. Eat me up.”


“… Thank you,” she said, “Is it Okay if I start now?”


“Of course,” said Jacoby and enjoyed the feel of her mouth going to work on him.


To her subsequent surprise, he teleported out of her tummy unscathed and told her of the gobbling games he used to play with Samantha Palem, Miss Jolum, Lydia Dalton, Miss Jones, and Miss Florenson. The Interior Five had since moved on into new relationships, which did not allow for the presence of a tiny temporarily consumable younger man.


“So you see it’s good for me too, if you don’t mind eating the same little guy over and over,” said Jacoby.


“Well you taste great, and there is just as much of you to eat as there was of an earth-T guy,” said Beautiful Drama, “And you’re the same age as my boyfriend. Only he can’t shrink. Do you think you could be happy as my boyfriend too, knowing I ate all those little guys from earth-T?”


“So long as you’re not eating any more of them, I can. But what about your existing boyfriend?”


“He’s a nice guy, but I can’t eat him. It would simplify things if I was dating and eating the same young man, don’t you think? Do you have a girlfriend? I guess I should have asked.”


“I’ve never had one, unless you count my childhood gobbling relationships with the Interior Five.”


“Would you ever go back to them?”


“No. I’ll only be going to your interior from now on.”


“You are sweet as can be. I could eat you all up again right now!”


“I must confess that I knew about you already, back then. Don’t I remind you of someone, when I’m this size?”


“Maybe. It’s hard to tell. I did know a Jacoby once. Say! Are you this earth’s version of Jacoby KURK?”


“Yes. He told me all about the Glamorous Trio back in 1976. You all seemed so benevolent from his description. I never imagined you’d raid earth-T for a supply of after dinner miniatures.”


“Neither did I back then, but I guess it took me a while to acquire the taste,” she said.



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