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Hi, I'm Brad. I have black hair, green eyes and am currently 17, less than an inch tall and stuck to the bottom of my sisters foot. But my story starts on my 16th birthday, back when I was an impressive 6 feet tall.

Let me start by saying that I've always been a fan of giantesses. For as long as I can remember actually. I remember being 4 years old and seeing giantesses on the tv and wishing I was the small people. I guess you could say that is when my fetish started.
As the years went by my fetish got more and more intense. I started watching videos and reading stories. Then, when I was 14, I was introduced to giantess stories involving incest. It was from then on I realised that was my favourite topic. Incest. I know, sick right?
Well this year i got my wish.........

****************************ONE YEAR AGO******************************

It was 9am on a saturday morning. I woke up with a big smile on my face. Today was my 16th birthday and I couldn't be happier. I got out of bed and took a shower. I reached for the shampoo and noticed something strange. I had to actually reach for it. Let me explain, usually I can grab the shampoo no problem without needing to stretch my arm. But today, I had to completely stretch my arm to get the shampoo. I thought nothing of it at the time.
"Ah I'm probably just imagining things!" I said aloud.

I got out of the shower, put on some clothes and raced downstairs. I entered the living room and saw my sister, Becky on the couch watching tv.
"Morning sis, wheres mom?" I asked.
"In the kitchen making waffles." She replied without looking away from whatever girly show she was watching.
She was a year younger than me. While I got my features from our mother, she got hers from our father, who I should mention, walked out on us when mom was pregnant with her. Horrid bastard. Anyway, she had blonde hair, blue eyes and was 5 ft 10. We were quite a tall family.
I walked into the kitchen and was greeted by a kiss on the forehead.
"Happy Birthday sweety!" My mom yelled.
"Calm down mom, I'm only 16." I replied rubbing the lipstick from my head.
She laughed. "16 is a very important year honey, trust me, I know."
She went back to making breakfast and I went back to my room.

I sat on my chair and was about to turn on my computer before I noticed something else. I had to adjust my chair to allow me to see the screen. Now I didn't have to adjust it by much, but there was still something going on. Once again I shook it off and went back to my business.
"Becky's probably been in my room."

My mum called me down for breakfast and I raced down before it was all gone. My mom doesn't usually cook her famous waffles and when she does, we have to get there fast before its all gone. I entered the kitchen and everyone was already at the table digging in. I joined them and wolfed down 3 waffles.

My mum took the dishes to the kitchen to wash them, followed by Becky. I remained at the table for 5 minutes before taking my plate to the kitchen as well. I washed my dish and turned around only to find my mom staring at me with a confused look on her face.
"Brad, you look.." She paused for a few seconds before finishing her sentance. "different."
"Different how?" I asked.
"Well," she said. " I could have sworn you were taller than me but now it seems we are the same height."
My mom was also quite a tall woman at 5ft 9 and in her mid forties.
"Strange." I replied not knowing what to say.
"Looks like I must have grown!" She said with a smile on her face.
"Good for you mom." I said trying to sound as enthusiastic as possible.

She returned to doing what she was doing and I ran upstairs to my room. First, I stood on my scale. I had lost quite a notacible amount of weight. Then I measured my height. I went from 6ft to 5ft 9. Had I shrunk? Was I now shorter than Becky?
"Oh god, she is not gonna get over this." I thought to myself.

Chapter End Notes:

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