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Treasure walked into the singles bar on Wednesday night, drawing the usual attention.  She sighed wearily.  She was used to it, but the grind was always a strain by this time.

Treasure knew why she was the center of male attention:  her breasts.  They were amazing; fully G-cups, firm, healthy and jutting despite the lack of a bra beneath her low V-cut dress.  The outfit was designed to attract the attention, of course.  She hated that she had to dress this way, but she knew it was a need, not a want.

Then Treasure spotted him: a shy, quiet guy she’d seen here before.  He was tall, about the same height she was, and handsome.  He also had a gentle quality she liked and hoped would translate into what she needed.

Treasure walked over to him, her hips swaying pendulously with each step, and her breasts gently doing the same.  He looked up at her and swallowed hard as she smiled gently at him.

“Hi,” Treasure said.  “I’m Treasure.  Treasure Shasta.”

“Um, pardon?” the guy said.

“Shasta,” Treasure said.  “My last name is Shasta.”

“Oh,” the guy said.  “Um, I’m Mel, Mel Brett.”

Treasure smiled as she sat on the barstool beside Mel.  “Let me guess,” she said.  “You thought I said my name was Treasure Chest, right?”

Mel blushed slightly.  “Yeah,” he said.  “How did you know?”

Treasure tilted her head down and looked at him sexily.  “It happens all the time,” she said.  “I expect it has to do with the … accoutrements.”

Mel blushed a deeper shade of red.  “Yeah, probably,” he said.  “Um, I’ve seen you here before.”

“Yeah,” Treasure said.  “Still looking for Mr. Right … or, at least, Mr. Right Now.  I’ve seen you here, too.”

“I’m flattered you’d notice me,” he said.

“I may not dress the part, but I prefer nice guys,” Treasure said.

“Um, can I buy you a drink?” Mel asked.

“A drink and, if you don’t mind, a sandwich or a slice of pizza,” Treasure said.  “I’m starving.”

“Order what you want,” Mel said as he signaled the bartender.

“Only if you eat with me,” Treasure said.

“Sounds good to me,” Mel said.  “I was kind of running on empty myself.”

Treasure had a cheeseburger and red wine.  Mel also got a cheeseburger, but drank a beer with his.  They both agreed the burger was greasy and not very good, but would taste better after a few more drinks.

As they ate, they chatted.  Mel realized at some point that he was sharing more information than Treasure, but he was so smitten by the gorgeous woman that it didn’t faze him too badly.

Once they’d eaten, Treasure said, “Let’s blow this pop stand.  My place is nearby.  You wanna come?”

Surprised by how fast things were moving, Mel still managed to say, “Sure.”

They walked hand in hand to Treasure’s apartment building, then  took the elevator to the top floor.  Once they got to the door and Treasure opened it, Mel’s jaw dropped.

Treasure’s apartment was a penthouse loft.  It was beautifully finished with a modern look.  This place clearly took money to maintain and decorate.

“Come on in,“ Treasure said.  She got him another beer and herself a wine cooler from the stainless steel fridge and put on some soft music.

Treasure and Mel listened to music and continued their earlier conversation.  Soon he found her kissing him.  He kissed back, and took her in his arms, being careful about where he placed his hands so as not to go too far.

After kissing, they listened to music and talked some more.  Then Treasure said, “Well, I guess I’ll need to call it a night.”

“Oh.  OK,” Mel said.  He arose from the sofa where he’d been sitting.

Treasure walked him to the door.  “Well, you’ve earned a second date,” she said.

“Really?” Mel said.  “That’s great, but what did I do?”

“It’s what you didn’t do,” Treasure said.  “You kept your hands off my breasts.  Most guys try to hard to get to the ‘girls’ too quickly.  They’re out the door before they know what hit them.  But you -- you get to come back.”

“Great!” said Mel.  “So, when are we getting together again.”

“Meet me here on Saturday” Treasure said.  “And be ready. Those who don’t try too hard on the first date can get way more than they expect on the second.”  She kissed his cheek.  “Good night,” she said.

Mel went back to his own place and was awake for hours, his head filled with Treasure and his loins filled with the feel of her body pressed against his while they kissed.

When Saturday came, Mel arrived at Treasure’s apartment.  He rang the bell.  Within a minute, Treasure opened the door.  Mel gasped.

Treasure was wearing a red negligee that hid nothing -- and her breasts were really something.  In fact, they looked even bigger than they had four nights earlier -- a LOT bigger.

“Yes, they’ve grown,” Treasure said.  In fact, I’m up two cup sizes from Wednesday.  I’m in an I-cup now.  Come on in and I’ll explain.”

Mel did as he was told.  Treasure guided him to the sofa.  “Sit down,” she said.  “This is going to take some explanation.”

Once Mel sat, Treasure began.  “See, my breasts are truly extraordinary, and not just due to their size or perkiness.  My breasts are magical.”

Unsure what to say, Mel replied, “I’m sure a lot of guys think so.”

“No, I mean really magical, with genie magic,” Treasure said.  “You see, I’ve been placed under a genie’s curse.”

“What does that mean?” Mel asked.

Treasure took a deep breath, sending her enormous mounds out even further.  “See, functionally, I’m a two-wish genie who has to keep granting wishes.” she said.  “My breasts grow a cup size every two days until I grant a wish.  When a man rubs my breasts with my permission, he gets two wishes.  With the granting of the first wish, my breasts top growing either until the second wish or for about a week, whichever comes first.  With the second wish, they shrink until I’m pretty flat -- but they immediately start growing again.”

“What happens if a guy takes more than  a week for his second wish?” Mel asked, still not sure he believed what he was hearing.

“He forfeit’s the wish,” Treasure said.

“So, what about Mr. Right?” Mel said.

Treasure looked slightly sad.  “Relationships with guys aren’t really possible for me,” she said.  “The maximum number of wishes I can grant any guy is two.  Then  I have to find another guy, or my breasts will just keep growing.”

Mel’s brow furrowed.  “I can see that guys would love this,” he said., “and it would explain why you’re so much bigger in just four days.  But it’s got to be awful for you.”

“You don’t know the worst of it,” Treasure said, “and I can’t tell you -- literally.  The magic won’t let me.”

Mel nodded.  “So, I take it you want to grant me two wishes then?”

Treasure nodded.  “Only guys I like get them.  A fair number of them wish for sex with me, so I want to at least be able to enjoy it.”  She pulled the negligee off her top.  “Make your wishes, Mel.  But be careful.  This is genie magic, so it‘s full of tricks and trap doors.”

Mel took his time rubbing the colossal orbs of soft flesh.  He felt waves of pleasure wash through him as he did.  He caressed the palm-sized areolae, causing the colossal nipples to erect, and gently mouthed them.  Then, finally, he whispered, “I wish to be the legal owner, with no harm done to others, of $100 million cash and a luxurious apartment.”

Suddenly Treasure’s breasts glowed yellow for about a second.  “Your wish is granted,” she said.

“Where’s the money?” Mel asked, looking around.

Treasure walked over and flipped open a laptop.  “Check on your bank account,” she said.

Mel keyed in the information for his account and found the money he wished for was now there.

“Well done,” Treasure said.  “That was a well-phrased wish.”

“Thank you,” Mel said.  Impulsively, he kissed her.

Now Treasure blushed.  “So,” she said, fighting to recompose herself, “what’s your second wish?”

Mel looked Treasure in the eye as he said, “I wish that the genie’s curse would be lifted from you.”

“NOOO!  Don’t DO that!”  Treasure screamed, but it was too late.  A yellow glow filled the room, and then Mel blacked out.

The next thing Mel knew, a man’s voice was saying, “Mel.  Mel, are you all right?”

Mel’s hand reached up.  “I think so,” said a woman’s voice, coming from his mouth.

The man helped Mel up.  “Here, take a minute,” he said.  “I’ll get you some water.”

Once the man left the room, Mel stood up and walked over to a mirror on a wall.  The face in the reflection was that of a beautiful young woman with an elfin face and short blonde hair.  She was slim and flat-chested.

Mel screamed, a shrill, high-pitched squeal of terror and confusion.  The man came running back in. He was tall, dark and ruggedly handsome.  “Mel!  Are you all right?”

“What … what happened?” Mel asked.  “Who are you?  Where’s Treasure?”

The man guided Mel back to the sofa.  They sat down together.  “I was Treasure,” the man said.  “And now I’m back to being who I originally was -- Trey.  Trey Shasta.”

“I … I don’t understand,” Mel said.

Trey patted Mel’s hand.  “I was a guy who was granted two wishes by my predecessor with the genie’s curse.  I made the same wish you did.  But the curse has to go somewhere, and wishing to have it lifted moves it to the wisher -- but the curse wouldn’t let me tell you that.”

“Oh,” said Mel in a small voice.  She looked down at her tiny breasts and realized they wouldn’t be tiny for long.”

Trey looked at the laptop, which was still on Mel’s bank account.  “Well, the magic has adjusted things so you can access your money,” he said.  “Look; the name on your account is Melanie Brett.”

Melanie smiled ruefully.  “Melanie,” she said.  “That’ll fit soon enough.”

“Be warned,” Trey said.  “When  they get big enough, a lot of guys will hear your last name as ‘Breast’ or ‘Breasts.’”

Melanie shrugged.  “Again, it’ll fit,” she said.

Trey looked around.  “Well, this is your apartment now.  It comes with the magic, and can move from place to place as you need to move around.  Would you mind if I took over your current place?  I saw the address on your account, and I’ll need a place to stay now.”

“Go ahead,” Melanie said.  “Who knows when -- or if -- I’ll need it again?”

Trey went to the door.  “Good luck, Mel,” he said.  “I really do like you.”

“Trey,” Melanie said.  “Before you go … Um, from what you said, there will be a lot of guys wanting to have sex with me soon, and I’ll have to grant that wish to at least some of them.  Well, I’ve never had sex as a woman before, and I’d like my first time to be with someone I really like ... and someone who knows first-hand what I'm going through.  Um, do you think you could … stay and help me with this problem?”

Trey smiled as he gently closed the door, still inside the apartment.  “Your wish is granted,” he said.

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