[Reviews - 9] starstarstarstarhalf-starPrinter

A series of short stories taking place in a multi-size resort. Anything can happen!

Rated: G
Categories: Gentle, New World Order Characters: None
Growth: Giga (1 mi. to 100 mi.), Giant (31 ft. to 50 ft.), Amazon (7 ft. to 15 ft.), Mini GTS (16-30ft)
Shrink: Micro (1 in. to 1/2 in.), Minikin (3 in. to 1 in.)
Size Roles: None
Warnings: The Following story is appropriate for all audiences
Challenges: None
Series: Sizes and Countries
Chapters: 4 Completed: No
Word count: 6680 Read: 35733
Published: July 23 2012 Updated: July 30 2012
Story Notes:

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

As a part of the "Sizes and Countries" series, this story will use the size differences common in said series. Here is a chart showing the average height of people from each country:

Country (average height in centimeters / average height in feet)

Netherlands (6600 / 216’6.42’’)

Iceland (6025.414 / 197’8.21’’)

Norway (5500.850 / 180’5.68’’)

Sweden (5021.955 / 164’9.14’’)

Denmark (4584.751 / 150’5.02’’)

Finland (4185.609 / 137’3.87’’)

Czech Republic (3821.217 / 125’4.41’’)

Slovenia (3488.547 / 114’5.44’’)

Luxembourg (3184.840 / 104’5.87’’)

Croatia (2907.572 / 95’4.71’’)

Germany (2654.443 / 87’1.05’’)

Estonia (2423.352 / 79’6.07’’)

Austria (2212.378 / 72’7.01’’)

Belgium (2019.772 / 66’3.18’’)

Serbia (1843.934 / 60’5.95’’)

Switzerland (1683.404 / 55’2.75’’)

United States (1536.849 / 50’5.05’’)

Australia (1403.053 / 46’.38’’)

Poland (1280.906 / 42’0.29’’)

Greece (1169.392 / 38’4.39’’)

New Zealand (1067.586 / 35’.30’’)

United Kingdom (974.644 / 31’11.71’’)

Hungary (889.793 / 29’2.31’’)

Ukraine (812.329 / 26’7.81’’)

Ireland (741.609 / 24’3.97’’)

Russia (677.045 / 22’2.55’’)

Israel (618.103 / 20’3.34’’)

Lithuania (564.292 / 18’6.16’’)

Canada (515.165 / 16’10.82’’)

Lebanon (470.316 / 15’5.16’’)

Turkey (429.371 / 14’1.04’’)

France (391.990 / 12’10.32’’)

Uzbekistan (357.864 / 11’8.89’’)

Italy (326.709 / 10’8.62’’)

Senegal (298.266 / 9’9.42’’)

Jamaica (272.300 / 8’11.20’’)

Mali (248.593 / 8’1.87’’)

Spain (226.951 / 7’5.35’’)

Romania (207.193 / 6’9.57’’)

Azerbaijan (189.155 / 6’2.47’’)

Uruguay (172.688 / 5’7.98’’)

Argentina (157.654 / 5’2.06’’)

South Korea (143.929 / 4’8.66’’)

Syria (131.398 / 4’3.73’’)

Morocco (119.959 / 3’11.22’’)

Iran (109.515 / 3’7.11’’)

Portugal (99.981 / 3’3.36’’)

Côte d’Ivoire (91.277 / 2’11.93’’)

Egypt (83.330 / 2’8.80’’)

Tunisia (76.076 / 2’5.95’’)

Algeria (69.453 / 2’3.34’’)

South Africa (63.406 / 2’.96’’)

Cameroon (57.886 / 1’10.78’’)

Gambia (52.847 / 1’8.80’’)

Ghana (48.246 / 1’6.99’’)

Brazil (44.046 / 1’5.34’’)

Colombia (40.211 / 1’3.83’’)

Taiwan (36.710 / 1’2.45’’)

Chile (33.514 / 1’1.19’’)

Venezuela (30.596 / 1’.04’’)

Paraguay (27.933 / 10.99’’)

Japan (25.501 / 10.03’’)

Hong Kong (23.281 / 9.16’’)

China (21.254 / 8.36’’)

Mexico (19.404 / 7.63’’)

Pakistan (17.714 / 6.97’’)

Singapore (16.172 / 6.36’’)

Thailand (14.764 / 5.81’’)

Mongolia (13.479 / 5.30’’)

Malaysia (12.305 / 4.84’’)

Sri Lanka (11.234 / 4.42’’)

Malawi (10.256 / 4.03’’)

Bahrain (9.363 / 3.68’’)

Iraq (8.548 / 3.36’’)

Nigeria (7.804 / 3.07’’)

Peru (7.124 / 2.80’’)

North Korea (6.504 / 2.56)

India (5.938 / 2.33’’)

Vietnam (5.421 / 2.13’’)

Philippines (4.949 / 1.94’’)

Indonesia (4.518 / 1.77’’)

Cambodia (4.125 / 1.62’’)


I'd also like to say that each characters personality is singular, and I don't mean to generalize any aspect of them to all the people in their countries.

1. Welcome! by Wholia [Reviews - 5] starstarstarstarhalf-star (707 words)

This is just the introduction to the later chapters, which will be short stories, most of them. I really hope you enjoy them, and any kind of comment or criticism is really appreciated.

2. Love Triangle by Wholia [Reviews - 1] (1966 words)

This is the first short story. It has a little bit of SW stuff, too. Hope you like it.

3. Chinese Massage by Wholia [Reviews - 0] (2025 words)

The short story of the collection. This one is GTS/SW. I hope you like it.

4. The Waitress by Wholia [Reviews - 3] starstarstarstarstar (1982 words)

This chapter. I'm trying to improve this from the previous ones, so I'd still appreciate any comments. Thanks!