Jessa didn't like being a model. In fact, it was the worst part of her life. Literally. In fact, she once considered quitting. But where would that leave her? No where. Maybe if she was good enough to be a real model, things would be different. But she couldn't even do that. She was too..real. So, she sat on the table of the college classroom, as a human anatomy model. It was her fifth semester being the class doll, and though it paid well, she always felt invaded. And why wouldn't she? Afterall, they didn't look at her, they..wait. Where were they today, anyway?
"Alright, class, I graded your papers. And since none of you passed the anatomy of the human foot, I called Jessa in to assist us. She's never failed us before, and she knows to stay still, or at least mostly. Split into two groups. The girls can take the right foot, the guys, the left."
"But professor, couldn't you have found a model who had smaller..and less aromatic feet?" The class chuckled, but the professor disreguarded the statement.
"Go. You have an hour to write a detailed essay on the anatomy of Jessa's feet. Those of you who finish early can meet us on the ground." As the 1/8th of an inch tall class began walking towards their respective feet, Jessa became impatient. Maybe they were already having class. She felt an inch on her head, and went to go reach it. Her fingers went to scratch at it, but then she remembered. Maybe they were in her hair! She couldn't scratch. Her slightly longer fingernails could impale 20 of the students all at once. She felt another itch. Yep, they had to be there. But being the perfect little model she'd everyone expected her to be, She didn't move. She did, however, wiggle her toes. The black ceramic table she sat atop of was colder than ice, and she'd always been told, from day one, to remove her shoes when she was "posing" for sanitary reasons. What sanitary reasons? It's not like anybody ever ate in here. She didn't think so, anyway.
As the guys walked towards Jessa's left foot, they paused for a moment, as her humongous toes wiggled. After the incident was over, the continued walking, towards her heel. Her big toe was closest to them, as once they reached it, Jake, a new student, stopped, touching the warm, slightly most flesh, and looking up at the gigantic toe of the even more gigantic woman.
"This has gotta be dangerous." He commented.
"Who, Jessa? She's harmless. She looks big right now, but she's actually pretty short. No taller than 5 foot 6 or so. " replied Dan, a jockish senior. "She graduated from here a few semesters ago, I ate lunch with her, and she's a little ditzy sometimes, but she's a babe."
"Dude, she may be a short, and a babe, but can't even see past her ankle without getting a nose bleed."
"Yeah, well, since we're already here, we might as well start with her big toe and work our way down." But Adam, who'd had the hots for Jessa since he saw her, was already surveying her arch. Jessa's foot was the size of a Marriott hotel, and her arch was, which was already high for most, must have been 50 feet deep. As Adam continued his voyage across the unaware goddesses foot, his mouth hung open in awe at the beauty of her flesh. Stepping deeper into the cavern under her arch, he felt the heat radiating from her skin. He ran a hand along her skin. It felt nice. He leaned in to get a better look, but just then, his world was taken, and he found himself on the baren black landscape of the table.
Jessa sighed, shifting her foot from it's position laying flat on the table, to sitting on the heel. It'd only been five minutes. She pulled her legs up to her knees, crossing them at the ankles. Immideately finding this position uncomfortable, she scooted just a bit forward, letting her right leg dangle from the table. She'd left a tiny foot print from where her foot had been in the same position. It was a good thing they weren't down there, they'd likely pass out from the smell. Giggling to herself, she let her right leg swing back and forth a little.
The guys couldn't hear the trauma the girl had just been put through, but with all the motion just then, knew something had to have happened to them. Out of the ten of them five stayed with Jessa's foot, the others went to check on the girls. Nobody had seen Professor K, and they were worried, but the girls were more important. The others decided to get to higher ground, and the easiest and highest place they could think was the cuff of Jessa's jeans, obviously that meant climbing. Dangle just above her heel was an area of heavy fringe, and they felt this would be the best to climb. Before they could get there, they had to climb the foot of the gentle giantess.
Ricky, the oldest and most mature of the group, due to the repetitive failures, lead the pack in heading toward Jessa's heel. After a few minutes, they reached their destination. Jessa, though she took good care of her entire body, tended to neglect this normally not so important part of herself. It was a little red, and had several indentations in it, leading right up to the students destination. Placing one hand on her mountainous, round heel, one by one they began the ascent. The task at hand was not unlike rock-climbing. It wasn't until Jessa moved the toes of her right foot to meet the heel of her left that there was any incident.
"DROP! Let go!" Ricky called to his classmates, after seeing the massive toes move towards them. But before they got a chance even react to their leaders words, Jessa's two biggest toes collided with the top of her heel, knocking two of the student from it. As they fell, Jessa situated began to wiggle the offending toes, and they caught Sammy and Jake in the oceanic nail of her big toe. It was at one time painted purple, but over the past few weeks, some had chipped off. As they rolled and slid down the 23 year old's toenail, the collided with her cuticle, where they could hand on, and avoid sliding down the flesh of the toe, as well.
Ricky, panicking, began screaming instructions to the other two students. They were told to split up, one to search the ground for the team, the other to find another way to scale the blonde. Once he reached the top of the heel, Ricky took a diving, daring leap, to grab ahold of one of the many strands of jean fabric that hovered around Jessa's ankle. Another 2 minutes of climbing would deliver him into the up-turned cuff of the magnificent woman's pants. From here, he could see all five of the right foot's toes, but was too far away to see anything. He could see Anthony, though, who was dangerously walking under Jessa's left foot, under the toes that still rested on her heel.
Julie cried, holding her best friends seemingly unconcious body. She wasn't dead, but she had several broken bones. But she didn't cry because of that. She cried at the students who had been kicked from the table, who she'd probably never see again. Katie, one of those students, found herself clinging for dear life to the table edge. But she could only hold on for so long, and after a few moments, fell. As she fell, she prayed that God would kill her before she splattered on the tile floor. But all she recieved was a heavy impant, and was launched briefly back into the air, like jumping from a two story house onto a trampoline. After a few more bounces, she rolled down a small incline, to a dark, slightly more damp, and much more offensive to her nose. Around her, on the ground was a circle. Stepping out of it, there was a number, and words.
"Size 10", Katie repeated to herself, trying to think what it could mean. Katie was the only girl in class who'd been more clueless than Jessa, when she'd been in that class. It wasn't until she saw the foot, with a sole that could very easily end her existance, descend towards her. Screaming, the 19 year old ran down the infinitely long hallway she'd realized was a shoe. Occassionally, she'd look up to see if the foot had entered the shoe yet. Crying, now, she couldn't see the tiny pebble that tripped her, making her hit the insole of the shoe with a thud. Flipping from her stomach, to her back, she could only scream, more, in horror at the sight. All she could see out of the shoe was Jessa's sole. It was already warm in the shoe, but now it was steamy, stinky, and about to be very cramped. The foot tilted, just enough to give Katie and good view of Jessa's dainty little toes. In hysterics, she started to crab walk backwards towards the toe of the ballet flat. With a quick "thud" the big toe landed in the shoe, and began to slide forward, until it's four other sister toes made their individual appearance.
Giving up, Katie curled up a little ball, only watching the titanic toes through the spaces between her fingers. Another millisecond of anticipation, and the big toe slammed heavily into Katie, but did not crush her. It, instead, carried her along with the small pile of dust it'd gathered on it's way to it's resting place. Pushined to the top of the pile, Katie grabbed ahold of the toeprints, and began climbing, or
trying to, as the monumental toe bulldozed to a stop. It was over. Hanging there from the toe print of some stupid blonde model, Katie cried again, only in happiness.
Jessa began to get cold. She first attempted to warm her toes by rubbing them against the heel of the opposite foot. It only stayed there for about thirty seconds, before, defying what she had been instructed, she slipped off of the table. Slipping one shoe on, she began to put the second in as well, but then paused, letting her pretty foot hover over the shoe entrance. She'd thought she heard a noise. But deciding to ignore it, she slid her foot all the way in, and hopped back onto the table, swinging her cozy little feet back and forth.