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Author's Chapter Notes:
This story was written based off a series of pictures done by joost R on Giantess.com
Clarice got out of her car in a bit of a huff. The day had been long and hard, not unusual really, but it was draining on her, and all she wanted to do was relax and let the cares of the mundane world flow away. Walking up the stairs of the building she couldn't wait to get into that special place so she could unwind and forget all those idiots she had to work with. Of course getting through the door was as always a bit of a task, with the guard looking her up and down, to make sure she was safe, before letting her inside.

"Hello Clarice," came the voice of the desk clerk, greeting her as always in the same tone as that stupid movie line. Of course the roles in their case were slightly reversed, a fact which probably prompted the old man to make the joke every time she entered his odd place of business, which even in the front exuded an air of mysticism and mystery that few could deny, and probably turned away some of his less heartfelt clients before they even got in the door.

"Hello Jon, I'd like my usual room," she told him, and he smiled at her, noting her tired expression. He didn't say anything though, as he'd said before that he had no right to judge his customers or their habits. Instead he just nodded and threw his hand so that his thumb pointed to the hall behind his desk where the room awaited.

"It's already prepared for you. Just try not to make a mess today," he said bringing up images of the last time she had been in the room, and the normally sky blue walls had ended up with brown and red streaks because of her activities. Lightly he placed a set of keys on the counter in front of him, all this having taken place while he had his head buried in a magazine.

"Don't worry Jon. Today I just don't have that much energy today. Maybe a snack will help perk me up though," she told him as she walked past him, sweeping her hand across the smooth counter top and grabbing the keys. She swung them around on her finger to make she had them as he strutted back into the darkened hallway, the light having been broken since long before she found the place, and the desk clerk, who also happened to be the owner, just never having the energy or will to replace it.

Walking up to the door at the very end of the hall, her door, she pulled the keys up to her face, and was instantly able to find the familiar key with the picture of a man's outline on it. The key slid really easily into the lock, an indication that it was both well used, and well kept, and without much effort it turned in the lock, letting the door swing open freely. As always she closed her eyes as she entered, both to give her eyes a moment to adjust, and to simply feel the magical quality of the room's air.

Taking a deep breathe Clarice stepped over the threshold into the room where her fantasy could become reality. She kept her grip on the door for a moment, as if trying to maintain a loose connection to that world outside. A world of mundane things, where people lived mundane lives, never seeing the wonders that lay just beyond their sight. After a moment of just standing there, on the brink between the two worlds, Clarice let go, leaving the keys in the lock for the desk clerk to retrieve later.

Opening those deep, green eyes Clarice stared around at the sky blue walls of the room, which were in places blocked by the white furniture of that seemed to have been thrown against the wall so as to create the illusion that the person was walking high in the sky, drifting lazily along with the clouds. So powerful was the illusion that Clarice always had to look down, just to make sure she wasn't somewhere above the earth, and then without missing a beat she began to pull off those coverings forced on her by society.

The shirt was the first thing to go, freeing her chest from its oppressive fabric. With a dismissive toss she threw the shackle onto a nearby chair, its gray color actually blending in with the cloud like piece of furniture, making it so that it looked even more real than before. Laughing to herself at that image she began to undo the button on her pants, forcing the clasp of the jeans apart with her nails before pulling the confining piece of clothing down, slowly revealing her shapely legs, which we smooth and soft as newly spun silk.

These she slid under a cabinet, not wanting the dark blue of the jeans to interfere with her illusion of being high in the sky among the clouds, like any good goddess should be. With the jeans gone she fingers her panties, which were almost as revealing as nothing at all, though she still felt like they were among the worst of the things she was forced to wear. Pulling at the edges of the soft undergarment she worked it over her thighs, the sound of soft fabric rubbing against her skin permeating the entire room.

Kicking those into the jeans she came at last to that final piece of society's sins, which kept her feeling all day like some criminal. The clasp in the back, hard to reach as ever, resisted her for what felt like an eternity. Slowly though each clip came undone and at last the bra was tossed aside, Clarice wishing, not for the first time, that she would never had to again don that particular garment, which seemed like it was designed to cause her pain, and to contain her beauty.

Free at last of all the trimmings of the world she fingered her silver necklace. All it was, was a simple band of silver, without any real decoration or marking, but she knew in her heart that she and it belonged together, and that it, having been given to her by her mother, marked her as something special to the world. A gift from the heavens above to the men of the earth, and one they should fall on their feet and worship.

Walking across the room to the small table set up at one end she found the jar sitting there for her. The first time coming here she'd been entranced by that jar, which looked so common and ordinary in its appearance that one would almost dismiss it out of hand, giving not a second thought as to what it contained. Yet what it contained was so special that it had kept Clarice coming back to this place for years now.

The tiny prisoner inside looked through his clear glass walls at Clarice who, to him, was a huge titaness, with the power to cause the earth to quake with the falls of her mighty feet. Picking the jar up she remembered how she'd gasped the first time she'd seen this thing, which she'd been assured was always the same jar, despite evidence to the contrary. Back then she'd nearly dropped it after the man inside had moved, but now she just looked at him, wondering at how he felt to be in her hands.

Like all the others, this man was naked. She'd asked the man at the counter, Jon, once if they were shrunk and not their clothes, or if they were stripped of their coverings before being placed in the jars. His response, as to all her inquires regarding the place, had been met with a grunt and a mumbled statement of, some things are better left alone. She'd been disappointed then that he wouldn't say, as she'd wanted to request a guy fully clothed, just to test something.

Still eyeing the tiny man in the jar she put one hand under the container while placing the other atop its lid. A small application of force later the metal covering of the glass jar spun free, not that it had ever before put up much resistance, and then she set in on the floor at her side. Looking once more at her prisoner, this time from above rather than straight on, she reached in with her right hand, using her finger and thumb to grab the diminutive thing's hand between them she and drawing him straight up out of the jar, bringing him to her face.

Looking at him now she could hear his whimpering, not really begging for his life, but just blubbering unintelligibly at the goddess who held him. Staring at him Clarice wondered what she should do with this unnamed man, who's life was forfeit the moment he'd been placed inside the jar intended for her. Instead of her mind answering that question with some image of violence or gore though, Clarice's stomach decided to make its opinion known, growling at the tiny morsel that she held. Gazing at the man she saw that his mind was fast to make the connection between the sound of her belly and his eventual fate.

"No please, don't. You can't do this." he said, probably shouting with all his might, but his voice only barely reaching her ears. As usual Clarice didn't respond to his pleas, which were like the squeaks of a mouse to a lion. Taking her left hand she grabbed his foot in the same way she had been holding his hand, and within a second the small bug found himself dangling over her open maw, the soft pink lips a sharp counter point to those dagger-like, white, hard teeth, which framed the pink interior of the cavern that was her mouth. At the back her throat was revealed as her uvula rose, the fleshy walls undulating in anticipation of the incoming meal.

The man was screaming now, no longer having enough state of mind to beg his captor for his puny life as she deliberately lowered him onto her outstretched tongue. The slimy, bumpy carpet gave the man a moment's hope that maybe it was too rough for him to slide, but with a swinging motion Clarice titled her head back, and he instantly found that the saliva gave the rough surface of the tongue just enough slickness to let him belly slide into that humid maw.

Clarice, feeling the man's penis rub against her tongue found herself already reaching a state of excitement that usually took a few minutes during these sessions. Fingering herself even then she brought her head forward in a swift biting motion. So swift in fact that the man was afraid for a moment that she was going to bite him in half, but as her head leveled out she allowed him a moment to slide into her mouth fully, catching his right foot just as it entered with her lips.

She sat there for a long moment, feeling the man's struggles within her mouth. Each tiny jerk bringing her closer to that climax. She then began to suck on the man as if her were a piece of candy, which seemed to cause his struggles to grow even stronger, and his shouts for mercy rang in her ears. She quickly grew bored with this activity though, which only kept her at the edge, and then all at once she let the man's foot go, just as he tugged on it again, and at that same instant she tilted her head back, allowing the man's own pull to force him into her throat.

The man, obviously realizing his mistake, threw out his hands to no effect as his torso slid over the edge into her esophagus. Without anything to hold on to the man fell into that abyss towards the doom below, has feet tickling the roof of Clarice's mouth as he fell off the precipice, and then as she felt him struggle down her throat she opened her mouth to lick her teeth, savoring every bit of the man's flavor before opening it fully as she stared at the mirror across the way, to confirm that the man had indeed started his journey into the growling beast that was her stomach.

Leaning over she relished the small sensation in her throat, using it to push her to an even higher as she stuck her fingers deep within herself. Then the man's thrashing increased, even though his position did not change, and she knew he was right at the sphincter that led into her belly. She felt it as it slowly opened to admit her latest meal, and she even sensed as it closed just a little too quickly, catching the man's foot as she had done with her lips, prompting him to again try and free himself, kicking at the sphincter.

As with her mouth, he found that his action was only accelerating his demise, as she heard his scream as he freefell into her stomach, the force of his landing creating more than a slight tickle, and at last silencing the beastly growling of her stomach, which silently thanked her for the small bit of meat. This sensation also at last brought her to a much need climax, bleeding away the pent up emotions she'd been storing over the day. Stretching up all the way she wondered if it made the ceiling of her stomach, and his only path to salvation, move farther away from the man.

Whether it did or not she gasped as she suddenly felt a pinch from within, which she fast identified as the man trying to climb out of the acid bath in which he found himself. Feeling hatred at this pitiful bug who would dare harm a goddess who was giving him the honor of becoming part of her, Clarice leaned forward, and she enjoyed te sensation of the man sliding to the bottom of her stomach again as the wall suddenly changed angles, his cry of despair audible to her.

With nothing more to do but wait Clarice sat up again and listened to the sounds of her body. Her breathing and heartbeat had to be deafening to the tiny morsel inside her belly, who continued to shout for mercy, with intermit curses and pleas as the goddess who had consumed him. The sound of his voice was quickly silenced though, by the sloshing of her stomach acids as the walls began to churn the scrap of food it had been given.

After a few minutes even the intermittent tickles of the man's pounding fists ceased, and she placed her hands against her taunt, firm belly, feeling for any sign of life within. Oddly the man shouted out one last cry for mercy, stating that he had a wife and kids, but Clarice ignored him, as the bug's personal life interested her less than his name. All she wanted now was for him to quietly digest so she could take a little nap.

Laying back she felt the sensation of his body, whether it was alive or dead, as it slid over the walls of her stomach. Oddly she found the sensation a soothing one rather than an exciting one, and she slowly closed her eyes. During her slumber she could actually feel as the tiny bug's hard head moved through her intestine, bumping every wall as it went, or so it seemed to her, causing her dreams to be pleasant and soothing.

She woke up just as he moved from her small intestine into her large, and she leaned forward as she felt his bony body move through that last bit of her innards. Nothing more remained after this part of her except that place through which he would exit, and Clarice intended on his exit to be a quick one, as there were other things to do than let the bug have a bit of fresh air. Luckily he didn't take his time in moving towards the exit, and leaning farther forward she let out a sigh as she pushed him and a few small brown pieces out of her backside.

With that at last done, she turned back toward the jar and screwed the lid on again. As always when she came here she placed the jar, which had been siting on a table, back onto the shelf that was full of similar pieces, each one containing a similar load. Those tiny bugs, having seen what the beautiful goddess had done for their brother, namely allowing it to become part of her, should have been begging for the same treatment, though many had odd ways of expressing this, which ranged from trying to move to the back of the jars, to pointing at their fellows. It didn't matter though, her belly was growling again, stronger than before, and each would receive the same honor...
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