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Author's Chapter Notes:

Unfortunatly, I don't have a set update scheduele. I will try to make these as long and frequent as possible. Thanks for the possitve feedback! 

I wake up after a few minutes on some sort of cold hard surface. I check my surroundings for a second and realized that the room I was in just got bigger. And then I looked down on the ground to realize that I was standing of the vary table I fell asleep on earlier. All that meant that, I had shrunk! I really started to panic. I was shrunk. Only a few inches tall. No bigger than a bug. I started to cry a little bit.

I had been struggling to try and find a purpose in life. What I want to do after high school. Being a High School senior, I hadn’t even picked a college to go to yet. I didn’t know what I wanted to be, but I knew I wanted to be something. But what could I be when I was this size? I felt tiny, alone, sad, cold, and helpless. This was again, one of the times I pondered suicide. I had nothing to live for anymore.  

I walked over to the edge of the table and looked at what was, to me, a massive drop. A fall like that could easily kill someone. It was perfect. However, I was incredibly terrified of heights. I kept looking over the sides and pondering and pondering whether this was a good idea and if I just stayed put, someone might be able to find be and help me. However, there were enough creeps in this school that could just as easily abuse me and hurt me that would make the rest of my miserable life even worse. I didn’t want to take that risk.

Finally, after some time thinking about it, I decided I would do it. I took one last look over the edge, said a quick prayer, and jumped over the side. I screamed like mad as I was falling. It felt like it was an eternity while falling. The fall was really exhilarating, but also terrifying as I was about to die the moment I hit the ground.  I had no immediate second thoughts. I was about to put my sad and miserable life to rest and be rid of this cruel world.


I hit the ground pretty hard. I expected to be out cold, or dead from the impact. But surprisingly, I was still alive. The fall hurt like hell, but I didn’t have any broken bones. My entire body just stung and hurt to move for a little while. But the same question came to me: Why wasn’t I dead? Was I not ready to die? Was it because when I shrunk I became less prone to injury? I didn’t know. I felt a little sad and a little relieved to know that I was still alive.

But the real problem was that I was on the ground now. There was no way to get back up onto the table, and I could easily be crushed if I stayed here when the next class came. However, If I survived a massive fall, will I be able to survive being crushed? I didn’t know, and didn’t care at the time. My thoughts changed to survival for the time being. I needed an idea I needed to do something quick.

I turned around and the idea immediately came to me. MY BACKPACK! And it was Huge! And then I saw that one of my pockets was opened. That pocked had my cell phone! Of Course! I could be able to call for help and be able to hide out for a while. I quickly tried to scale the massive pack and into the open pocket. Inside I had to push through my giant wallet, keys, a USB stick, and finally my cell phone.  However, I quicky ran into a problem. My cell phone was one of the older cell phones where you had to flip it open. I tired my hardest to get the phone to flip open, but It was just too heavy for me to lift on my own. My heart sank. But at least I was able to hide out in here for a little while and maybe be lucky and be found by someone.

After a long time of waiting, I finally felt the thunderous stampede of students walking into the classroom. I head some people talking and finally:

“Hey, whose backpack is that?”

“It was probably one of my aids who left it there”

“I’ll take it to the office for you.”

Then I saw the zipper shut and felt the entire backpack shake and slide around trying to find a place to hold on to. After a little while, the feeling stopped and felt that the back pack was back on the ground again. Then I heard the russling of the zippers on my back pack. Someone was going through my backpack! And then finally somebody opened the one I was in. The light blinded me for a second, but I saw a face come into view and…….


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