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Author's Chapter Notes:

My first story! Please, harsh critacism is welcome.

" Of course! I'd love dinner and a movie, how about tonight at 7?" Jack, a 5'11" tall blond high school senior was on his laptop, using all of the 5 minutes before his class started that he could, talking to Ashley, who said she was 5'5" with blond hair and also a high school senior. Jack could never be sure about these details though because they were talking through an online dating site, one Jack's friend Ben called "questionable" and "for losers."  Jack didn't care though, he found the girl of his dreams through the site. "Lets meet at foot-fall point ok sweetie, I have to go for now. Mwah" Ashley blew jack a fake kiss and logged off just a Ben sat down. "Foot-fall point huh? Seems like a set up to me, sorry buddy" Ben laughed. "It is NOT a set-up you jerk" jack punched Ben playfully as the professor walked in. "Settle down everyone, settle down" The professor cleared his throat "since today is the last day of school for you seniors..." The professor had to pause as the class let out a lout cheer "as I was saying, since it is your last day, the school requires me to play this video about foot-fall point, which I'm sure none of you have seen before." The professors voice was heavy with sarcasm as he started the film. The film opens to a shot of a destroyed city, buildings on fire an in ruins. The scene was utterly catastrophic, people could be seen jumping from burning office buildings as planes swooped over head, only to be met with a massive hand swatting them from the sky. The giant woman in her mid-30's. "This was what times were like just 100 years ago, at the discovery of the 50 foot tall people. Since the wars ending however, we have agreed to share this world" the narration was somber "the giant-human relation treaty established this treaty line," the camera showed several massive pillars, clearly made by the giants, connected by rope just as massive "and we have lived in peace ever since. Be warned though, if you step one foot into giant territory, you are not safe" The movie ended and the professor dismissed the class. Ben said goodbye to Jack and Jack headed home. He arrived home to no parents, typical for a Friday, as they each worked late. Jack quickly ate a small snack and dressed to impress.  "5:30, i should be there right on time" he smiled as he left his house and got in his truck and headed for foot-fall point.


As Jack pulled up to foot-fall point, he couldnt help but note the erieness of his surroundings, a lone street lamp flickered at the edge of the parking lot, the shadows of the massive pillars and chain dull in the twilit sky. Jack turned his carr off and sat on the hood, thinking in scilence. after what seemed like hours, but was realy only 5 minutes a loud noise caused Jack to jump.

"oh thank goodness, its just my phone" He answered it.


"HEY! Jake its ben! listen, dont stay up there too long ya here, Not all giants are friendly."


"Ill be fine, ashley is just late is all, just stop worrying." Click. Jack hung up the phone. a rustling on the other side of the chain caught his attention, those trees were too short to hide a giant so what was going on, he wondered.


"ASHLEY!!!" He called, his voice echoing slightly. "Ashley if thats you out there its not funny, get back here before you are crushed!"


Absentmindedly, save for thinking of ashley, jack walked into the forest. He walked in a few steps "Ashley!?!" Nothing.


Jake turned to check behind him when a large force smacked him in the back, knocking him unconcious.

Chapter End Notes:

Hope you liked :)

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