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Stew from yesterday and two day old bread was the dinner of Interpol’s top agent Carmelita. With her job keeping her busy all day and taking her out of the country often, she didn’t have much in her home to eat. She was too tired to go out and pick someone up and even if she did have the energy, her tiny prisoner might cause some problems. All she wanted was a meal to fill her belly, what it was didn’t matter. The only thing she had on her mind was rather her dinner guest.

“Nothing like a beautiful woman’s home cooking,” Sly chirped as he dunked a crumb of bread into the swimming pool sized saucer of stew beside him. Carmelita didn’t respond. She gave Sly a sour look and ate her stew, not sure how exactly they went from him giving her a foot rub to sitting down to dinner together. Denying Sly food seemed cruel and she couldn’t take her eyes off him for a second. The only answer seemed to be to sit down together to eat like prisoner and keeper, but it was turning more into the one thing Carmeltia feared most of all.

“Wonderful dinner date Inspector. It’s always a pleasure to dine with such a gorgeous woman,” Sly politely commented as he took a big bite out of the bread and sat back to stare up at Carmelita. Scowling, Carmelita considered batting the minute thief away and wiping that smug look away. But she could, for the same reason she carried a shock pistol instead of a standard gun. She couldn’t bring herself to intentionally hurt a criminal without good cause. The fact that she might be attracted to Sly had nothing to do with it.
“May I ask you something Sly?” Carmelita said as she put down her spoon and stared at the tiny raccoon. The meal was hardly professional with Sly’s flirtatious attitude, so she might as well use it as an opportunity to get something strait that had been bugging her since her foot rub.

“Ask away,” Sly cheerfully told her, looking hard into her huge green eyes hanging directly above him. They almost looked like gems to the sneaky raccoon. He could look at them all day.

“I want to know why you’re acting this way?” Carmelita asked, getting a blank look from Sly. Sighing, she explained it, trying not to blush from her own words. “What I mean is, you are shrunken and completely at my mercy. I could do anything to you and no one would know. I could keep you for the rest of your life, enslave you under my foot or something just as worse, but all you do is smile and flirt with me. Aren’t you afraid about what I can do to you? I expected you to get angry when I refused to call your crew, but you just smiled. Why are you treating this like it’s some kind of….of…”

“Date?” Sly finished and Carmelita nodded quickly. The lure to do something to Sly in his weakened state had been tempting Carmelita all night. From doing something cruel to punish the thief for all the trouble he had caused her, like making him lick her sweaty feet or be crushed under her butt. To the more sultry desires to press her lips against his small body or let him roam over her naked body. These ideas had been going through her head all night and the more she was around Sly the less resistance she had. He had to see that and yet he was treating his situation like it was no big deal and looked at her with only affection. It confused the hell out of her.

“Well that’s simple Inspector Fox,” Sly said and then his whole demeanour changed. He no longer looked laid back or jovial. He was dead serious now, no more games and no more jokes. “It’s because I trust you.”

“Pardon me?” Carmelita blurted out, not knowing what the raccoon was saying. She chased him half way across the world, fought him at every turn of his career as a criminal and was actually the person responsible for him being shrunken down. You don’t trust a person that wants you locked away, it doesn’t make sense.

Sly ignored her, explaining it in detail for her so she could finally understand. “I trust you to do what’s right by your own moral code and by me. You’re not the type of woman that would torture anyone, you may tease and maybe punish, but you have too much compassion to ever really hurt them. Also, we might have our disagreements, but you can’t deny that you like me and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t feel the same. Maybe you could muster up the indignation to hate me if I was committing a crime, but I’m just a helpless raccoon right now. You won’t hurt me and even if you do give in to temptation and abuse me, I can take it. Best case scenario we have right now, you take care of me and maybe we see if size really matters in the bedroom. Worst case scenario, I spend sometime under your feet or your rump, which isn’t the worst thing that could happen to me.”

“Pervert,” Carmelita muttered under her breath and got a bright smile from Sly. The only part worse then the worst thing she could think of was something Sly might enjoy was that he was right. She didn’t have it in her to do anything completely wrong to him. However, she refused to let Sly play with her anymore. He might think he had her completely figured out, but she would just have to put it to the test how far she could go. She might not have it in her to torture him, but she would wipe that knowing smirk off the raccoons face one way or another.
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