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Pete sneezed and rubbed his eyes. There was tingling sensation all over his face which was giving him a reaction similar to hay fever. As soon as the light disappeared, he was instantly fine, after giving one last little sneeze.

"Jesus!" he said. "Mandy what the hell are you up to?" Pete opened his eyes and suddenly he a strong urge to throw up. Everything was now gigantic! The fibres on the carpet, of which spread out miles in front of him, rose halfway up to his shin. He noticed that he still had his shirt and trousers on. And his shoes. Had he shrunk? Did the world get bigger all of a sudden?

There was a booming sound and Pete looked up to see Mandy walk around the desk, spotted him on the floor and stood up straight. She put an object onto the desk, which rose up like a mile wide sky scraper on the right of little Pete. Pete noticed Mandy's smirk, her dimples cornered her mouth in a cute way. She lightly laughed as she waved her hair from her face, curling it behind her ears as she looked down at the tiny ex-employee, looking back at her from the carpet by her feet. She scrunched her toes in her shoes, slowly biting on her bottom lip as her mind began to race.

"Pete, Pete, Pete... If you just did what I asked, I wouldn't have to shrink you to..." She studied Pete. "Ooh about three quarters of an inch. Such a delicate size for a strapping young man!"

"MANDY! CHANGE ME BACK RIGHT NOW!" Pete shouted back at her. Pete began to move slowly backwards as Mandy began to shift her weight on her feet. Pete just couldn’t take in the gigantic size of his boss. There was no way he could ever defend himself while he was like this!

"I mean, anything could happen at your size..." Mandy continued, obviously not hearing the tiny man and bent down, lifted her right foot and took off her shoe. "You could get eaten..." Mandy threw away the shoe and took the other off. "You could get stood on..." She threw he shoe down on the floor. Pete couldn't believe what was going on as Mandy lifted her hands within her skirt and began to pull down her nylons. "You could lost forever..." She withdrew her feet and held the nylons in her right hand. "You could get used as a toy..." Mandy winked down at Pete.

Pete couldn't think fast enough as the giant wonder bitch walked quickly towards him, her bare feet booming on the carpet with each step and before he knew it, he watched as Mandy dropped onto her knees with a gigantic thud, casting a shadow over the little man, and he screamed as his boss reached out for him, fingers spread ready to wrap him into her fist. He began to turn to run away, but the colossal fingers did wrap around him, and roll him into a loose fist.

Again, before he knew what was happening, he felt his body drop in the air. 

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