[Reviews - 11] starstarstarstarhalf-starPrinter

Inspired by message board posts. Various shorts about big girls.

Rated: R
Categories: Couples , Crush, Feet, Gentle, Violent, Vore Characters: None
Growth: Mega (501 ft. to 5279 ft.)
Shrink: None
Size Roles: F/m
Warnings: This story is for entertainment purposes only.
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 18 Completed: Yes
Word count: 26715 Read: 293887
Published: September 13 2013 Updated: February 12 2019
Story Notes:

After browsing around a certain message board, I noticed many people were wishing for a giant girlfriend; it was annoying, and broke the flow of conversation. So, I whipped this up so that they'd stop complaining. After that, I kept writing based off ideas suggested there. Each short is independent from each other short, so feel free to read in any order, or just skip the ones that look stupid.


1. Origins by TFWNoGiantGF [Reviews - 9] starstarstarstarhalf-star (1331 words)

2. ROBOTS by TFWNoGiantGF [Reviews - 0] (1033 words)

3. And now one about shrinkies by TFWNoGiantGF [Reviews - 0] (777 words)

4. If Neckbeards Were Giant Girls (Or, now some wanton murder) by TFWNoGiantGF [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar (1153 words)

Ochiko's name belongs to himself. I have no rights to use it. He is a cool guy. Worship him.

5. Ice Cream by TFWNoGiantGF [Reviews - 0] (651 words)

6. The Distilled Essence of a Murderfag by TFWNoGiantGF [Reviews - 0] (662 words)

7. How to be Evil by TFWNoGiantGF [Reviews - 0] (988 words)

8. The Terror of the Bottle by TFWNoGiantGF [Reviews - 0] (512 words)

9. The Living City by TFWNoGiantGF [Reviews - 0] (1316 words)

10. Supah Urtora Mega Sonico-Chan Wa Chou-Ooki Desu Ne~ by TFWNoGiantGF [Reviews - 0] (1384 words)

11. Glorious China by TFWNoGiantGF [Reviews - 0] (856 words)



12. School's Out for Summer by TFWNoGiantGF [Reviews - 0] (1442 words)

13. MORE ROBOTS by TFWNoGiantGF [Reviews - 0] (2701 words)

Unrelated to chapter 2: ROBOTS


14. Carbon Footprint by TFWNoGiantGF [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarhalf-star (4570 words)

15. Canada by TFWNoGiantGF [Reviews - 0] (2499 words)

Happy 4th of July, everyone. A quickie.


16. Masochism by TFWNoGiantGF [Reviews - 0] (2478 words)

17. Fightan And Challengin by TFWNoGiantGF [Reviews - 0] (1284 words)

18. Hackers by TFWNoGiantGF [Reviews - 0] (1078 words)