Living in the world at only around 3 inches wasn't very enjoyable for John. The whole ordeal of people shrinking changed society over the course of time. Basically if you had the disease in you, you had a chance of shrinking and it could happen to anybody who had that in their body. But John wasn't alone, around half of the world's population was shrunk while the other half apparently were born lucky. But tiny people still had all the rights of any other person. Only downside was it often resulted in the govt. having to give them a job they could handle. Tiny phones, computers, clothes, everything was made for them. But the govt. feared simply separating the small people from the large would create a social barrier and the two sides would cease to communicate. So things like cars, and places of work were not made for the smaller people. Places like work desk, hospital beds, etc were placed in the larger buildings for the smaller workers. Most little people had to depend on someone larger to look out for them. Cures were being tested to fix and reverse the shrinking, but nothing yet seemed to be the answer.
John often sat at his desk in the college he attended, thinking about all that had passed over the past few years. His desk was one for the smaller students that sat alone side the larger desk for the normal sized people. Specially marked paths were put around the school for the shrunk who had no one bigger to assist them in getting around.
John's life played in his head, first his mother shrunk when he was just a freshmen in high school. She knew she had the disease in her but had hoped in would never become active. This resulted in his dad leaving her for a women his own size. John spent his high school years helping take care of his shrunken mother and spending time with his high school sweetheart Cindy. But John's senior year he shrunk too. Causing both him and his mom to live in a oversized home filled with smaller appliances.
Like his dad, his girlfriend also left. ''But Cindy nothing really has changes between us!'' John said while looking up at Cindy the night she came over to his place.
Looking up at his girlfriend while her massive body loomed over him made him fell insignificant, for a second he wondered how his mom had felt all these years having to look up to him and others as they talked and interacted.
''Yes things are different now John, I have my whole life ahead of me, I can't spend it consistently making sure I don't step on you. Also not to sound mean but your tiny, and that just isn't cute for me. I like big strong men. So this is goodbye.'' Cindy took of a ring John had bought for her as a anniversary present one year and placed it beside him. Which comically dwarfed his whole body. He could not even pick it up if he wanted to.
Before John could muster a reply while fighting back tears Cindy had already walked out the door. His mother who was in another room heard what Cindy had said. She couldn't hear John from the distance but it was almost impossible to not hear a normal sized person, some laws even made it illegal for a normal sized person to yell in public, for fear of damaging the shrunken people's ears.
John had already cried out by the time his mother reached him.
''You are better off, find yourself a girl your size, trust me John they are a lot more humble then these giants that feel they are above us.''
''I...I thought she loved me''
''They only love you if you don't shrink then they feel they need someone their own size to fill their needs.''
It was true, giant and tiny couples were rare. The only cases were a person stayed was if they were married and couldn't bare to leave their spouse. Even then things like cheating were rampant. Websites for giants with shrunken spouses to hook up were common, especially since it was hard for a shrunk person to find out. But some people claimed the shrunk experience was fun and loved dating smaller people although this was rare.
John's mind snapped back into focus from daydreaming when he heard he was paired with someone for the class project. The govt. encourage schools to do projects and pair the shrunk with the giants to keep down the level of division between them. John learned the name he was paired with was a girl named Kim.
As the names were called people would pick up their partners and place them on their desk to save time. John got a good look at Kim as she placed him on her desk. She looked Asian with black hair and red highlights, also she wore a ring in her lip.
John was getting very nervous, he imagined girls like these would be the ones that probably found videos of mistreated shrunken people as hot.
''So you are John, nice to meet you'' Kim said smiling down at him.
''N Nice meeting you too'' John said trying not to sound squeaky and weak. He wasn't the type of attention seeker someone like Kim was. John was more of your average joe, nothing really stood out about him. His outfits were mostly just a shirt and jeans.
''Aw don't be nervous hun, I have a sister who ended up shrunk too.''
''Oh okay, well I guess we should get started then.''
John and Kim made small talk as they worked.
''Hey are you single?'' Kim asked
John eyes lit up, he wondered where she was heading with this.
''Uh yes''
''You should meet my sis'' She is looking for a fellow little person like yourself.
''Oh what about you?'' John asked out of curiosity
''Eh I haven't found anybody yet. I think most guys around here don't go for my appearance''
After school Kim drove John over to her place as they left the campus. John called his mom and told her he would be a little late getting home that he had someone set him up with a shrunken girl too.
Sam was Kim's sister and she was eager to meet John since she got a call from Kim saying she had found her a date for the night.
Kim brought John inside her house as he lay in her hand. Sam was sitting at a tiny chair and table that sat on top of the normal dinning table in the house. A chair across from her was put at the other end of the table for John. Kim and their parents also joined them for dinner, since it really wasn't a date for John and Sam, just a get to know you thing.
As the night went on they talked about life and how things were getting better for the shrunken people. John cracked a joke that kinda just made Sam smile, but Kim was laughing to the point Sam and John had to cover their ears. Sam and Kim's parents decided to ask John some of his favorite hobbies.
''Uh well I can't really travel much, my mom is shrunk too so I don't really have a fast means of transport. I kinda just stay in my room and play video games or listen to music or something.''
''Oh I love to play games sometimes, and music is like my life'' Kim burst out right as Sam was about to comment. This made Sam smile to herself and she asked her sis to take her to the bathroom.
As they left the table and Kim felt they were far enough away John couldn't hear her if she whispered, she quizzed her sis for the news.
''So how do you like him? He is cute right?''
''Eh I mean he is alright I guess, I've seen better little guys honestly.'' Sam honestly answered.
''Oh come on I've been trying to find you that guy you have been asking for forever.'' Kim whined, disappointed she picked another bad date.
''Actually Kim you should go out with him, he seems more your type anyway.''
''What! Hahaha sis your joking right? You don't date a tiny unless your like married and don't want to leave them.''
''What you saying you won't date him just cause he is small? Will you someday stop calling me your sister cause I'm small?'' Sam said getting slightly upset.
''No No No it's not like that, I meant, I mean, listen it's like this.''
''Kim wake up, you haven't gotten close to finding someone at all, he makes you laugh and you obviously think he is cute, you said so yourself. Besides there is still that cure I know will come through someday to help all of us out.''
'' Your right Sam I just don't know how it will work out.''
''If your afraid people will tease you for having a little boyfriend then that's low sis.''
''No I know, it's just the size difference will feel weird.''
''You know I've read some women say their husband shrinking was the best thing ever. They loved having a little man all to themselves.'' Sam said with a smile as she pointed to a magazine that she had her parents flip open for her to read.
''Don't you need to use the bathroom?'' Kim asked while walking over and picking up the magazine in her free hand.
''No I made that up to talk to you, now check out those articles.''
Kim scanned over the articles. She read were a woman had a man who loved to paint her toe nails for her, and seeing him do that for her really made her crave him more in their relationship. One woman said her husband was still great in the bed even at his size. Kim gasped slightly.
''Sam what kind of stuff have you been reading?''
Sam laughed and her face turned red. ''Never mind just keep reading.''
Kim put her attention back on the article. Another woman loved to put her man in her boobs when she walked around the house and did her work. Kim looked down at her boobs which were actually pretty big, Sam always disliked that Kim had the D's when she only had a B sized bust.
''See you even got the right boobs for the job, Not fair you get to stay big and have big boobs too sis.'' Sam teased.
''Alright alright'' Kim said while putting the magazine down. ''I'll see how it works if he even wants to date me. He might like you''
''Yeah right, your the one with the rack''
''Oh stop it! My boobs are not that big.''
''Sis I'm like the size of one of your nipples. Don't be modest around me''
Both girls burst into laughter before returning to the table.
As dinner ended Kim took John home in her car, on the way there Kim decided to make her move.
''So how was dinner?''
''Great your parents really know how to cook''
''Thanks so um you and Sam''
''Oh yeah how did it go? Does she want a second date?''
''No she didn't really care for you sorry hun''
''It happens, I'll be fine. You seem nice Kim, too bad your not my size like your sister.''
''Who says size has to stop two people?''
John's heart began to speed up. He thought for a second Kim was flirting with him but he wasn't sure.
''I guess nothing, you just don't hear about it working out often is all. I don't have anything against big people. I mean you are pretty and'' John caught himself as he let that slip out.
''Aw thank you'' Kim teased in a excited voice. John's face began to turn red, he never dreamed of flirting with a Godzilla sized girl. Let alone go out romantically with one.
''Here we are I'll carry you to your door step.'' Kim said while picking John up in the passenger seat. There was a smaller door built into the larger one she placed John down in front of.
The feeling began to sink in for Kim again. John looked like a bug at her feet, But she was determined to give it a shot.
''I'll give you my number and you can call me if you want to go out sometime.''
''Uh...Okay'' John said. As he added her number into his phone.
''I'll call you then'' John said trying to be confident around this massive girl.
''Cool, so uh see ya.'' Kim said before walking back to her car. Her foot made the ground shake just enough for John to feel as she walked off.''
John entered his house and found his mom wide awake waiting for the details.
''Soooo who is the lucky little lady?''
John laughed slightly and rubbed the back of his neck.
''It's big lady, mom.''