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Then check with your Tiny as to how he would prefer to face the final part of his experience. A Tiny may prefer to be slowly spooned onto your awaiting tongue; or he may prefer to be lifted up a little above your mouth level, held in finger and thumb while you tilt back your head and open your mouth wide and put out your tongue. Try to hold both him and your tongue in this position for several seconds.


Let him look first onto the outstretched sparkling tongue, which awaits him, and then deep into your mouth, to whatever view of your throat he can recognise. The time spent gazing at such a view will excite even the most reluctant living lunch you could ever capture and eat. When the view has been shown long enough, slowly lower your tiny onto your tongue, ideally head first and face down, and draw him into your mouth. This next technique applies to all recipes, let him lie on your tongue for several seconds. This gives you a chance to savour and enjoy his tasty food. It also gives him a chance to feel the touch of your tongue on his face, arms, chest and legs. Finally it gives him a last reality check, leaving him no doubt about the fact that he is already inside your mouth, and can be drawn into your throat in a second, with a gulp which is a small gesture for you and an unstoppable force to him.


After several minutes of resting your Tiny on your tongue, give a slight movement with it, and then gulp your Tiny into your throat. Let him remain in your throat for a while. This is why it was important to let him watch all the previous gulping movements made by your throat (from the outside view of your neck) when you were eating the salad, several minutes before you started on him. At the time you were eating the salad, he might well have thought ahead in anticipation of how he would feel being gulped down your throat whole, in a similar manner. Now that he has reached the stage of being trapped inside your throat, with all hopes of you making any last minute decisions to open your mouth and spare him, he may well be recalling the views of your gulping neck, which he had previously witnessed.


Enjoy any struggles he makes, and then gulp again, until you no longer feel his presence. Patting your tummy as a farewell gesture might well show him a final example of your non-verbal communication skills after you have swallowed him.





Place a tiny boy into a partly filled small saucepan or low pan. Make sure that he can either stand up to his neck in it or sit comfortably with his head above water. Stay at the saucepan at all times, and have the stove ring set on the lowest setting. This enables your Tiny to watch you and also to tell you the moment he is becoming too warm.


Sprinkle herbs on your Tiny and stir periodically with a wooden spoon.


When your Tiny is warm enough to remove, have a ladle or large spoon on hand, so long as either one has holes to drain the water. Any temperature which has not burnt the Tiny will be equally comfortable to your own fingers. However, a kitchen serving implement such as a ladle or strainer spoon will look more suitable and even thrilling to your Tiny. Take him to the table and repeat the eating techniques mentioned in previous sections and gobble him whole.


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