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Author's Chapter Notes:

Wow, it's been a while but I thought that I should probably get back into writing. I'm not going to overdo myself this time which means hopefully I won't burn out and stop writing for several months. But anyway, I like this chapter as it has many aspects I enjoy. WARNING SCAT

Kate continued to writhe and squirm within the depths of her little sisters stomach, banging and screaming on the slimy walls hoping for someone to hear her. Or at the very least for Rebecca to vomit her out. She was still trying to rap her head around what happened to her and how she got in this impossible predicament. Was she seriously inside her own little sister's stomach right now? How? Did Stacy do this to her?

These internal questions were interrupted as her tight confines continued to groan and move jolting the tiny woman back and forth ironically making her want to empty the contents of her own stomach. As she tried desperately to cling to the sides of the stomach she was knocked back and forcefully submerged under the thick bog. The disgusting combination of half eaten baby food and saliva sticking in her hair and clothes, making it almost impossible to successfully swim. Flailing her arms she pulled herself above the surface before once again sinking under. If this continued for much longer she'd surely drown long before ever being digested. 

However, as soon as that dreaded thought crossed her mind she noticed a sickening smell fill the chamber. The heavy, nauseating smell of vomit as well as a sudden change in the feel of her surroundings told Kte everything sh needed to know. She was being digested. This sudden realisation spurred a new desire to live and Kate started pounding upon the stomach walls, screaming her lungs out for anyone to hear her. However, the little air that was inside the stomach was now mixing in the the stomach contents creating a barely breathable, acidic smog. 

Coughing heavily, Kate found it hard to continue struggling as both her muscles and skin started burning but for very different reasons. She was about to give up and allow the swamp of her sisters stomach to take her as its own but as she closed her eyes the entire world started shaking violently. It felt as if she was in a water bed that was going through an earthquake.

"Hey, sweetie-peetie" Jane whispered as she gently lifted her sleeping child up to her chest. She loved holding babies when they were sleeping since they looked so adorable and peaceful.

Jane continued to talk to the unconscious child while Kate heard every word (Albeit a little distorted) within her prison. Her mother was holding Rebecca and this was her last chance to get rescued if she could just get her mother to hear her cries. Finding the last of her energy she banged on the muscly sac and screamed, not caring about the burning in her throat and lungs as she inhaled the acidic atmosphere. She might get lucky and Rebecca will be sick, if she could just upset her stomach a bit.

Unfortunately, at an inch in size Kate wasn't having any sort of effect on the child's stomach and her desperate screams couldn't even travel through the stomach walls. The gooey mass around her made more of an impact then the shrunken girl's attacks who was quickly silenced anyway by the whole world shaking once more. Kate was dragged repeatedly under the sea of half digested baby mush and was finding it more difficult to return to the surface.

Jane was rocking Rebecca back and forth, making soft shushing sounds and she walked around the room. She kind of wished Rebecca would wake up just so she would have a reason to comfort the crying child. As she walked around a slight noise caught her attention emanating from the babies stomach. Putting her ear to the stomach she could hear the groaning of Rebecca's belly as the creamed food was slowly sloshing and digesting. Not wanting to make her precious baby girl sick, she put her back into her crib and silently left the room. Abandoning Kate to her painful fate.

For Kate the noise was more than a subtle groan. It was a thunderous rumble coming from all around her as the stomach compressed and squeezed her in an effortless attempt to move the food around. Her cries and struggles were completely inaudible when compared to the everyday noises that the small childs intestines made. And as the sea of thick, burning goo grew more and more acidic Kate found herself unable to continue her pathetic resistance.

Her skin was itching furiously now that she had remained trapped within the toddlers stomach for a good twenty minutes. Kate had completely given up any attempts to escape and simply waited for her inevitable fate to arrive but unfortunately for her the child's stomach was not a master at digesting solids such as her older sister. It had only ever come across soft creams and liquids and so the digestive enzymes were having a somewhat difficult time dissolving the older girl. This resulted in Kate being pushed back and forth in a giant, humid cave, constantly on the verge of drowning with her skin now only slightly burning.

Her clothes were almost completely gone by this point with the only thing left being a tattered pair of pink, striped underwear. All her other garments had either been soaked so thick that they were wieging Kate down too much or had been dissolved enough to be ripped off by the moving current. This left Kate's exposed skin to redden and burn as it fared only marginally better than the cheap fabric. Had she inspected her body, she would have also noticed that her hair was stiffening and falling out as her scalp dried and her face blistered. The only thing protecting her fragile eyes were her burning eyelids. Her body would not be able to survive this attacking for too much longer.

However her torment was about to get far worse as the stomach suddenly gave several violent lurches and began squeezing in a rhythmic and purposeful way. Even though she could see nothing Kate could tell that she was being moved to somewhere and had a strong feeling she knew what was happening. The digested food was now being pumped into the intestines to be absorbed into the young girls body and the process was taking Kate along with it. She ultimately knew that this was going to happen, that she was going to be killed and absorbed into her younger sisters body but the act of it actually happening in slow motion was almost a surreal experience, if it wasn't a most horrifying one.

It felt almost like being pushed down a playground tunnel, except instead of cold, hard plastic for walls there were warm, soft bumps rubbing up against her naked body and coating it in what felt like a thin layer of dish washing liquid. Her body became slippery and the painful blistering and scaring that was destroying her skin and features calmed down. Whatever that film was that covered her body, it countered the acidic sludge that was now pouring in from stomach.

Being pushed through the pulsating tunnels the digested food gave the feeling of being submerged in very wet cement that stuck to her body and prevented her from escaping the mass as it traversed Rebecca's small intestines. It took all of the tiny girls efforts to not suffocate as she constantly pushed and wiped the oozing mass from her head and face. Unfortunately her arms could only remove so much of the conglomerate before more was forced upon her, pouring down her throat and slowly filling up her stomach.

Being forced fed the half digested mass from her baby sister was not the worse part about this however as the muck contained a large amount of alkaline. This filled up her acidic stomach causing a sicking and unnatural feeling as her body was attacked from the inside out. However, even though she had to consume large amounts of barf and bile she was at least able to breath enough to survive.  Though that doesn't mean that  there was actually air to breath in the intestines. The atmosphere was thick with the most vile stench which felt like the air itself was made of vomit. The heat, the stench and the movement created a synchronized and unique feeling of nausea as her lungs and stomach both cried out in protest as they were forced to take in the filth.  

With little oxygen to support her vital systems Kate felt her head get light and knew she was going to pass out soon. She was amazed that she had made it this far but her body had finally reached it's limit. Curling up in a fetal position within the encroaching mass of bile and semi-digested baby food, Kate covered her face with her hands and slipped into unconsciousness.

She woke some time later still surrounded by thick darkness, and deafening, organic sounds. Trying to move Kate found that it was almost impossible as the ooze had now gone full cement encasing her within. The surrounding mass was hard and thick and no longer burned her now peeling skin. She didn't know how she survived but she could tell that her body had still paid a price and she could not move nor feel an arm and half her face felt funny. Numb, as if she had slept on it for days.

Slowly pulling herself from the dominant pilled Kate could tell that she was no longer within the fleshy tube and felt as if she was within a giant cave of sac. Inhaling a single breathe Kate doubled over in agony as her lungs clenched in repulsion. There was even less oxygen  then there was before and the air was purely toxic. The smell was so strong that it overwhelmed her mental state and it took her several second simply to muster up the strength to regain control of her lungs.

She was trapped within Rebecca's colon, and what was surrounding her was her own baby sisters crap, the air being composed mainly on nitrogen, hydrogen and carbon dioxide with only a few percentage of the atmosphere being free oxygen. Kate was lucky that there was any oxygen at all as that was the only thing keeping her body alive at this point and she relished in the idea that she might actually escape this prison and survive. Of course her experience here had left her with physical and mental scars that would never heal but she would still survive.

Crawling along the 'ground' Kate had no idea what she was looking for or what she was going to run into. As she moved  faecal matter rubbed and forced its way in to her open blisters and into body, causing mass infection which would kill her without immediate attention. However, finally she came to what felt like a wall which extended up into the 'sky'. Not knowing what she was doing in her delirious state she started banging on the wall, calling out to Stacy to let her out.

Rebecca was laying in bed still, her small tummy now empty of all of its food and her baby bottom now filled with poop ready to come out. Suddenly she felt a painful urge deep within her gut causing the young girl to open her eyes and cry out in unhappiness. Her powerful bowels now activating and working furiously.

For Kate it was like an act of god. The entire land was moving and shaking as the ground itself felt like it collapsing and changing. She had no idea what was happening and bent down in fright as the world around her shook. Unable to prevent it, Kate simply screamed as the land churned and she was mushed along with in. Kate knew that this was her only way out but didn't want to die this close to freedom. All she had to do was stay on the surface a little longer as she was let out of this hell hole. 

However, her puny struggles were no match for the planetary colossal as it consumed her feet then her body and finally her head. It was as if she was trapped within a warm, thick landslide of mud as it coated her body and covered her from head to toe. She was powerless to stop the divine judgement of Rebecca's bum and she was cemented within the poop of her baby sister.

The 'giant' mass of pumped out of Rebecca's ass and slowly filled up her diaper, her bowels emptying and freeing up more and more space. Stacy was the first to arrive upstairs, much to Jane's confusion as she didn't know her daughter was so caring of her little sister. Stacy picked up her crying sibling and carried her over to the changing table. She was able to smell the stench as soon as she entered the room and actually pitied her now dead sister. What a horrible way to go, Stacy thought to herself as she gave a wicked smile.

Pulling off the diaper, Stacy set it down on the table and got and popsicle stick from the jar to dig through the contents. She almost puked several times but she wanted to see the remains of her former sister and maybe even keep the bones as a trophy. However, as she dug and inspected she couldn't find any trace of Kate anywhere and was sad to conclude that her worthless sister must have been completely dissolved within her Baby sister. Throwing the diaper in the bin she cleaned up Rebecca and gave her a new diaper before picking her up and bringing her downstairs.

However, Stacy's conclusion was dead wrong. Not only had Kate not been digested but she was still alive. Rolling over, Kate managed to burrow out of the thick mound that encased her and reach open space once more. She had almost been crushed under in unstoppable mass of shit but her lucky streak long today. However, looking around she was not where she expected. She thought that after being pooped out she'd be in a diaper or at the very least a bin but it seemed that nothing had changed. 

It was still as dark before and the smell of crap was still heaving within the (Albeit a percentage of what it use to be) and most of all the organic sounds of churning, blorping and rhythmic thumping were still strongly present. It was undeniable to say that Kate was still trapped within her sisters colon. she must have been trapped within a pile of faeces that was towards the back of her bowels and had not yet vacated. That meant that she was completely trapped in here with a giant crap barrier blocking her only exit.

Rebecca's colon had truly become her prison and home.

Chapter End Notes:

Well, tell me what you think. If you like this stuff tell me. If you don't like this stuf then you didn't read the warning at the top. But I'll stiill read you comment. I don't know when I'll write again but hopefully it'll be shortly.

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