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Stacy was sitting in her room with the strange device in her hand thinking about how she was going to use it. It had been several days after she had discovered the gun and had disposed of a whole group of people. It was funny, she was getting into the habbit of checking all of her bowel movements to see if she could find a trace of what was once a full working cop car or its two inhabitants. However she had no such luck and she figured her body must have digested them fully.

With a few days gone after that, Stacy thought there would be some kind of police investigation going throughout the town trying to find this magical piece of equipement. Either the organisation who owns the gun doesn't know it is being held within the town or they are conducting the investigation super secretly so no one finds out. She guessed it was probably the latter and knew she had to play things cool if she wanted to keep her toy and fulfil her plans

Her plans, anyway, weren't very complicated or bold like world domination or anything. She figured she might try that when she was a little older. No, right now she just wanted to use the gun to enhance the fun she could have with people and maybe get back at people she didn't really like. But in order for her to do that she needed to understand this weapon and what exactly it was capable of.

Despite the fact that it had only been a few days, Stacy had learned a lot about the gun (which she dubbed "shrink ray" for obvious reasons) and about the features it had. Located on the side was a switch, a nob and a small panel which she had successfully figured out the se of each of these.

The switch was pretty basic in the it determines if you want to shrink an object or grow and object. If the swtich is one the blue marker the object shrink and if it is one the red, grows. She had found this out by shrinking objects around the house like remotes, toys and even Kates mp3 player which is still missing to this day. 

The nob is a little harder to use as it controls the rate of shrinking/growing. The more that it is turned clockwise the greater the size change and vise versa. Stacy couldn't determine what the highest setting was but there is a point that when she turned the nob anti clockwise enough and shot a barbie doll it shrank microscopically immediantely. She counted herself lucky she didn't have the setting on grow because who knows how big the object could have become.

The panel was really hard to figure out becuase she often tested objects that were really close to her and so this function was useless. But finally she realized that it controlled the accuracy of the gun. This meant that if she aimed it at a house with low accuaracy she could shrink the entire building but if it had high accuracy it might only shrink the door nob. After finding this out Stacy thought of just how useful this feature could be.

The last feature was located on the side of the gun but on top of it in the ofrm of a small screen that pops out. This screen was really easy to figure out its use in that it helps the user to aim, and in the strangest way possible. Stacy couldn't find out how it did it but when she looked through the screen at specific objects they would like up and become the targets to shoot. This allowed Stacy to shoot things from distances that she wouldn't be able to aim at and yet still target a persons pen in their hand with perfect accuracy.

Stacy continued to stare at the device when she heard a knock on the door rapidly bringing her back to reality. Not wanting the device to be found she quickly shoved it under her pillow and said "what?" Amy walked in dressed in a school uniform with her bag on.

"Kate wants to know what's taking you so long. You're going to be late for school if you don't hurry up"

"Well tell Kate to mind her damn business, I'll be ready when i'm ready" With that Amy left the room and Stacy got ready to go to school.

She had been looking at that gun for almost an hour and she hadn't even realized how much time had gone by. After about two minutes of packing her back she was getting her school uniform on when there was a bang at her door. In frustration she yelled "what!". Through the door came Kate who was wearing her usual blue jeans and black to with an angry look on her face.

"What's taking you so long? Everyone just left to go to the bus and you're still here and haven't even put your shoes on!"

"I was busy doing other things" Stacy yelled before turning around and pushing the gun into the bag so Kate didn't notice it. She got a fright when Kate grabbed her hair and thought that she had been found out.

"Have you even had a shower yet?"

"Yes" she lied. "Now leave me alone, I'm almost ready! God, get off my back will you?"

"What is your problem? With the way you're getting ready you are definitely going to miss the bus which mean, guess what? I'm going to have to drive you and do you think i want to have to waste fuel to drive you everywhere?"

"God, shut up. You aren't Mum!" Stacy was really tempted at this point to just pull out the gun and shrink Kate down to size but knew if someone went missing then there would be an investigation that she didn't want.

"You are such a spoiled brat, you know that? You have ten minutes to get ready otherwise you grounded for a week. I'll be waiting in the car" and with that Kate slammed the door shut and walked down stairs.

Stacy continued to look at the door with a hateful look in her eyes. Even though sh didn't shrink her now she definitely wanted to fit it into her plans later on. Shoving her school books into her bag she bashed open her door and walked to Kate's car. The drive to school was uncomfortable and tense with both girls mentally fuming at the other and when they made it to school Stacy ripped open the door and tomped away.

Even though she missed the bus she was actually earlier than the rest of her family and so decided to walk around. HEading towards her classroom she ran into her favorite victim Micheal Munchkin (Yes, that's his real name) who actually had the unfortunate luck of being short for his being. He was in fact a good two inches shorter than Stacy and his height often led to teasing and bullying.

Walking through the corridor she saw that he had a drink in his hand and was getting something out of a locker. With quick speed and perfect accuracy Stacy leaned into his drink, Spat a fat loogie into it and walked away without anyone noticing. Not wanting to be caught she didn't stick around to see if he would drink it but was still proud of her accomplishment. Micheal was also a person who was on Stacy's list of victims she would use the shrink ray on but didn't know what she would do with him.

Finally the bell rang and everyone headed to their class including Stacy who didn't want to get in trouble again. Her teacher was a pretty young woman named Miss Treble and was actually a nice person, albeit strict. If you were good you would get along with her just fine but she could turn on you in a second if you misbehaved. This was clearly shown everytime Stacy would open her mouth or do anything Wrong causing Miss Treble to transform from her sweet personality to monsterous.

However, today Stacy just wanted to keep a low profile and think about what she would do with her shrink ray- who would be her next victim. She was considering her possibilities when she felt a strong build up in her abdomen and knew she needed to fart real bad and was happy that she was able to play the game. This game she made up was between her and the person who had to sit next her her, Micheal. The point of the game was for her to lean over a bit and fart in his direction without anyone knowing or seeing her, well, except him of course.

Micheal knew that it was her but also knew that he couldn't really do anything about it. Stacy, and her manipulative words, had explained to him how he was already picked on enough for his name and height. If he added the fact that he was being tortured by some girls farts he would really be picked on, probably for the rest of his public school day. And so he simply had to put up with it everytime Stacy wanted to play this trying desperately to make it look like it didn't effect him, even though it was obvious it did.

Stacy began to squeeze her gut and she was excited when she heard a slight groan coming from Micheal, he had obviously seen her doing that and knew what was coming. Not wanting to disappoint she leaned to her side so casually it just looked like she was repositioning herself and released her butthole ever so slightly. She felt the gas escape her in an inaudible hissing motion and  when she was finished she sat back up and peeked over at Micheal. He was trying to do his best to cover his nose without actually looking like he was doing so and was ultimately failing. Stacy loved how she could bring so much misery with a teeny tiny fart.

Then she thought about how great it would be to use that as a weapon to terroize people using the shrink ray. If she shrunk someone small enough her butt would be the most horrible torture ever and she knew the perfect person to test this on- Micheal. Turning her head to the side she smiled at Micheal who looked incredibly nervous by her look and quickly looked away.

Finally the class came to an end and it was time for recess. Everyone packed up their things and headed outside to enjoy the warm sunny day however Stacy was called back to class by Miss Treble. Shutting the door she walked back to her desk and sat down facing Stacy.

"Well, Miss Haven, I Trust you have finshed the assignment that you were asked to redo?" Stacy had completely forgotten about this assignment and hadn't even started it.

"Oh, yeah, that thing? Of course i've finished. Here" She reached into her back and pretended to look around then turned back to the teacher with a fake worried expression "Damn, Miss, I think I forgot it at home. If i could just have one day I'll totlally be able to bring it in tomorrow"

Miss Treble looked at her for a few seconds then bluntly said "No, you fail the assignment" Miss Treble turned back to her papers and began writing "Your parents will recieve a phone call and you'll have to do the assignment anyway but without receiving marks"

"That's totally unfair!" Stacy yelled

"Unfair? You cheated off of you classmates and yet you were still given a second chance and then you still came short and refused to do the assignment" Miss Treble was in her angry mode now but Stacy didn't care. If she failed anymore assignments she would get in serious trouble.

"But I did do the assignment I just forgot it at home" Stacy was furious at this point.

"Don't lie to me! That is the same excuss you use everytime you don't hand in an assignment. I've had it with you. If i don't fail you know you never learned and you'll -" Miss treble never finished her statement because Stacy had pulled out the ray gun and shot the teacher squarely in the chest.

The look on Miss Treble's face was priceless as she saw herself getting smaller and smaller and Stacy getting bigger and bigger unitl the chair she was sitting on was like a gigantic landscape. Stacy continued holding the trigger and felt her anger pouring out of her and into Miss treble until she finally let go and stopped the shrinking.

Walking over to the chair she looked on it to try and see if she could find the teacher which she finally did. Even though she was wearing a blue uniform and the chair was black it was still very hard to spot the now miniscule woman who looked as if she was running.

"Oh, now aren't you the most pathetic thing I have ever seen? A tiny little bug teacher trapped by the big, bad Stacy. Now, I can't have you ringing my mum and telling her all these lies, now can I? But what should I do with you that would really show how small and useless you are?" Just then she heard her stomach grumble again and she knew the perfect way to punish her once-was-teacher.

Turning around, Stacy positioned herself over the shrunken teacher and carefully lowered her school shorts wearing butt onto her. For Miss Treble it was the scariest sight she had ever seen as Stacy's arse filled the entire sky and continued to fall towards her. Waving her hands into the air the tiny teacher was screaming her lungs out.

"Please Stacy! Don't do this, I swear i won't fail you! Pleeeaaassee" She continued screaming until Stacy's bottom made touch down with the chair.

Of course Miss Treble wasn't dead as Stacy had deliberately Positioned herself so that the mincrobe woman would be trapped between her butt crack. And at her size her amount of room within the crack of a thirten year old girl was ginormous. Miss Treble was trembling on her knees waiting to die until she finally realized that she wasn't going to be crushed. Standing up she looked around but couldn't see anything in the pitch black darkness and the smell of Stacy's school shorts filed the air.

Then Stacy pressed her gut sharply and heard the ripping fart escape her bowels and, what she could guess, blasting the teacher under her. Stacy wasn't wrong when she imagined it would blast Miss Treble who was now being thrown through the air by the force of the gas. Clutching her ears, Miss Treble Thought her ears drums were going to burst and her skin would burn off from the heat being produced.

The fart wasn't actually that large but would have been enough to clear out a small room of people. For the tiny woman it was enough to disturb her senses until even when the farting stopped the teacher still felt like she was being flown through the air and her ears continued to ring painfully. The shock of the gas was so immense that Treble hadn't even noticed the smell until everything stopped, then she noticed how she was no longer breathing any form of oxygen but some horrible combination of methane hydrogen.

Stacy continued to sit on the teacher for a little while longer and preoccupied herself by looking on the table at what the teacher was doing. On the table just so happen to be the marking for the assignment with a large zero next to Stacy's name. Picking up Miss Trebles pen she neatly wrote a one and a zero next to that to give herself a clear mark of one hundred.

"Why thankyou Miss, I knew that you would see my way sooner or later and realize just how much of a brilliant stutdent I am" she mockingly said looking down at her butt. 

Finally she decided it was time to let the bug girl out of her gas field before she suffercated, after all she had a better way of disposing of the teacher. Getting up off of the chair she looked down on it and tried to find the tiny blue dot which indicated her teacher. Finally she found it barely moving and appeared to be either unconscious of unable to move properly.

This fear was soon gone when the tiny girl Got up on her feet and attempted to limp away from the Gigantic Stacy who had almsot destroyed her entire body. Because of Stacy she could no longer hear things properly (only a ringing in the ears) and her sense of balance and vision were way off. The sight of her teacher limping away from her brought a large smile to Stacy's face who picked the shrink ray back up.

"Man, Miss treble it must really stink being on that chair. Even if I got off the seat I'm sure there is still a smelly fog surrounding you. Well, that fog is about to get a whole lot bigger." Pointing the gun at Miss Treble Stacy used high accuracy and locked onto the shrunken girl before firing.

It was amazing to watch the girl shrink even more then she was before and when Stacy finally let go of the trigger the girl was nowhere to be seen. Of course using the screen on the gun allowed her to see the shrunken girl as it was set on high accuracy. Right now the teacher was trapped in what appeared to be a jungle of fibre which Stacy guessed was the chair fibres.

For the teacher it was the worst exereince ever. Even though her sight was foggy she could still tell when the landscape transformed into and dense forest of strange ropes. The worst thing was that the smell of Stacy's fart was even stronger now as the gas was imbedded within the fibres themselves. Not something a normal sized person could detect but at her size it was the only thing she could breathe.

Then the sky began to darken the heavens were changed from Stacy's godlike image to an omnious black hole which stretch and covered everything. Stacy had placed her nostril on the chair around the area that the teacher had shrunk and blocked her other nostril created a pressurized chamber. Then with deliberate softness she sucked in through her nose and almost felt the micro size dust particles entering her body. Her teacher was now a part of that of dust particles and she would share the same fate as they did trapped within Stacy's body.

Lifting her nose off of the chair she checked with the gun once more but couldn't find the tiny little teacher anywhere. She imagined her drowning in a see of Stacy's snot or even being forced down into her lungs where she would be used like oxygen or whatever the lungs did, Stacy thought. Finally, rubbing her nose with a triumphant grin she packed the gun away in her bag and left the room to enjoy the sunny day. 

Chapter End Notes:

I am really enjoying this and have a few more ideas for Stacy. let me know how you are enjoying it.

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